
the killer

It was dark around 1 am I was looking for people to kill it was not really easy to find people. Maybe I have to go to a athletes club so I just can sneak in people's houses like when a window is open that i can easily get to it. When I was thinking I saw a guy in a black hoodie. I thought 'this is my chance so I did walk behind him like just a normal person then I did get my knife out of my pocket and attack him. But he did block me I was thinking 'how dare you '. Then he got his knife out of his pocket. I was like hold on a second since when does people cares knives around. I was like ooohhh no I can't get a scratch.

I was looking at him to see if I can see his weak spot but it surprised me he doesn't have a weak spot. We where standing there with our knifes in our hands. In the corner of my eye I saw somebody looking. So I did rushed to the man that was looking at us I saw the fear in his eyes and I just stand there for a second when the guy rushed behind me and killed the man. I was standing there in shook. He said 'if you did wait to long he did run and I don't like running so much'. I said 'I was looking in his eyes because I love to see the fear in people's eyes when I kill them but you stole my kill'. He was laughing and said 'then you should have been faster'. I was angry because he just stole my kill right for my face. He said 'my name is Hunter I call myself that what about you'. i said 'nightmare' he laughs and said 'why that name'.

I said 'because i kill people at night and the think it's a nightmare then' good point he said. he said 'I think i don't need to tell you why i call myself hunter' I said 'no need for that I understand it' he laughs so did I. then he markt the man with his name 'hunter' quick i did take the knife and did write 'nightmare'' He said 'hé you didn't even kill him' I said 'I did distracted him' he said 'good point' He said 'I will meet you at the restaurant at 8 pm' which one I asked he said 'killer hunter' I said alright. It was the next day and I watched the morning news 'It seems like there is not 1 killer but 2, it seens like they are working together' 'nightmare and the hunter people you have to be more careful at night' then the news was over you was thinking about your appointment with the hunter at 8 pm by hunter killer.

You got happy when you thought about it. you did your usual stuff like : go to the supermarket, make food and just looking on my phone. When the time gos by. it was around 7 pm and your making yourself ready. I was going to the restaurant at 7:30 pm when you was there at the restaurant the guy was waiting for the door. He looked handsome and cute he said 'should we' I said 'yes' right away.