
My Crime

So I told you I got a dark life. So you sold know I am a psychopath. Like I said i want to laugh when somebody die. most of the time I kill the people in the city but nobody knows it. My first time I killed someone I was laughing and screaming I was at a place then where nobody comes. So it was a good chance to kill someone so I did I liked it to see the fear in her eyes I did really loved it. It was a good moment for me but not for her I guess. The day after I kill the woman I felled happy when I saw it on the news I was so proud of myself the said it was a professional but I was just a noob. I was smiling like crazy it makes me feel really good.

but the last month I noticed that there where more murders that I didn't do. I was thinking 'how tried to beat me to have the most kills in this city'. Most I killed like 2 people in a week but yeah I guess it need to be more to protect my name of the greates and best killer 'nightmare' in the city.

I just need to find new victims how are weak and can't defend them self but the last month is getting more difficult more people don't walk anymore on the streets because they are scared most of the time I just kill people that are drunk.

(I just need to find just the person how tried to beat me no matter what)

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