
My Stash of completed fics

Stash of numerous good fics that I like have more that 100k word count and are completed . Fics here range from anime, marvel, dc , Potter verse, some tv series like GoT Or some books . You can look forward to fun crossovers too ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list of fics :- 1. Wind Shear by Chilord (HP) 2.Blood, Sweat and Fire by Dhagon (GOT × Minecraft) 3.Harry Potter: Lost Son by psychopath556 ( HP ) 4.Deeds, not Words (SI) by Deimos124 (GOT) 5.From Beyond by Coeur Al'Aran ( RWBY) 6.Everyone has darkness by Darthemius ( Naruto ) 7.Overlord by otblock57(HP) 8.Never Cut Twice - Book 1 Butterfly Effect by thales85(GOT) 9.The Peverell Legacy by Sage1988 (Got × HP) 10 .Artificer by Deiru Tamashi (DxD) 11.So How Can I Weaponize This? by longherin ( HP ) 12 .Hero Rising by LoneWolf-O1 ( Young Justice × Naruto) 13.Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer ( X-Men × HP) 14. What We're Fighting For by James Spookie ( HP ) 15. Mind Games by Twisted Fate MK 2 ( RWBY ) 16. Crystalized Munchkinry by Syndrac (Worm SI ) 17. Red Thorn by moguera ( RWBY) 18 . The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618 ( Naruto ) 19. Dreamer by Dante Kreisler ( Percy Jackson ) 20. The Empire of Titans by Drinor ( Attack on Titans ) 21. Tempered by Fire by Planeshunter ( Fate / Stay night ) 22 .RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL by DragonKingDragneel25 ( RWBY × HP ) 23. Reforged by SleeperAwakens (HP) 24. Less Than Zero by Kenchi618 (DC) 25. level up by Yojimbra (MHA) 26. Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! by Umodin ( Pokemon ) 27. Any Means Necessary by EiriFllyn ( Fate × Worm × Multiverse ) 28.The Power to Heal and Destroy by Phoenixsun ( Naruto ) 29.Force for Good by Jojoflow ( MHA) 30. Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence (Naruto) 31. Naruto Chimera Effect by ZRAIARZ ( DxD × Naruto) 32. Iron Re-Write. By lindajenner (Marvel) 33. A Whole New Life By MadWritingBibliomaniac ( HP ) 34 . Restored by virginea (GOT ) 35 . I Am Lord Voldemort? By orphan_account ( HP) 36 .There goes sixty years of planning by Shinji117 (Fate Apocrypha) 37 . The Wings of a Butterfly by DecayedPac ( HP ) 38 . The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie ( Marvel ) 39 . Black Rose Blooms Silver by CyberQueen_Jolyne ( RWBY ) 40 . Cheat Code: Support Strategist by Clouds { myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown } ( MHA) 41 .Hypno by ScarecrowGhostX ( MHA ) 42 . Happy Accidents by Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Marvel ) 43 . Fox On the Run by Bow_Woww ( Naruto ) 44 . Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29 ( GoT) 45 . Intercession by VigoGrimborne ( HP × Taylor Herbert ) 46 . Flight of the Dragonfly by theantumbrae ( MHA ) 47 . Restored by virginea ( GOT ) 48 . An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes ( Worm × Heroic spirits ) 49 . Trump Card by ack1308 ( Worm) 50.Memories of Iron ( Worm & Iron man) 51. Tome of the Orange Sky (Naruto/MGLN) 52. A Dovahkiin without Dragon Souls to spend. (Worm/Skyrim/Gamer)(Complete) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ If you have any completed fic u want me to upload you can suggest it through comments and as obvious as it is please note that , none of the fics above belong to me in any sense of the word . They belong to their respective authors you can find most of the originals on Fanfiction.net , spacebattles or ao3 with the same names ]

Shivam_031 · Anime & Comics
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2795 Chs

12 - Epilogue



Well even if the war was over there was still more to do. Life had to keep moving forward. Things needed to be fixed and further plans needed to be made.

I was flying by the seat of my pants in all honesty. Harry and Ron got approved to be Aurors.

Although hearing them complain about the training they had to do made me think that they didn't get the easy route just because they were heros.

I didn't apply back to Hogwarts quite yet as I still needed to help Hermione with a few things. First we needed to plan for Australia.

Hermione still wanted to come back to school to finish her Seventh Year. So I wouldn't even think about applying until that was over and done with.

For all that I had done to help out with the war effort even more money than I knew what to do with was piled along with the rest of my money in my vault.

Harry and I did get to have that conversation which went well I feel, "So...you're from another dimension?"

"Pretty much, yeah." I shrugged, understanding about as much as he did.

"Where you knew the outcome of this war from books?"


"How much did you change?"

"Enough, so that I could make changes without changing too much that I'd be in the thick of it as much as the rest of you."

"Did we do better or worse here, than in there?"

"Oh I think better, I'm still only human so I forgot some things that I really could have-"

"I don't want to hear it, you say we're better off then we are. I don't want to think about how you could have messed up or of another world that will have no use to me."

"That makes a lot of sense…"

"So that's the last I'll talk about it with you. I'll know forever but we are leaving this to rest. I can't make you tell anyone so it will be your choice to let Ron, Hermione or anyone else know. It will be completely at your discretion."

He clapped his hands as if knocking dust or dirt away. "Do you think I should though?"

"I have no clue, it will be something to weigh. If you can live with the secret then you can. If not, I'm sure it will come with it's own problem for you to work through."

"Welp, I'm glad it's out there and behind us...want some ice-cream?"

"Oh I'd love some, do you have any chocolate?"

"Yes but they're on Hermione's side so don't tell her."

"And get myself killed? No I think I'll keep that secret too." Harry laughed.

I think it went really, really well. Then there was the matter of the Elder Wand. I kept the thing. I didn't plan on bragging about it.

Plus with its core it made the closet replacement for the wand I had lost in the Room of Requirement.

Ollivader was back working but with one of the most powerful wands at hand I didn't plan on getting a new wand. The wand seemed to like me enough.

Whenever I did small tasks it seemed to love it. It seemed that any excuse to use it would only bond us further.

It definitely had more of a personality of it's own than my other wand which I had to get used to.

Dad went back to work and Umbrige was back in Azkaban for the numerous crimes she committed.

Dobby became Harry's personal elf though I kept having to explain Dobby was already his by the fact he was using Harry's magic and was responding to his calls.

Snape had disappeared one day in the middle of the night from his Hospital room. As I expected him to.

His home had a few things missing from it but was otherwise undisturbed. Remus after becoming the Alpha of the pack of werewolves had seemed to find love within it.

It was the last time I personally heard from him though he gave updates that reached me to people he was closer to. Bellatrix it seemed had special care given to her.

They had bound her magic, she could no longer cast any spells making her no better than a squib.

Then with permission from the Ministry she was to be obliviated and kept under the care of the Malfoys as I guess some kind of punishment to both.

Hermione had complained to me about how immoral the choice was. I found myself agreeing, but I did think that Azkaban wouldn't have been the right choice for her either.

I found Azkaban beyond immoral all together with its dementor prison guards. I wasn't going to be making any changes to that so I kept those thoughts to myself.

I didn't have the clearance to know what they did to Voldemort's Body. So I tried not to think about it much.

There were other escaped Death Eaters that made it out of the Ministry, but they were people that I knew nothing about. I only knew they were out there in the world somewhere.

Something for Harry, Ron, and other Aurors to deal with. I only had to focus on one thing and that was Hermione. She had fully moved into Grimmauld place.

We had moved into a larger master bedroom. It was definitely roomier than our previous sleeping space. Then when we were fully comfortably settled we had to leave.

Though it was more of a vacation that would culminate with bringing the Grangers back to England. The trip was in early July.

We took a plane ride rather than using any magical means. So there we were sat in seats just a bit too small to be completely comfortable in.

Waiting for our numbers to be called and for our plane to be boarded. The fact that I had money to spend for the next over 100 years.

Meant that I had no problem in spending it on two first class seats. When we were called we only had carry-ons.

Magic objects wouldn't interfere with the technology of the plane. The only thing that would cause a problem would be magic being actively cast.

There would be one layover in order to make it to Australia. Hermione was content to read books. While I enjoyed a good book I did like other forms of entertainment.

Looking at the airplane's magazine section on in-flight entertainment I looked at some of the movies that would be projected.

The Truman Show and Mulan would be the movies shown on the first flight. So that was nice. I'd have to get the second magazine to know the other flights movies.

It was a sad injection of nostalgia when movies couldn't be picked on a screen on the back of chairs. The movies would be good though.

If I didn't end up enjoying the movies in the downtime I had there was always a sleeping draught. It would really make the flight a trivial thing.

So we made our departure from Heathrow landed in Singapore where we got on another flight to our destination Gold Coast.

Neither Hermione or I could drive so we booked a taxi north to Elanora. We would be staying at a resort there.

Hermione's goal was to track down her parents and reverse the spell. If they needed time to get things together we would do our best to let them.

While they did that we'd spend our time away from England beaching. Our plan hit a bit of a snag when after looking up the Wilkins, we went to their home and found it empty for the day.

Our next plan of action was to look up dentists in the area that had the Wilkins working at them. To our luck and surprise we did find them.

Unfortunately Hermione didn't want to go to their work and fix them there, as it would be majorly inconvenient.

So we decided to wait until night fell before heading over to their house. As soon as it did we made our way over. Hermione knocked on the door and rang the bell.

It was opened by Mrs. Granger she looked to be in good health since the last time I saw her.

"Yes how can we help you?" She asked.

"Hello is it alright if we come in?" I asked hoping it would be simple enough.

"Who are you? I don't know if I feel comfortable just inviting two random strangers into our home."

"That's understandable Mrs.Wilkins, however it's best that we talk inside your house." I lifted my wand to confound the older woman. Hermione clicked her teeth next to me.

"Yes, I do think it's best you came in and told me what you're doing here." She opened the door for us. I let Hermione go first then followed after her to the living room inside.

"Who was at the door dear?" Mr. Granger spoke from deeper within the house.

"I don't know but they want to talk." He then came to us from whatever room he was in before.

"What do you two need?" He asked us.

"We need you to stay right where you are while I do something." I just came right out with it pointing the Elder Wand right at the both of them.

With help from the Elder Wand I cast the counter charm to the obliviate. Having it around really made things easier.

It had known magic far longer than I have so it actively assisted in spells when it could. I watched as some light seemed to come back into their eyes. It was a subtle change.

Then they were both looking at Hermione with slight anger and disappointment. That was before they both looked to be in slight pain.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked getting closer to both of them.

"It's like there are two...stories at the same time." Mr. Granger answered her.

"Ah, that would make sense, even at only a year they would have created new memories for themselves and how they fit into the world. The mind is resilient like that."

"So they should be fine?" Hermione asked me with both of her Parents also looking for how I'd respond.

"Yes, once they sort out what's real and what's not. Which will take however long it does. So talking to each other might help that."

Hermione seemed to accept what I said then she flung herself at her parents, "I'm sorry I did it to protect you, there was a war and I needed you safe?"

"Was?" Mrs. Granger asked.

"We won." I grinned.

"Why is her teacher here with her and not some...doctor or something." Mr. Granger asked.

"Well, for a few reasons, also I must inform you I no longer teach your daughter. I'm just helping…a friend out that needed it."

"Yes, she was really the best help for you two. She has this special wand that made this much easier than anything most others could have done to help." Hermione told them.

"Well then I'm glad you're helping out." Mrs. Granger smiled.

"How long do you think you two will need to pack things up here? We can help if you want to speed things up." Hermione offered.

"Right...this has all been made up." Mr. Granger shook his head, "I think that it might be harder to 'pack things up' than you thought it might be." He grimaced.

"Do you want me to go check?" Mrs. Granger asked her husband. Who nodded.

"What do you mean it will be harder? It can't be as hard as setting up two new identities for you in another country. You already exist, so it should be much easier." Hermione looked at them both.

"Well we've been here for awhile, and it just felt so...empty just us two so we…I don't know how else to tell you think so I'll just say it. You have a sister now." Mr. Granger told his daughter.

"A what?" Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, she ran her hands through her hair pacing back and forth.

"We've had a second child, thinking she was our first. Her name is Viola. Ah, here she is now."

Mr. Granger looked to the reentering Mrs. Granger who had in her arms a baby. She was cute as most babies tend to be she couldn't be more than 5 months old.

"I really shouldn't have expected things to be easy." I heard Hermione talking to herself.

"Okay then, we'll work with it." I spoke up, "We can let this be an affair for magical accidents. I'll just report what happened. Explain the details surrounding it Viola there will get sorted out and probably have dual citizenship."

"It's just that easy?" Mrs. Granger asked.

"Well I have no idea, but the fact that Hermione here was instrumental in defeating a Dark Lord and bringing back peace to our world, I think they'll jump through hoops to help out."

"I'm not going to use my name just to get things done faster." Hermione glared at me.

"Well I recommend that you do listen you have power behind your name now. Use it to make this less of a problem for your family."

"But I don't want to be a person who uses my fame to get things done. I want to do things the right way!"

"Well you can do things the right way for yourself when you finish your 7th year you want to complete. For your family, I think you can make an acception and cheat a bit."

"...Fine!" She threw up her hands, "But you're the one that will get it sorted out, I don't think I could actually do it myself."

"More than fine, might even get some brownie points." I muttered the last part under my breath. Hermione clearly heard it through.

She then looked like she realized that at some point we'd have to talk with her Parents about us.

"How long do you think everything will take to get sorted out? How long before we can move back to our home?" Mrs. Granger asked.

"I think that as soon as you are packed we can get you on a flight back, as far as paperwork that won't be for you two to worry about." I told them.

"Then I think we'll pack for ourselves, I know it might be faster if we got help from both of you but I think that we'd like the time to think about what we want to bring back with us." Mr. Granger told us.

"Take as much time as you need, we're staying at the resort not too far from here. If we can get your information you can call us in our room." Hermione told them.

So we got their house phone number. We said our goodbyes and went back to our room. Where we called them with our room's number.

If they found it strange we were sharing a room they didn't say anything. Guess on my part is that because we picked a resort, they thought that we were sharing to cut costs.

So we spent two weeks in Australia, I sent off a message to Arthur explaining the gist of what was going on and what we needed help with.

The response I got back was positive telling me that because he got promoted he could take care of everything himself with little to no trouble.

After our two weeks of fun in the sun and Hermione getting to inform her parents about what had happened things were looking good.

Especially her tan which I made sure to compliment because it gave her a really nice natural glow that just made her...really hot. It was great.

Getting back on track, after those two weeks the Grangers were all packed up and ready to fly back and move back into their old home.

Hermione wanted to get back home magically this time letting her parents and new sibling take the flight home. I don't think that she was too upset about having a sister.

She did take time to process it though. One of the things I told her was that after a war that it was good to have a new life come from it.

Another thing I said to make her feel a bit better about it was to remind her that her parents clearly missed her.

They clearly knew something was missing from their lives so they made a choice to make up for her absence.

She took it well enough that I feel that her sister would be pretty much a lone child by her own right spoiled by all the adults in her life.

In August when we got back home Hermione made sure to let the new Headmistress McGonagall that she would be coming back to school for her 7th year.

We picked up the proper supplies from the list she was given to take all of the NEWTs that she would. I knew that it would be a long and hard year to keep up.

If anyone could pull it off it would be her. After getting all her supplies she spent the rest of the month studying.

While she was studying I'd spend what time I could with the boys. If they were unavailable due to work or practice I'd do the part time job of working with Ollivader.

I took up his offer of making and selling wands with him. That he had offered me such a long time ago.

I learned a bit about how you could see what student would match a wand. How they entered the shop or approached the counter. It was it's own sorting really.

The Elder Wand seemed to enjoy this work of finding the right bonds between children and their new wands.

It really was a bit of a sweetheart, who knew the death stick would behave like a puppy really. Another reason to not judge something on it's image and backstory alone.

When Hermione took a break from studying is when we spent our time together. If that was going on a date, making love, or just being in the presence of one another.

Then it was September and Hermione was back off to Hogwarts to finish her last year. The castle was no longer in major disrepair.

The wonder of magic, it seemed to heal on its own as well as having help from the students as Professors.

Slughorn would stay on as Head of Slytherin and Potions Master. Bill Weasley would take over my position as DADA Professor.

Cedric Diggory it seemed due to his education would, with help from McGonagall, be taking the Professor route in Transfiguration. I'm glad he was alive to have a career.

Luna would be going back to finish her education. Ginny was scouted to join the Holyhead Harpies so she'd not return to Hogwarts and instead be a reserve player.

After Bill and Fleur's wedding it seems she stayed in contact with Krum. So I expect that they'll become a power couple in the near future. It was a badass thought.


When winter break arrived Hermione was at home as soon as she got off the Hogwarts Express. After greeting each other from our time apart she informed me of her plans.

"We're going to talk to my parents about us." Hermione told me as she went took out clothes from her trunk.

"Oh when are we going over?"

"Christmas Dinner, Harry and Ron will be there two so that they can actually meet. They'll also play buffer for you, I know how you get about awkward situations."

"I am the best at them really, plan to come clean with everything you've done over the years?"

"Yes, I've already moved in here so they can't really kick me out. Plus I'm already 19 so they definitely can't ground me."

"You make it seem like it's going to be a fight. Should I expect a fight?"

"Well I'm not entirely sure, this is just the worst case scenario planning. It might go incredibly well, once they see the benefits of me dating you."

"I do have a lot of upside, should I plan to bring anything with us?"

"I think Mom likes a nice white wine, Dad has a bit of a sweet tooth even as a dentist."

"How scandalous, does your mom get on him for sneaking candy? I know your readers would love to know."

"Only when he lies about it when it's clearly still stuck in his teeth."

"You paint a lovely picture of a story."

So when it was Christmas we traveled to Hermione's Parents house. We met Harry and Ron out front. Hermione fussed over the two boys having not seen them for months.

Harry had a wrapped gift with him, Ron also had a gift but it was in a box. After my own greetings with them, Hermione knocked and rang the doorbell.

"I've just realized how strange it is that I'm knocking on my door that I've lived in for almost my whole life. It's like I've become a guest when I know the entire layout of this place." Hermione spoke facing the door for the three of us.

"I think I know the Burrow better than I knew the Dursleys' house, so I can't say I know the feeling." Harry muttered.

"I still live at the Burrow, so I also can't relate." Ron raised his hand. For who I didn't know. Finally the door opened and we were brought in by Mr. Granger who was holding his daughter.

"Sorry about taking so long, the wife's making our dinner and I was taking care of Viola. We weren't expecting you until later but I guess we forgot our own Daughters penchant for being early."

I set the wine on the table, it was magically aged wine. I thought it might be different enough for muggles that would have never had anything quite like it before.

I already knew that Hermione's Dad would love the cheap and simplistic Every Flavor Bean.

It was just such a good gimmick that most people would enjoy it even the bad ones. He could also get lucky and get a sweet one. With his sweet tooth that might entice him more.

I sat in the corner of the dining room table. Christmas music was playing over speakers.

Hermione sat to my right on the other corner. Harry was on my left at the end of the table. Ron sat across from me.

Leaving the other end and the seat across from Hermione open. Mr. Granger set up a high chair for Viola in between the two empty seats. She only had a tuft of hair.

It wasn't curly yet if it would be at all. She seemed happy as much as a baby can be. Mrs. Granger came out with the sides first setting them around the table.

Viola got a small bowl of mush. Ron looked like he'd love to dig in, which made me wonder what it was like back at the Burrow.

Now that Molly was gone who was taking care of them all. While I knew they were adults she seemed the one that guided them.

Maybe after Harry moved in he was the one who cooked meals I knew he had experience in that even if he was forced into it. Ron didn't seem the cooking type.

Ginny was out following the team, though to be fair I didn't know the seasons for which she would be playing. It was slightly worrying but I didn't want to get super involved.

They were adults and should be able to take care of themselves. I wasn't going to mother them. They had a steady job so that's all they must have needed to worry about.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the turkey coming out. Then Mrs. Granger took the seat opposite Hermione. I handed over the wine I brought to her.

"Here I heard you were a fan so I wanted to get you something from our world."

"Did Hermione tell you about how to butter me up? It's still so strange to me how a teacher, even if you are no longer teaching came to be so close with students so much younger than you."

"It's only a seven year difference Mom." Hermione jumped in overly defensive. Damn that's gonna be used. I watched as her mother weighed that reaction behind her eyes.

"Well, she's always been helpful to us. When we were in first year she was the only one that listened to us when we were going after the stone." Ron spoke up looking at the food still.

Hermione seemed to want to tell him off for his comments, but let it go. She was the one who decided to come clean about everything, so I guess she was just going to let it come out as it did.

"Before then she saved Hermione from a troll during Halloween!" Harry jumped in not sensing the impending possible disaster.

"Troll? Stone?" Mr. Granger walked in with a cloth hand towel over his shoulder and a carving knife in hand.

"You know the troll that nearly killed Hermione her first year at Hogwarts, and the philosopher's stone that Voldemort was after." Ron looked up at Mr. Granger.

"She almost died!?" Mrs. Granger let out a worried cry.

"You mean she didn't tell you about how a troll got into the school? Well it was more let in by a teacher that was being possessed." Harry joined in.

Mr. Granger glared at his eldest daughter. "Thankfully Professor Tonks- I mean Tonks was there to protect her. Then when we went after Quirrell, that's the teacher, she was the only one that chose to listen to us about the stone being stolen."

I stayed silent as Hermione's parents gaze traveled over me. "Why were we not informed by the school of this incident."

"Uh...I don't know why the school didn't contact you as I was only there to teach the kids and make sure they didn't get hurt when necessary. The old Headmaster would have been the one who should have contacted you about this."

"He didn't, as this is the first time we heard about this from anyone." Mrs. Granger looked miffed.

"Then do you not know about the rest of the years?" Ron the 'please stop opening your mouth you fucker' spoke.

"Years?" Mr. Granger looked at Hermione.

"I guess now is a good a time as any to talk about it." Hermione lifted her chin. Oh boy this wasn't gonna be pretty, "In Second year I got petrified by a giant snake which could have killed me if I made direct eye contact.

Third year was fine except for finding Sirius Black who turned out to be innocent as I told you about.

Fourth Year I got put at the bottom of a lake to be rescued by a student champion. Fifth Year I got cursed by a dark wizard and nearly died.

Sixth Year I helped fight off a group of dark wizards who wanted muggles and muggleborns like me dead.

This last year the reason why I took away your memories of me and sent you off to Australia was to fight those same people and guess what we won." Her rant over she waited for the responses.

Harry stood up from the table, "I'm going to go to the bathroom, where is it?"

"Down the hall to the right." Hermione informed him and he made his escape. Ron looked like he wanted to flee as well but stayed where he was.

"What the heck were you thinking keeping all of this a secret from us for all these years. Do you have any idea what we would have done had we known about this!"

"You would have pulled me out of school!"

"You're right we would have, it sounds like that school was nothing but a death trap. That entire world sounds like it was about to go end up. Wars, dark wizards, giant snakes, and attempted murders."

"What about you?" Mrs. Granger asked me, "What were you doing while all this happened?"

"Making sure we stayed safe!" Hermione jumped in.

"Why hasn't she said anything for herself, let her defend herself."

"I did my best to keep the students I had safe." I spoke up.

"What about when she was petrified, or almost died because of a wizard or was put at the bottom of a lake."

"Well in order to understand why the things happened that did you need to know background information."

"Then explain what we need to know why our daughter went into a world that seemed to want her dead in her first year!"

So I told them in detail from the best I could remember. About Voldemort, about the Chamber of Secrets, the tournament, the war. I told them about the horcruxes.

Some of which was new information to the two left at the table. At some point Harry came back and affirmed most of my information.

Then there was a silence. Mr. Granger sat up from his table and cut into the turkey and handed it out. We got to eat and ate in silence for a short while.

Then questions were asked fleshing out the details they wanted fleshed out. Personal account came into play. Eventually we got passed the bad parts and talked about the good times.

The Yule Ball, Grimmauld Place, the Slug Club, quidditch, and finally when we were climbing back from the steep plunge of the roller coaster of a conversation Hermione chose to drop it on them.

"Mom Dad, there's something else that I think you need to know about."

"I think we've heard the worst of it, what else could there be." Mr. Granger spoke with a tiny bit of humor reaching through. The worry was there of course underneath it.

"I've started dating someone, and I've been living with them for the past year and a bit not including school." Hermione bit her bottom lip when she finished.

"Do we know them?" Mr. Granger asked. I looked around Harry and Ron were looking straight down at their food while Mrs. Granger was staring at me.

"You've met them a few times." Hermione coughed. Mrs. Granger's eyes didn't leave me, well one of them had put enough together.

"What do you do now that you're not a teacher...can I call you Tonks?it seems everyone else does." Mrs. Granger started talking.

"Tonks is fine...as is Dora, or Nymphadora. Just don't call me Nymph." I took a sip of the water on the table, "I sell wands when I want, other than that I don't need to work as I have more money than would last me a lifetime."

"Why are you talking to Tonks dear? Hermione is telling us about a boy she's dating and moved in with." Mr. Granger tried to get his wife's attention. I could feel Hermione tense.

"We've only met a few people and it was during the times before you boarded that train or came back, is it one of you two?" He continued asking Ron and Harry.

Ron shook his head negatively, "No."

"Not you then, how about you Harry? You showed up in a few of her stories and you seem to be a real hero, I could see my Hermione falling for a brave hero type."

Well at least Mrs. Granger found the humor in it all because I was dying. Harry and Ron looked like they would rather have chosen to stay at the Burrow for Christmas.

Hermione had her hands on her face I'm sure I'd have made a comment on how cute it was she was embarrassed but the Dad energy about Mr. Granger was too powerful.

"It's a woman." Hermione simply said.

"Pfft!" Was the sound that came out of Mrs. Grangers mouth.

"Oh...well why didn't you say so, I've spoken without thinking. You! You knew and you didn't tell me." He looked over at his wife who was hiding her mouth.

I had to stand up, so I did. I made my way over to the most innocent person here who wouldn't make this any more awkward.

Viola sat there in her highchair and when I walked up to approach her she reached up at me.

I bent over to look at her tiny face. She had no idea of how much she was missing. Then Hermione spoke again to just finish it off, "It's Tonks."

I could feel my hair shifting colors as Viola seemed overjoyed at the change. She made a loud delighted noise. Then I faced back to the table.

Mr. Granger was looking at me like I had just arrived. I chose to be the person I am and silently waved at him. Viola from next to me copied my wave in a monkey see monkey do fashion.

"You taught my daughter since she was 11 and you've been dating for a year?"

"Well it's not like we had feelings for each other since I arrived at school. My feelings only became officially realized by me in sixth year. At which point I knew Tonks wouldn't accept them as she was a professional."

"So she waited to quit her job, and then started dating you?" Mr. Granger asked clearly not finding it much better.

"Well I'm not telling you to get approval, I'm just letting you know that we're dating." Hermione stood firm once again. Mr. Granger sighed seemingly knowing where this would lead.

"We trust that you know what you're doing dear, if Tonks here were a malicious person she wouldn't have helped you all those times or come with you on the trip to pick us up." Mrs. Granger spoke and that was it.

From there things went back on the uprise. Things cooled down and we got to present gifting. From Ron was a large set of fake teeth that when pulled would grow back.

I gave the Every Flavor Beans to Mr. Granger who said he was looking forward to trying them at some point. Harry gave them his gift which was a coffee that was made in the wizarding world.

After that it was time that we went home Viola needed to sleep and Harry and Ron still had work. I'd rate that meal an honest 7/10 if only cause it recovered after hard bits.

Then the winter break was over and 1999 started for us. Hermione would finish off her schooling and wait for her job offers before she decided on anything.

Draco became a healer in that time. I was glad he found something he enjoyed that could really show off his growth and distance himself from the world of hate and anger he hated.

Hermione and Luna graduated in June with the rest of the Seventh Years. Hermione being much older than the rest of her graduating class.

Harry, Ron, Neville, and I planned a party for them. It was held at the Burrow off a coin toss bet. The Twins, Ginny, and Hannah Abbott would also be there to join in on the fun.

It was quite the fun party. Drinks were drunk Hermione and I didn't partake much but Harry and Ron had a real competition between them.

Neville tried to be the one to make sure the Twins didn't cause too much trouble for the other two.

Ginny tried to ask Luna embarrassing questions that were headed off by Hannah. When it got to a later point in the night everyone had found somewhere to be.

Luna was with Harry. Ron was chatting with Ginny and the Twins. Neville was with Hannah. Hermione and I in our own corner of the living room.

It was nice and calm and quiet. Then much to my surprise but it seemed not to the surprise of anyone else at the party Hermione got down on one knee.

She pulled out a silver ring with a black stone set inside. Then with tears in her eyes and wobble in her voice she asked, "Nymphadora Tonks Black, would you do the honor of making me Hermione Jean Black?"

"Yes...wait something is messed up in that question."

"Well I wanted to propose, but I also wanted you to make me your wife."

"Oh...well yeah I'd love you as my wife if you take me was yours!"

"They really are just terrible at this." Ginny commented from where she was.

"I think it's cute." Hannah spoke from another side of the room. I put them out of my mind solely focusing on Hermione.

I held out my hand and she slid the ring onto my finger, "You know I always took you for the type to become a person with two last names when you married."

"That was honestly my plan, but when I tested it out it came out much better with just the Black. Also with the offers coming in I thought I'd be just a bit more Slytherin about it."

"I think I'm going to cry. You're using something to actually give you an advantage, it really is too good to be true."

"Hush you!" She laughed, "I told you I didn't plan on doing it at first don't make me change my mind." I zipped my lips then went for a kiss as words wouldn't do anyway.


After going through all the job offers Hermione got, which there were many. We sorted them into categories. Teaching, Ministry, news, and other interests.

The last category was the first to go as all others interested her but they didn't have the weight she wanted.

The next to go was news because she didn't even want to think about being forced to write gossip. Teaching was the next to go which surprised a little bit of me.

While she loved learning she was never a teaching type. Harry was the teacher of the group of three.

It might have also been that fact that everyone seemed to expect it out of her that she grew to resent the idea a little. That left Ministry, which had many departments.

Admin, which wasn't exactly something she saw herself doing. Law which had its divisions. She from the start said she wasn't interested in being a field employee.

So Auror and Hit Witch were out. She very much didn't want the job of monitoring or punishing improper use of magic. She definitely wasn't interested in alcohol regulation.

Investigation would be just above field agent but that was still a no from her. She didn't want to go into the muggle artifact department.

She did have problems with laws that existed solely to hold down muggleborns and only benefit pure-bloods.

However that wouldn't be possible to tackle at the start of joining the Ministry. She outright laughed at the job option of finding Muggle excuses for when things went wrong.

The DMIC sounded lofty at first to Hermione, but then she realized she'd have to deal with international customs and I reminded her she could barely stand Fleur.

Hermione disliked magical transportation enough that she didn't want a job in it. Games and sports was another laugh out loud moment from both of us.

The DoM fascinated me personally to Hermione it meant becoming an Unspeakable. Which meant she couldn't share her discoveries really. She'd be sworn to secrecy.

So that ruled it out which disappointed me some. I had to make a note to myself about the possibility of joining if I chose not to go back to Hogwarts.

Hell maybe I could do both, while I'm no Dumbledore I could see myself having two jobs as long as one wasn't a year round thing.

The not really remaining department was one we both new would be the one she picked. It just made sense for her to continue down her path.

So Hermione wrote a letter to the Ministry. To the DRCMC Being Division where she would work on house-elf and werewolf laws and plans.

Hogwarts wasn't hiring anyone new but Slughorn announced that he planned on re-retiring in the near future so when that came about I would apply.

One of the first things Hermione got into law were abused house-elf laws. It was the option for a house-elf or someone else who saw something to report it.

Then that person would go under investigation. That was just the start of it all. Then she started planning wages and welfare for house-elves.

She made big waves and a few enemies when it came to those plans, however the fact that if you opposed them you looked like someone who wants to abuse a being.

Hermione seemed to have the game worked out from the start. Make laws that would help but also things you wouldn't oppose unless you wanted to damage your reputation.

Obviously she didn't get those laws passed right away it took years of writing and rewriting. Explanation and speeches about them until they came to pass.

During that time I took over as Head of Slytherin and Potions Master at Hogwarts. Neville left the Aurors and instead chose to teach Herbology.

Cedric became Head of Hufflepuff. Bill seemed to not want the extra work that came with being a Head of Gryffindor so he allowed Neville to take the spot. It was very Charlie of him.

After she got the laws passed she felt the celebration would be our wedding. In April 2002 our wedding took place. Hermione would have Harry and Ron at her side.

I picked Fleur, Luna, and Neville. To be on my side. The wedding was a simple affair, I let Hermione go with the things she liked as far as location, colors, and invitations.

We invited the Weasleys of course, the Grangers, Hannah, Cedric and other staff and students that stood out to me over the years I worked. Ginny came with Krum.


Hermione asked McGonagall to be the one to marry us. Hermione looked amazing in her white dress she didn't want a poofy one instead opting for something sleeker.

Then we were officially married. Hermione Granger became Hermione Black. Viola looked adorable in her tiny dress as she walked around the dance floor.

I got to dance with her once. Bill and Fleur's children were around somewhere they were both adorably cute girls.

I heard it through the grapevine that Draco got married not long before us to Astoria Greengrass. I didn't exactly keep up with his life after it all. I think it was for the best.

Hermione didn't want much to do with him and he seemed to be living his own life now with no need from interference on my part.

After we were married Hermione chose to tackle something that had been something big on her list. There was no time for a honeymoon. Instead she started writing a plan.

For too long were Werewolves 2nd class citizens she thought. So her plan was if they really were feared and ostracized by wizarding society. Why not give them a place to be.

So much like Diagon Alley she planned to create a magic only town. Where the main workers would be werewolves.

It would be a place where werewolves could be and actually get to be their own citizens.

With the help of Remus she scouted out a bit of land, looked for werewolves that had training in transfiguration. It was a limited pool but she found them.

After that she passed off the idea. It was rejected on the grounds that it would need funding when it started.

So with donations from the Potters, Blacks, and surprisingly enough the Malfoys funding was made. It was again rejected on the grounds of self sustainability.

So Remus would become part of the government as a liaison for his town as Alpha. He would have to provide every year the total amount of money the town made each year.

So with that acceptance for shops to be opened, a new economy of that town was created. Werewolves from the world over made the choice to join and make this new haven thrive.

They had a disadvantage of being unable to work for a stretch during and before full moons. However with time that place became an accepted place in the world.

Soon businesses and services became large enough to expand to other places. With them acceptance of werewolves steadily increased.

Riding the wave of momentum Hermione moved up in the world. The acceptance of werewolves became a bubble she needed to transition them into people with an illness.

So she got into law. With strategic movement she launched herself into a position in the DMLE. Where she could get Wizard and Witch laws passed.

Hermione's first task was to use the now established werewolf town as a movement. Making the laws that were established and created out of fear disappear.

Hermione did keep a few laws in regards to safety as far as still registering so that during a full moon they weren't in a populated area.

However the completely biased ones that kept them from jobs and basic rights were eliminated.

Then she went on to tackle teaching and difficulties transition into the magical world as a muggleborn.

Muggle studies would be updated and mandatory for understanding the world outside of just the magical one.

With Muggle rapid expansion it was necessary for our magic society to realize that we really were behind.

With muggleborns transitioning into the magical world she made it so that if their names were written into the Book of Admittance.

We would reach out to the parents and children early and prepare them for the new world they were going to be involved in.

It would be optional to turn down joining however we would still not be just dropping on them once they were 11 or 12.

The checking of the book let us know that Viola would not in fact be going to Hogwarts. I couldn't tell what Hermione was thinking but she was quick to accept it.

While those plans were being fought over Hermione and I made the Black family grow. She was pregnant while making all her speeches and arguments for the laws to be passed.

Magic allowed for many things. With the fact that I was a metamorphmagus I was able to grow a dick. However that didn't mean I was able to get people pregnant.

Instead I had to come up with help from mail correspondence from Snape. A way for my DNA to mix and match with Hermione's.

So while I wasn't able to naturally produce sperm I was able to create production for a temporary time with a potion.

So after many sessions and testing, which as it turned out was a bit of a turn on for Hermione, we had succeeded in producing a potion that would work.

I gave the recipe over to my Mom to make on her own and sell to same sex couples as far as two witches. Which made Mom start looking into Wizard and Wizard options.

Then in 2007 on September 2nd Rose Black was born. Hermione had picked Rose, I liked the flow of the names so I gave it a hearty approval.

She had inherited my metamorphmagus gene swapping hair and eye colors right out of the gate. She seemed to be set on only using red, blue, and purple though.

Luna and Harry married not too long after she was born. Ron had actually brought a date to the wedding which came as a shock for two reasons.

One that after so long he had chosen a person that interested him two that he picked Daphne Greengrass.

I remembered teaching her in school she was quite good at theory and practicing spells not a great dueler though. Hermione informed me that she was an Unspeakable.

So I guess that they met each other in passing during work. Daphne seemed to be leading him around the wedding which was humorous to see.

I guess it also connected the Malfoys and Weasleys which was honestly an amazing realization on Ron's part. Draco wrote me a letter blaming me saying I had planned it.

Joke was on him I had nothing to do with it. All I did was find out before him. Then in 2019 there were major milestones for our family.

Luna and Harry had their first child James Sirius Potter. Once Harry was set on an idea it would happen. Lots of pressure to put on a kid with names like that.

Rose started at Hogwarts on September. Hermione was positioned to replace Kingsley as Minister and did.

I had pulled back from teaching once again to avoid the temptation of watching over Rose like a hawk while she was in school and learning.

She would be growing in her years and I didn't want to step on her toes or limit that growth by overstepping. So instead I joined the DoM.

The place has always interested me and with the Elder Wand in hand I was drawn to the Death Room and the veil.

Hermione seemed to love the idea of me becoming an Unspeakable as it was independent from the Ministry and it wouldn't allow for favoritism.

That was pretty much my life from then on my kid was away at school for most of the year. My wife the Minister which was a job that took up most of her time.

I got to mess around with an enigmatic object that would seem to greet my wand every time I entered the room.

I made a friend in Greengrass as I told her embarrassing stories about her boyfriend. It really was the end I didn't see coming. To start off in this world with not a clue or a plan.

Ending up with friends I wouldn't trade for anything, a beautiful wife who controlled the future of magical Britain's world, and a daughter that would have the entire world at her fingertips.

It truly was a happy end that I could only have because I was reborn here and with my choices and a few beats of butterfly wings it was the better outcome than I could have ever hoped for.


Well that's a wrap. For those that read through all of it thank you. I just really started writing and this was the result. I have a plan to write something else which I didn't know I was going to until now. So look forward to that if you want.