
My Stepsister Is My Mate

From the very beginning, Rufus Carter was in love with Leanor Ford. At the age of seventeen, Rufus was already known for his towering height, costly lifestyle, and aloof attitude. Unfortunately, Rufus was left motherless at an early age, and this year, his father decided to remarry, making Leanor's mother his new stepmother. As if fate wanted to play a twisted game, Rufus turned eighteen and found out that Leanor was his mate - adding a new level of complexity to their already complicated situation. The fact that his stepsister was his mate left Rufus stunned.

favy_writes8 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Episode 13

The next day, in the early morning, the big field was already bustling with people. Conversations filled the air as everyone gathered in groups, eagerly awaiting the commencement of the first test.

Today marked Leanor's first opportunity to embark on a journey in search of homeless werewolves, and she was filled with anticipation. Curiosity got the better of her as she turned to Raina and asked, "What is it like in the forest? Is it dangerous? Are there wild werewolves or other animals?"

Raina reassured her, saying, "It's not too bad. While there are still some werewolves that have gone wild, there are forest guides who ensure our safety. If we find ourselves in danger with the wild wolves, they will come to our aid. However, we haven't encountered any such situations yet."

Upon hearing this, Leanor instinctively tightened her grip on her skirt. Sensing her unease, Raina comforted her like an older sister, saying, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you. There's no need to be afraid." The two exchanged smiles.

Just as Alice was about to interject, the sound of rapid gongs and drums echoed around them. All eyes turned towards the source of the sound, only to find the Dean standing on a raised platform.

Dressed in a white robe adorned with dragon patterns, the Dean exuded an air of tranquility.

Despite appearing to be in his forties, he possessed an aura reminiscent of an emperor. Beside him, a bass drum sounded, emanating the rhythmic sound.

"Students, the two-day first test is about to commence. Over the next two days, you must work together with your companions to locate and subdue the homeless werewolves. Return here after two days, as there will be a reward for the winning team." The Dean paused, his eyes scanning the field.

"That will be all. Goodluck out there werewolves. "

With his announcement concluded, the base drum beside him emitted a low drumming sound. The students began to make their way towards the distant forest, most of them choosing to journey together.

The students proceeded towards the distant forest in a single file, with most of them walking together.

Upon entering the forest, Leanor discovered a series of large rocks positioned along the forest's boundary near the school. These rocks stood at a height of approximately twelve meters and had a width of two meters, resembling a high tower in their towering presence. As the students passed through these rocks, a peculiar disturbance could be felt in the surrounding air.

Leanor, accompanied by Alice and Raina, ventured further west into the forest. The path grew increasingly challenging as they delved deeper into the woods.

In fact, there was no discernible path at all. Tall grass covered the ground, some of which reached up to their waists. The forest floor was littered with numerous branches and decaying leaves, impeding their progress and causing them to move at a slow pace.

"Hey, we've been walking like this for a while now. When do you think we would start see them?"

Leanor asked, placing her hand on her hips as she addressed Raina and Alice.

"Leanor, we've only been walking for half an hour. Trust me, it won't be until the afternoon that we have a better chance of finding them," Raina responded, prompting Leanor to nod in return.

The three of them fell into a contemplative silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they continued their journey.

After noon, the trio took a break to eat and rest before resuming their expedition. Not long after, they heard boisterous laughter emanating from up ahead.

The three of them exchanged glances, and Raina was the first to dash towards the source of the commotion.

Alice attempted to stop her. "Raina, don't go looking for trouble."

"Relax," Raina replied, undeterred as she continued her sprint.

Helplessly shaking her head, Alice had no choice but to follow suit.

Taking cover behind a dense bush, the three of them observed four boys clad in red robe with three patterns, encircling a motionless boy wearing a plain robe, engaged in a conversation of sorts.

"What should we do with him?" one of the slightly overweight boys questioned.

"Something painful that he won't soon forget," chimed in a tall and slender boy.

The others nodded in agreement.

"This Rufus is insufferably arrogant. He doesn't show any respect to anyone, not even bothering to respond to our invitation. Such arrogance is truly vexing," The final statement was uttered with clenched teeth, indicating the third boy's frustration and anger.

"Not only that, but I despise his composed demeanor. Who does he think he is? Just because his father is a pack leader?" Another boy glared at Rufus with fury.

"Settled then! None of us like him. let's do it then."

A slightly dark boy standing behind them smiled gracefully. The other boys glanced at him, their lips curling into malicious grins, and eagerly approached the motionless boy.

"That boy seems to be attempting to channel his power from the sky, but is not working" Raina observed quietly, looking ahead.

"Leanor! That's Rufus," Alice said, her voice tinged with concern as she recognized the figure.

Leanor furrowed her brow. What did they want with him?"

"I'm going over!" she declared, rushing forward.

Without hesitation, Raina also dashed out.

Alice didn't even have a chance to stop Raina, so she reluctantly followed them.

As soon as Leanor charged forward, she called out to the four individuals.

"Leave him alone" As soon as the words left her mouth, Alice and Raina joined her side.

The four pairs of eyes glared angrily at Leanor and her friend.