
My Stash of completed fics

Stash of numerous good fics that I like have more that 100k word count and are completed . Fics here range from anime, marvel, dc , Potter verse, some tv series like GoT Or some books . You can look forward to fun crossovers too ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list of fics :- 1. Wind Shear by Chilord (HP) 2.Blood, Sweat and Fire by Dhagon (GOT × Minecraft) 3.Harry Potter: Lost Son by psychopath556 ( HP ) 4.Deeds, not Words (SI) by Deimos124 (GOT) 5.From Beyond by Coeur Al'Aran ( RWBY) 6.Everyone has darkness by Darthemius ( Naruto ) 7.Overlord by otblock57(HP) 8.Never Cut Twice - Book 1 Butterfly Effect by thales85(GOT) 9.The Peverell Legacy by Sage1988 (Got × HP) 10 .Artificer by Deiru Tamashi (DxD) 11.So How Can I Weaponize This? by longherin ( HP ) 12 .Hero Rising by LoneWolf-O1 ( Young Justice × Naruto) 13.Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer ( X-Men × HP) 14. What We're Fighting For by James Spookie ( HP ) 15. Mind Games by Twisted Fate MK 2 ( RWBY ) 16. Crystalized Munchkinry by Syndrac (Worm SI ) 17. Red Thorn by moguera ( RWBY) 18 . The Sealed Kunai by Kenchi618 ( Naruto ) 19. Dreamer by Dante Kreisler ( Percy Jackson ) 20. The Empire of Titans by Drinor ( Attack on Titans ) 21. Tempered by Fire by Planeshunter ( Fate / Stay night ) 22 .RWBY, JNPR, & HAIL by DragonKingDragneel25 ( RWBY × HP ) 23. Reforged by SleeperAwakens (HP) 24. Less Than Zero by Kenchi618 (DC) 25. level up by Yojimbra (MHA) 26. Y'know Nothing Jon Snow! by Umodin ( Pokemon ) 27. Any Means Necessary by EiriFllyn ( Fate × Worm × Multiverse ) 28.The Power to Heal and Destroy by Phoenixsun ( Naruto ) 29.Force for Good by Jojoflow ( MHA) 30. Naruto: Shifts In Life by The Engulfing Silence (Naruto) 31. Naruto Chimera Effect by ZRAIARZ ( DxD × Naruto) 32. Iron Re-Write. By lindajenner (Marvel) 33. A Whole New Life By MadWritingBibliomaniac ( HP ) 34 . Restored by virginea (GOT ) 35 . I Am Lord Voldemort? By orphan_account ( HP) 36 .There goes sixty years of planning by Shinji117 (Fate Apocrypha) 37 . The Wings of a Butterfly by DecayedPac ( HP ) 38 . The War is Far From Over Now by Dont_call_me_Carrie ( Marvel ) 39 . Black Rose Blooms Silver by CyberQueen_Jolyne ( RWBY ) 40 . Cheat Code: Support Strategist by Clouds { myheadinthecoudsnotcomingdown } ( MHA) 41 .Hypno by ScarecrowGhostX ( MHA ) 42 . Happy Accidents by Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Marvel ) 43 . Fox On the Run by Bow_Woww ( Naruto ) 44 . Time for Dragons: Fire by Sleepy_moon29 ( GoT) 45 . Intercession by VigoGrimborne ( HP × Taylor Herbert ) 46 . Flight of the Dragonfly by theantumbrae ( MHA ) 47 . Restored by virginea ( GOT ) 48 . An Essence of Silver and Steel by James D. Fawkes ( Worm × Heroic spirits ) 49 . Trump Card by ack1308 ( Worm) 50.Memories of Iron ( Worm & Iron man) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ If you have any completed fic u want me to upload you can suggest it through comments and as obvious as it is please note that , none of the fics above belong to me in any sense of the word . They belong to their respective authors you can find most of the originals on Fanfiction.net , spacebattles or ao3 with the same names ]

Shivam_031 · Anime & Comics
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2611 Chs


Chapter 11

I woke up in my Slytherin themed room, that used to be Regulus Black's. I made my way downstairs where breakfast was already made for me by Kreacher.

I thanked him as he handed me my mail. Inside were reports from the Order. Not long after getting back from Hogwarts plans were made by both us and Death Eaters.

There was another escape from Azkaban. Peter Pettigrew were in the ones that escaped this time. As did the ones who we helped secure and contain at the Ministry.

It was a complete reset of the board only we lost a great asset and leader in Dumbledore. Charity Burbage was missing I read in one of my reports.

I knew she was dead, from the knowledge I had of this world. I also received word only now that the Dursley's had left Harry in their home and left.

Plans were being made that before Harry turned 17 the Order would come to get him out of the house.

Plans changed to have to be more complicated when Thicknesse made laws harder on us to get him out easier. That's where I read about the plan of the 7 potters.

Hermione had sent me a letter about doing some magic on her parents that would protect them. So I assumed they'd be in Australia by now.

There was no other news to be had on July 27th we the Order would make our move.


So when the day came I was a bit of a nervous wreck. Some of the Order had used my place as a bit of a meet up before hand.

I'd be taking my thestral Hades and a polyjuiced Hermione. Ron would be with Kingsley and Hagrid would take the real Harry in Sirius' old flying motorbike sidecar.

Harry would be going to my parents house while I'd take my 'Harry' back here. So we took off to No.4 Privet Drive. Hermione had arrived with the Weasleys.

Ron eyed me up in down burning a hole through me with his gaze. Then he approached me.

"I know you're better at fighting than me, but if you harm Hermione in any way or get her hurt during this I'll find a way to make you pay."

"I can respect that, but I have a bit more hanging over my head than a threat from someone that's not graduated yet. So I appreciate the thought of you caring about Hermione, but try and not mess this up with your macho act,eh?"

"Fair enough, I still do need to thank you for saving Bill anyway."

"He was one of my first friends along with Charlie, I would have done it again in a heartbeat."

"Glad you're one of the good ones as always Tonks."

"Same Ron."

I looked around the room at the rest of the people there. Mad-Eye, Kingsley, Mundungus Fletcher who had to be banned from my house for attempting to steal my shit, Arthur, Fred, Remus, George, Bill, Fleur, Hagrid and my now Girlfriend (?) Hermione Granger.

I attempted to make eyes and Hermione who also looked back at me. I knew it was going to look bad from the outside but the gagging from the Twins was a bit much.

Moody explained the plan to Harry. He being the selfless guy that he was didn't want to risk us.

Thankfully everyone in the room was an adult except him so we could do whatever we wanted without his say so.

Harry plucked out a chunk of his hair, which who does that without showing even a little bit of pain. Then dropped it into the vat of polyjuice. It turned bright gold.

Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Fleur lined up to take a drink. Missing one Dung was volunteered. They all took a deep drink before they slowly started to transform.

I watched as Hermione grew, then her hair darkened from the tips to the roots. It straightened out. Moody passed out some clothes sacks for the Potters to change.

I didn't like the look of Harry in his own underwear let alone women's panties or bras. I watched them all change, losing sight of 'my Harry'. They all put on their glasses.

Then out came the decoy snowy owls. Then Moody went down the list of making sure we know who went with who.

"Uh can you raise your hand if you're my Harry...I mean you're Hermione." I asked the group.

"I'm right here Professor." came a Harry in a blue coat and red shirt.

"Teacher Student play, very raunchy." One of the Harry's joked. It made me wonder if they knew about Mine and Hermione's thing.

Did that mean Ron told them or was that Ron making the joke. It had to be one of the twins. This was beyond confusing but I guess that was the point of it all.

I took my Harry by the hand to Hades. I helped him, I mean her climb on. Then mounted while behind the Harry doppelganger. Which was Hermione.

I made myself big enough to cover her when we were going to be riding. My coat was made of Hungarian Horntail which would absorb the minor spells sent at us.

Even a few Cruciatus Curses if they were fired from weaker Death Eaters would have a possibility of being absorbed. Moody counted us off.

On three I knocked my heels into Hades and we were off like a bat out of hell. Pardon the pun. Right when we were passed the house's bubble of protection they were on us.

It wasn't even a moment of pause. They just started firing. Thankfully Thestrals were more maneuverable in the air than the transportation the Death Eaters were using.

When a Death Eater would get close I would take a swipe at them with my dagger. I nicked one so he was a dead man flying after us. Another was stunned by Hermione.

He fell out of the sky into the city below him. I saw Voldemort himself for a bit before he left. Clearly dismissing us as not the true Harry.

Another Death Eater tried to get close but having used it to great affect before I blinded him with a flash. Then turned as he smashed into a building next to us.

As soon as we landed on my porch both the fidelus blinded them to us and the protective charms kept them out of my homes surroundings.

I opened the door to my home where Kreacher was waiting for us. I had a choice to make as I dragged Hermione/Harry through my home. Going into the drawing room.

I could wait a bit or I could go to the burrow right away. The choice was taken from me as a black bushy haired Hermione was on top of me.

She unbalanced me pushing me onto one of my couches. She climbed onto me kissing me wherever she wanted. Starting at my lips moving down to my cheek to my chin.

Further down she got to my neck and throat. She licked at my pulse point before sucking on the skin there. I had no idea what this was but I felt weak to it.

She had such a power over me that I nearly forgot about the portkey not too far from us.

"Hermione!" I tried to get out but I could only speak in whines, "Portkey...we might…miss."

"Don't care!" She growled, "Here I thought…" She kissed my jaw, "We'd meet at Bill and Fleur's wedding but no…" She bit my ear tugging on it causing me to softly moan.

"No...we went and battled Death Eaters, and I can't feel more alive than...right...now."

She grabbed at my breast thumb teasing my nipple through my shirt. My coat was only over one arm it seemed. When did that happen.

"Hermione…they'll be worried." I tried to get her to focus on the mission.

"Yes, you're right we should be going. I just want to feel you." She put her hand under my shirt feeling my midriff. Then she pulled away. The portkey was long gone.

"We can use Kreacher, it pretty much works the same."

"Yeah, there's no apparition blocking inside my house. The most we'd have to do to get to the Burrow is a bit of walking if we can't directly get in."

So that was the plan. I asked for Kreacher to either take us directly into the Burrow or near enough that we could make it there.

He dropped us off right outside the anti-apparition barrier and we made our way to the Burrow. Remus, Kingsley, Ron, and Harry were there to greet us.

"What happened?" Remus asked me.

"Had to take down a few Death Eaters, at one point Voldemort was next to us but moved on. What the hell happened we were only just outside the rage and they were on us like flies on shit?"

"We were betrayed." Kingsley informed me.

"Was it Dung?" I asked.

"Don't rightly know, but the coward would fit." Remus seemed frustrated.

"Who are we waiting on?" I asked.

"Bill, Fleur, Mad-Eye and Mundungus." Ron told me.

"Well if he's dead, I can't blame him." I walked to the Burrow to sit down and relax just a tiny bit. My three ex-students followed me.

One of them had just tried to ravage me not to long ago. I went to sit down next to one of the twins. George, I could identify him with his new pierced ear.

"I don't know if an earring would suit you like it does Bill George." I joked.

"You don't think so? I dunno I think I could pull it off."

"At least it happened to the less attractive brother." Fred jested. I heard a thestral land outside. That'd be Bill and Fleur. Molly's yells confirmed it. I got up to go see them.

Then I heard what Bill said. Mad-Eye had died just like before. It was a clear shock that the default leader of this new Order had died. Bill got us all some firewhisky to drink.

We all drank to Mad-Eye the most paranoid man on the face of the earth. Bill defended Dung. Saying he suggested the 7 Potter plan. Which surprised the Death Eaters.

Harry stopped the proverbial witch hunt in its tracks though. Bill and Remus went to go retrieve the body so the Death Eaters or Voldemort didn't get to it.

Harry tried to leave early before the wedding. Everyone stopped him from worrying about risking them. It took some major convincing but they got to him.

Harry had walked outside to get some fresh air after explaining something his wand did on it's own. Hermione came back inside with Harry and Ron.

She later explained that Harry had seen Ollivader being tortured. My heart hurt for the guy. Especially if Voldemort was frustrated over a wand.

The next days at the Burrow passed by calmly. I hardly got to see Hermione or the other two due to them being overworked with chores.

It wasn't my house so I wouldn't complain about her ordering people around who weren't her kids. Bill nor Lupin found Moody's body.

Eventually the Delacours arrived. Fleur ran out to greet them. Gabrielle had grown since the last time I saw her which made sense. The Tournament was 3 years ago?

She attempted to make eyes at Harry but Harry seemed unaffected. Bill and Charlie would share Bill's room. Fleur and Gabirelle got Percy's. I got the twins again.

The parent Delacours got Arthur and Molly's room. Charlie was Bill's best man. The next day was Harry's Birthday July 31st.

Little did he know his gift from me was solving some of his horcrux problem. I think he was happy enough just to be rid of his trace.

When it was time for the party I didn't eat any of the cake. I just didn't like cake. Hermione did eat my portion though. Something did spoil the party a bit.

Arthur announced that the Minister would be coming to the Burrow. I had to take off, as not to be seen with the Weasleys and spread Order information.

I apperated back home where I would wait for the all clear. After about an Hour an owl came for me. It made it through the Fidelus.

I read the contents apparently Dumbledore had left me something in his will. A package came later that was what he had presumably left me. I opened the disk like package.

Out of it came a mirror like substance that filled out eventually becoming something like a bird bath. If I could describe it as anything else. Inside was a written note.

'For when you need to collect thoughts in one place'. From the note alone I knew what this was. I had never seen it in person before. It was Albus Dumbledore's Pensieve.

I looked for any memories that would be inside for me to watch. There were. What they revealed threw me for a loop.

The first scene was Dumbledore receiving woolen socks on Christmas from me. Another was of me laughing from next to Snape on Valentines day.

The next was me in his office right after the chamber debacle. Then the scene changed to that of me riding a thestral from the perspective of the Headmasters office.

The Yule Ball was shown next with me dancing with Fleur. One of them was of me watching from the staff table.

As I watched all the students leave the Hall for the end of the year and the smile of accomplishment on my face.

Another was from my time in potions class that I didn't know he saw me wearing a lab coat laughing as a second year had destroyed a desk with thankfully no one being hurt.

The final one was of me walking up to the stool and the sorting hat being placed on my head. The hat shouted out Slytherin after at least 5 minutes of waiting.

The look on my face was more thoughtful that any child my age should have had. It was clear Dumbledore took note of that.

As I stepped out from the memories I cried from all the memories coming back to me at once. And at seeing all that I had done at Hogwarts from the outside looking in at my life.

It proved I had lived a proper life and I was beyond thankful for the chance to see it from someone else's perspective.

After composing myself and waiting a blue-white butterfly flew into my home and with Hermione's voice said the Minister was gone.

I processed the fact that one, she could produce a corporeal patronus. Two that it was a butterfly and thus really made things super very serious.

I apperated to the top of the hill outside the Burrow. Then ran my wack back to the house.

As soon as I spotted Hermione who was with Harry and Ron discussing something with a lot of hand gestures.

Not really caring I was interrupting I scooped the brightest witch of her age up twirling her around. "Since when were you able to cast a fully corporeal patronus!?"

"Harry taught us to do it, after he figured it out during the hearing."

"That's amazing." I laughed then I got to Harry, "Are you sure you want to be an Auror and not a teacher." I laughed.

"Uh...I'm pretty sure, but let's not talk about that and instead talk about why Hermione's has changed."

Harry looked at me with a bit of concern as if trying to figure something out. "What...was it before?" I asked the three looking around.

"It was an otter." Hermione spoke up she looked embarrassed, "Harry here was the first to notice that it changed, he also pointed out he knew what having the same patronus meant."

"Yes, you were just arriving when I asked Hermione why she had the same patronus as you." Harry looked between us, "She didn't know what that meant so I told her."

"That's...when I kinda let the secret out." Ron looked at me with a grimace, "So now Harry knows." He said with a shrug.

"I just assumed that you two would tell him, I mean I very clearly kissed Hermione in front of Ron."

"I just never got around to telling Harry or anyone, not that I would go around telling people it just hasn't come up naturally." Hermione twiddled her fingers.

"That is a good point, 'hey Harry just wanted to let you know me and our ex-teacher friend are dating thanks bye'" I faked giving the news.

Ron chuckled a tiny bit before Harry stared him down. Harry then walked up to me and with a hard look on his face spoke, "I knew it!" his face broke. Then he started laughing.

"Bwuh?" was the noise I made.

"I know you only just started whatever you two are doing but it's been coming for awhile now." Harry still laughing told us.

"What are you talking about mate?" Ron asked his friend with a puzzled look.

"First it was the Triwizard Tournament, while you were still upset at me. Hermione comes barging into the common room complaining about how close Tonks and Fleur were when she went to go talk to Tonks about SPEW."

"It's called S.P.E.W." Hermione and I informed him. We looked at each other then to the ground.

Another laugh broke free from Harry, "Then when I came over last year Hermione kept reaffirming that 'Tonks didn't really even like Fleur like that', every time Ron brought up what happened at the Yule Ball and how awkward it was you'd be a bridesmaid."

"You're right she did!" Ron pointed out letting out a bit of a giggle.

"So what, of course I pointed it out. It needed to be said." Hermione crossed her arms with a face red with embarrassment.

"Then before we were making our trip here, at Privet Drive someone made a student teacher...joke and both of you reacted. Though it was odd to see my own face react like an embarrassed Hermione."

"Well I'm glad you think it's funny and not...you know something you're not disapproving of." I scratched the back of my head.

"If Dumbledore taught me one thing over the years, it's about finding light in the darkness and love. If you two have found love and light in these dark times why would I try and stop it."

"Wow, that was said with Dumbledore energy and all." I applauded the capture of Dumbledore's character.

After that things went back to a little bit of a happier feeling. The next day would be a wedding, and I was to stand next to the bride.


Thankfully as only a bridesmaid it wasn't my job to make sure the bride was ready. I just needed to stand on the side when she was coming out.

So I was free to greet the guests and watch as people interacted. I needed my people watching time. Especially since I didn't get my spot the year either. Bet she missed me.

I watched as 'Barny' Weasley was greeted by Lupin and others. Xenophilius Lovegood arrived with his deathly hallows necklace. With a dressed up Luna next to him.

Luna and 'Barny' greeted each other with more than an awkward feeling from the redhead. While we were at Bill and Fleur's wedding, which I knew happened.

I knew for sure that Luna and Harry did not have that kind of relationship before. Hearing about it was a main factor in seeing that major things can change.

It seemed for the most part there was a track to follow that even when change happens there would be course correction from some force.

It really made me take the leap that was presented to me when Hermione showed interest. I let myself truly pursue the idea that change could happen.

I saw someone who had to be the famous Aunt Muriel be escorted onto the scene. She ordered around Ron who did her bidding. It was fun to see someone take charge like that.

Hermione appeared with a purple-pink dress with matching heels. She was very breathtaking.

"You always used do that." Someone said from behind me and I drew my wand jumping at the noise. It was Fred who I had my wanted pointed at, "Don't curse me."

"Fred, you scared me. You should take advice from Moody and try not to sneak up on people. I could have really made you match your twin again."

"Sorry, I'll be sure to remember next time."

"Now, what did you want to say?"

"I was just saying, you always used to just watch people as they did things."

"Yes, people watching."

"Is it any fun, or would it not be better if you joined in on the fun rather that just watching from afar."

"I think it's fun enough, and I don't have to join in on a situation that's just for them."

"You're a strange one Tonks."

"I'll take that as a compliment, now go away. Hang out with your twin if you need to."

I shoved him off with his mild laughing protests. I turned back to watching after Fred left I saw a group of Veela and followed their eye line to Krum. I had forgotten he'd be here.

Then with no real time to think about it the ceremony looked to be starting. I ran over to my position beside the marquee closer to the people watching.

Charlie stood opposite me and Bill was to my left. Monsieur Delacour and Fleur came walking up the aisle to where we were.

She had a white wedding dress on that seemed to glow silver. Ginny and Gabrielle wore golden dresses. Then it started. There was audible crying from many places in the tent.

There was a rumbling sound of Hagrid blowing his nose. Then the speech from the man in black ended and he bonded them with magic.

Then everything transformed into what was more of a party, a dance floor appeared. Food and drink was being served. After picking up a flute I went to look for Hermione.

She was sat at a table with 'Barny', Ron, and Luna. I went and sat down with them as the music started and Luna dragged 'Barny' off to dance.

Krum plonked down and asked, "Who is the man in yellow?"

"Xenophilius Lovegood, why?" Ron asked after answering.

"Because he wears the sign of Grindelvald."

"The dark wizard Dumbledore defeated?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, Grindelvald killed my grandfather. If it vere not a party, I vould duel him."

"Didn't Grindelwald use the deathly hallows symbol, taking it for his own terrible deeds?" I asked to drop a few hints.

"The vat?" Krum asked me.

"It's a children's story...nothing too important." I played it down, "He had taken it from the story and used it for his own symbol."

"You think that he wears the old child stories symbol and not the mark of the dark vizard?"

"It'd make sense, the Lovegoods are quite loony." Ron spoke, "Just look at his daughter."

Luna was waving around above her head, while 'Barny' halfheartedly swiped above her laughing all the while.


"To get rid of Wrackspurts probably." I laughed. Krum didn't seem to like I was downplaying this entire situation. He pulled out his wand.

"Do you mock me Professor?" He asked.

"What, no. I'm being serious, I'm no longer a teacher. I quit with everything going on."

Just then I heard from the dance floor, "Gregorovitch!" Barny had yelled pointing at Krum. Hermione and Ron and stiffened next to me.

"What about my vand maker?" Krum looked to the distant Weasley cousin.

"Where is he?" 'Barny' asked approaching the table.

"He retired, I vas the last of the people to get a vand made by him."

"Well thanks for the history lesson everyone, we've all learned so much today." I knocked on the table making a bit of a tune.

"Are you related to that girl?" Krum asked Ron pointing at Ginny.

"She's my sister...why?" Ron looked worried.

"She is nice-looking, can you introduce me?"


"I can, come on Ron. Would Ginny forgive you if you didn't allow this meeting. She's quite the good chaser and seeker from my memories of her games." I put her over.

I took Krum with me over to Ginny and introduced them. They both talked quidditch. I turned back to the table and Hermione, 'Barny', and Ron were whispering to each other.

What did the foreign wand maker have to do with anything. I knew Voldemort was looking for the death stick but...maybe Harry had a shared vision?

It was a possibility. In any case I had spare energy and I knew this would be the time to dance. With what was coming so I'd take the time before it all went to hell.

I grabbed Hermione by the wrist and took her onto the dance floor and let Harry and Ron talk about things. We slow danced to the music for awhile before Hermione got curious.

"What was that about the deathly hallows? It was a children's story?"

"Yeah, something about death and how you can't escape it."

"What's it about?"

"Uh...let's see if I can remember, there are three brothers. They come across Death for some reason. At some point he gives them gifts. Which is where the symbol comes from."

"What does it mean?"

"Well that line in the middle." I lifted my chin the Xeno, "That's the Elder wand, or death stick made by Death to be the best wand. The brother could be anyone in a duel but got murdered in his sleep over it I think."

"The circle?"

"The circle is the resurrection stone, the second brother wanted to talk to someone that had died. So Death made something to wake up the dead from their slumber. It drove the second brother mad and he killed himself or something."

"What about the triangle?"

"The third brother being the youngest yet wisest, chose to get something to hide from Death. So he got a cloak and lived a long life and had a family. All while hiding under the cloak, then when he was ready he took it off and passed it to his son. He greeted Death like an old friend."

"Kind of a morbid story, and you said this is for children?"

"Well, that's how I remember it. I could be wrong about a few things. It's hard to remember all the details. It's about on par with muggle stories anyway. At least in this one no one mutilates their feet with broken glass."

"Not while we're dancing please."


"Would...that story happen to be in The Tales of Beedle the Bard?"

"Might be, it'd fit right in I'd think."

"I think that's enough dancing for now." Hermione spoke before heading off to speak with 'Barny'. Who now had been sitting with Muriel and and older man I didn't know.

At that moment a silver-white Lynx came into the middle of the dance floor next to me. In Kingsley's voice it spoke, "The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

I could feel the protection charms and enchantments fail. Then I saw Hermione take 'Barny' away. A masked man cast something at me I cast it away with a shield charm.

Then it was chaos all over the party and everyone partnered off with their own. The best people could do was to protect themselves. I knew by now the trio would be gone.

I cast a banishing charm at the Death Eater that tried to curse me. Then made my escape not knowing if my spell landed.

I watched Fleur grab her little sister and get away with Bill. There were many other cracks as people apperated away. At some point there was a fire that started.

There was too much going on for me to concentrate on what needed to be seen. So I made the choice to leave myself and hope the others found a way out as well.

I apperated to my home in hopes that the Trio would meet me there. I hoped that the Order members from the part remembered to use my home as well.

"Kreacher!" I yelled.

"What can Kreacher do for, Mistress Black?" Kreacher popped in next to me.

"I need you to go to my parents and bring them here. If they refuse, tell them it's a matter of life and death."

"It will be done." Then with a crack he was gone. My front door opened down stairs and with wand in hand I walked down slowly.

"Hello? Nymphadora?" I heard the soft voice of Remus. I snuck my way up to him before pointing my wand in his face.

"What was the first thing I ever said to you?" I asked making sure of his true nature.

"Um...was it, 'Who the hell are you? In the Shrieking Shack?" Remus got out.

"Good, what are you doing here? Looking for a place to hide out?"

"Sort of I needed to tell someone who's place of hiding was secure, I've come up with a plan."

"What, will it help?"

"Yes, I think so. I've received word that since the death of Fenrir Greyback the werewolves that have followed him are still looking for a new Alpha."

"You think you can pull it off and take away forces from...Tom Riddle."

"Yes I think I can, why are you saying that name and not-"

"You heard Kingsley, the Ministry will be in shambles. Best not to use a name that could be made taboo now."

"That's smart, the Order will need to know to get into that habit as well."

"When are you leaving?"

"Now, I just needed someone to tell the rest of the Order where I'd be."

"Then good luck, I hope that you succeed or can come back alive."

"Me too...me too." With that Remus left my home having just arrived.

Kreacher arrived back in front of me with both my parents. "Oh Dora what's going on." My dad asked fear clearly in his voice, "We've helped Harry Potter get to his portkey what more is going on."

"The Ministry has fallen, that means that at least you dad will need to stay here."

"Do you mean that you think they'd try and find Muggleborns?"

"Yes, I think they will get to that. So I'm not going to lose you or have you on the run in god knows what place. You are going to stay right here where I know you are."

"It's happening all over again." My Mom put a hand to her head sitting down in a nearby chair.

"You can stay here too Mom, if you want. I will also respect you wanting to stay at home."

"I will not be moved out of my home and neither will your Father." Her eyes hardened, "He'll stay at home and only come here when he needs to hide out."

"Your Mother's right Dora, I shouldn't stay here the entire time. I have too much pride and love your Mother too much to leave her all on her own."

"Fine!" I closed off my tear ducts, "But promise me that if anyone comes looking you'll come right back here."

"Of course dear one." My Dad spoke in his soothing voice.

"I need to warn you to keep in mind that the taboo might be back so be sure not to say his name."

"We didn't before when the war was over." Mom snorted, "Won't start now."

Then with help from Kreacher they went back to their home. Back to where I grew up.

Then there was a knock at the door, "Guess it's going to be busy with the second war really started." I said to myself as I ran downstairs.

"Who's there?"

"Let us in Tonks." I heard Harry say.

"Sorry, in these times it's going to take a bit more than that to let you in."

"Let us in or you'll be sleeping on the couch." Hermione threatened playfully.

"Oh, so we were sleeping together now are we." I opened to door, "Come on in, go to the drawing room I need to lay down some ground rules."

Hermione looked like she wanted to talk but at my serious look she followed the other two to the drawing room. I locked the door behind me. Then I followed after the three.

"Aright you lot, listen up. Ground rules are as follows: Rule 1, we no longer can say you-know-who's name instead we will call him Tom Riddle from now on. The taboo might be activated now or at any time so don't say his name."

"That's how they found us, you said his name." Ron pointed at Hermione.

"Then that's off limits then." Harry nodded looking back to me.

"Rule 2, you three will be staying here for awhile. I know your mission as Dumbledore has filled me in on enough to help you."

"He's told you?" Harry asked.

"Yes, why don't you take a look over there." I pointed at the pensieve.

"That's Dumbledore's, Are there any more memories for me?"

"No, he sent me it through his will. There's a code in there that only I can understand that will help you find the horcruxes you need to along with other things we need to do."

"Then he's not just leaving it to us then?" Ron asked looking relieved.

"Before he died he told me about the locket, because you helped me destroy that one."

"Then you can help us find the others then." Harry affirmed.

"I will, but that leads to Rule 3. There will I believe be someone coming with a horcrux. You three need to not attack."

"Who is it?"

"I cannot say, but I've done some magic I'm not proud of to help us accomplish this goal."

"Is it a Death Eater? Is it Malfoy?" Ron tried to get it out of me.

"We'll get to the Malfoys later. For now just stay in the house and wait. You'll really be staying here throughout most of this year. So there will be no aimless wandering for you to do."

"Thank goodness." Ron slumped over one of my couches.

"What's our first move?" Harry asked.

"We won't be doing anything until we are all rested and prepared. Things will be done at the time they need done."

"Fine by me." Ron relaxed.

I walked to my plugged in TV and switched it on. Then looked through my tapes Speed was the movie I selected and put on to entertain the people in my house.

I then headed upstairs to go to my cork board and plan out the next few weeks and months. I heard Hermione follow me up the stairs.


The next few days went well for us. Hermione had discovered the hallows in her book gifted to her by Dumbeldore.

"I think Dumbledore wants us to find the hallows." Harry told me.

"I'm telling you, he wants us to know about them. Not go after them. I'll even spell it out for you.

Voldemort is looking for a wand maker, the fact that you made a big deal about Krum's wand tips me off to that fact. Don't lie to me."

"So he's looking for this...Elder Wand."

"He is, what I also know is that wand lore wise. No matter how powerful the wand, it's only as good as a witch or wizard holding it. So even if he finds this wand that Grindelwald, the previous great dark lord wanted. It won't do him any good."

"So Dumbledore just wanted to warn us of their existence."

"As far as I can put together yes."

This conversation would be one of the things Harry would obsess over in our time here.

Another thing I needed to get done was to teach them about the locket and how that mistake came to be. Thankfully Dumbledore didn't suffer this time before his death.

However, because of that they didn't know about RAB and why that was important. I told them about it.

"Regulus Black betrayed the Dark Lord after he found out about at least one of the horcruxes. He made Kreacher...deal with the suffering that nothing should go through."

"The liquid in the cave." Harry didn't know it's affects but clearly understood the trap.

"Yes, then Regulus went back himself and swapped the lockets. He tasked Kreacher with destroying it but was unable to. That's where you and I came into it Harry."

"So that's why he's a little weird because of the potion or poison that he had to drink from before?" Ron asked.

"Also his only company were the paintings on the walls here. It's enough to drive someone further into madness. But after the locket was destroyed he's really been better."

In the days that came I got reports of Order members houses being attacked. Like Dedalus Diggle's home being burned down.

Newspapers gave reports that it was required to go to Hogwarts this year if you were underage. Muggleborns started being monitored and wanted for questioning.

As soon as Snape was announced as Headmaster of Hogwarts Hermione helped me move Phineas Nigellus Black's portrait into Sirius' old room.

Hermione and I were in our bedroom where there was a noise downstairs then some yelling with a big thump ending all noise in the house.

I ran downstairs to see a stunned Bellatrix Lestrange on the floor of my house just outside the fireplace. She was holding the horcrux in her hand.

"Back off Harry!" I yelled at the man pointed his wand at the downed Death Eater.

"She killed Sirius!" Harry screamed back.

"I know, we've both suffered because of her. Neville has suffered because of her but we need to deal with this. She has the cup see. I told you the rules now sit down and relax."

Harry did as asked. Hermione had now followed me down stairs having dressed. Her hair really was more of a mess than usual though.

Ron was only watching everything go down quietly from the doorway. I got the cup out of her hands and threw it to Harry who caught it from his seat.

Then obviated Bellatrix of ever coming here or interacting with me during the battle at the Ministry. I then Imperiused her to go back to the Malfoy mansion. That was all.

I revived her and she in a trance was on her way out of my home. Harry then tossed me back the cup.

"Now what?" He was still angry but all business, "Just stab the thing and be done with it."

"I will not, I will leave that honor to you." I walked up the stairs leaving the three of them waiting. I retrieved my knife from its holster sewn into my coat.

The came back down with both the cup and the poisoned dagger. I held the cup on my kitchen table. With my other hand I twisted the dagger in my hands.

I was holding the handle to Harry but made sure to hold the handle with my thumb and index finger. He took the knife from me. I used two hands to hold the cup still.

It really seemed like there were no defenses for this horcrux. So Harry having waited his fill stabbed into the top of the cup with the knife.

There was a magical discharge much like before with the locket. Black smoke pumped up from from where the cup was stabbed. Then as only I knew there was only Harry.

"So why did you let her leave then?" Ron asked breaking the silence.

"We've just created a trap." I spoke.

"How?" Harry asked, "Is she going to kill all the Death Eaters herself?"

"No, though that might have been possible. I don't know how versed she was shaking more complicated tasks off. The only reason this worked was because of how simple they were. At least intention wise."

"So how is she a trap?"

"She knew where the horcrux was, which meant Voldemort trusted her to know where it was."

"Now it just needs to be discovered missing."

"How does that happen."

"We just have to wait for a moment to come where we add another mission to the block."

"Is that moment waiting for her to go where she left the cup?"

"No, it's much more subtle." I shook my head, "We need to wait for people on our side to get done making their move."


September came and went. All my old students excluding the ones with me would be at Hogwarts.

We celebrated Hermione's birthday Birthday cake was shared between the three of them and Kreacher. I enjoyed...my own desert.

In late October I told them all of a small mission needed to be done soon. "I need you to be prepared to retrieve a student from a train that's on a return trip."

"Who?" Ron asked.

I looked at Harry, "Luna Lovegood."

"Why, what's happening."

"I've gotten news that a few things have warranted her being taken by Death Eaters."

"We'll get her then." Harry was already ready to save her. It was honestly sweet.

"What's happened, it's rare that we get any coverage of things going on outside of this house." Hermione wanted to know.

"Well the Quibbler has become the only anti-Ministry paper. For propaganda reasons they need leverage."

"So they'll steal Xeno's daughter." Ron put together.

"Correct, another thing we need to do is wait for the moment. We will accomplish two goals at once."

"What are they?" Harry asked.

"We're going to spring the trap, and we're going to save Luna."

I ran up the stairs to the portrait of Phineas. "I need you to deliver a message to Snape, tell him to make sure the sword is with Luna Lovegood on her way home for winter break."

"Got it figured all out do you?"

"What can I say, I'm descended from greatness."

That's how the plan came about. The copy would be sent off to the vault, the real one would 'appear' when Harry needed it to rescue a student.

Luna would avoid being kept at Malfoy manor. Bellatrix would be tipped off on her vault. Part two of the trap plan would then need to be planned.

So on December 20th on it's way back from Hogwarts we joined in on the Death Eater attempts on the Express.

It wasn't much of a fight. They didn't expect us to go after the train at all. We didn't check who the people were that came for Luna.

The two Death Eaters outside the Compartment were easily stunned. I watched up and down the train for any more to appear as Harry went to get Luna and the sword that was hidden inside the compartment alongside her.

As we made our getaway we saw Peter Pettergrew. Who I guessed was assigned to the kidnapping mission as well.

Harry broke away from the plan then to go after him with the sword. I held onto Luna as I waited for Harry to be done so I could sidelong apparate the two of them off the train.

He came running back with a worried face and I was sure to wake up one of the Death Eaters we stunned as we left.

"What the hell were you playing at chasing after Peter, our plan was to be seen not stay longer than necessary."

"Peter made Sirius live in Azkaban with his lies, he doesn't get to just walk away. He was supposed to stay in there and suffer like Sirius did for crimes he didn't commit."

Harry had tears in his eyes, "I could feel my scar burning, I think Peter summoned Tom there."

"It's all right now Harry, let's get that sword out of your hands." Luna spoke prying his grip. She then guided Harry away with a light touch.

Well it accomplished a few things, Voldemort knew that Harry had come and gotten away. Peter and another Death Eater knew he had the sword.

Voldemort would think Harry got it due to the bravery and need. Bellatrix would be jumpy about having been unable to keep the sword even with ancient magic.

A break for Christmas would be useful to all of them. Ron was the most antsy for obvious reasons. He didn't get to take a break from it all in the comfort of someone.

He may have had us as friends but sometimes that's not all you really want or need. So I allowed him to come up with plans for Christmas. They went well.

While there were no presents I think all the games Ron came up with kept us entertained. I introduced them to Die Hard, a Christmas movie. Which Hermione debated the entire time.

In January I told them I'd take on a mission by myself. It was debated if it was the best move but I insisted. I was the only one of them that could transform at will.

So the mission I had to do would only be hindered by people who couldn't help on the stealth mission. I did ask Harry to do something for me.

"I need you to soon make contact with your house-elf."

"But I don't own a house-elf."

"What? You clearly do, he's been bragging about you to Kreacher when I was staying at Hogwarts."

"Do you mean Dobby?"

"Is that his name, well in any case he used to be owned by the Malfoys correct?"

"Yeah, Lucius freed him due to a technicality."

"Good, then he shouldn't be noticed too much if he were to return to the manor in order to drop off a message."

"Why, what's the plan. At least tell us if we can't go."

"Fine go gather the group." I dismissed him. He ran off then later returned with Hermione, Luna, and Ron.

"The plan is to give a note or message to Narcissa Malfoy from me. It will involve part two of the Bellatrix trap plan. She will suggest Bellatrix go somewhere else."

Her vault mainly to discover the cup missing. "While she's out, I will go in like Bellatrix and find out any more information that might lead to more horcruxes."

"Why not just ask Malfoy's mom?" Ron asked.

"I want her involved in this as little as possible. I only want her to subtly suggest to Bellatrix an idea. Bellatrix will be made to think it's her own plan."

"You're putting a lot of faith in Death Eaters."

"She's not a Death Eater. I know that for a fact and even if she was she's very clearly just as afraid of Dumbledore as Draco was."

"Draco still let in the Death Eaters and Snape that killed Dumbledore."

"What would you have him do, defy Tom? Die just because. Let his family pay the price for not? You told me yourself Dumbledore pointed out his fear."

"I'll never forgive him." Harry stared at me, "but you're right, Dumbledore said he could be saved."

"Then I'll make use of who I can in order to defeat Riddle." After all the others had left except Hermione I knew that she didn't like what I planned to do.

I made sure to know that I understood her concern and that I would do everything in my power to make sure nothing went wrong and that I got back safe and sound.

So in early March I sent a borrowed Dobby to Malfoy Manor with a note for Narcissa Malfoy.

It read, 'Need Bellatrix out of the house in late March, suggest missing sword from vault. Make it her own plan. Try not to involve yourself any further. Send back Dobby when she has left. -House B.'

I waited for Dobby to return. It really was pushing a lot onto someone who had no reason to be involved in such cloak and dagger work.

However her hope of having a safe like for Draco would win out I knew it. My knowledge was confirmed when on March 26th Dobby came back. "Misses Sissy told Dobby to tell you that Evil Missy Belly was gone."

On the spot I took the form of the one who was stunned in my kitchen not too long ago. Then I apperated to the Manor. Narcissa was at the front to greet me.

"Hello...Sister." She looked around for others nearby.

"Cissy, how nice it is to be greeted as ones guest." I gave it my best cackle.

She gave a grimace, "Are those Aunt Walburga's Dress Robes?"

"How nice of you to notice, I thought it'd be nice to play dress up once I found them."

"What are you here for...Sister." She really needed to stop pausing.

"I'm here for the school boy, wand maker, and goblin."

"Yes...they should still be in the Cellar." She nodded at one of the doors, "I still don't know how the anti-apparition wards went down. Maybe it had something to do with the elf that has started reappearing around the house."

"Yes it has to be that, as it hopefully will be gone by the time you notice him." Then I made my way to the door she had made note of.

I opened the doors and made my way down the stairs into the cellars. I saw them all down there. Ollivader, Griphook, and Dean. Three people would be asking a bit much.

"Kreacher!" I yelled. With a crack my old house-elf appeared, "take the wand maker." I instructed.

Kreacher walked through the cellar then grabbed hold of Ollivader and with a crack they were gone.

"What are you doing Bellatrix." I heard a whiny pitched voice speak up from behind me.

I had my hand on my knife as I turned around to see Peter once again. "I'm giving the prisoners walkies. What is it to you Rat? I still don't trust you, hiding away giving away secrets in Azkaban. Not like the rest. We held true to the Dark Lord."

"We've went over this before, I was given my second chance." He peered at me getting closer. "I have to ask why you left earlier only to come back seconds later."

"I thought about checking my vault...but knew that the sword had to be there and not as you claimed it with Potty boy."

He approached me even closer, "You sound different too, you use some of the words she would but they are wrong!" He attempted to raise his wand at me.

I was impressed with his audacity. He really was a fool to take it close range when he had the drop on me. I slashed my knife at him.

His wand split in two half of the front end falling to the floor. "P-please, I beg of you. Don't hurt me. I can tell you anything you need to know!"

"I already know everything." I said as I slashed once again at him. He went down clutching at his own throat. I found it fitting.

Then I turned back to the two others down there with me. They had flinched away from me as I approached. Then I apperated them away leaving the Malfoy Manor behind.

I don't know what would happen there when Voldemort found his prisoners missing and Pettigrew dead. I just hoped he'd be distracted by Bellatrix coming back with news of the missing cup.

I brought the four of my former students up to speed on the situation. Peter was dead, the people I saved needed rescued.

I sent them off to Fleur and Bill after letting them know that they needed help from people with better healing training.

We didn't need them this time around I just thought it would be more than nice to help people who needed it. Even if Griphook was a thief in another time.

Then I made plans for what needed to happen soon. Good news stopped me from starting too early when Remus had gotten back to the Order.

He told me and I spread the word that the werewolves would be a non factor. They wouldn't help but they also wouldn't be a force in the Death Eater army.

So at the start of May I made the final plans. I told each of them their parts to play.

"All of us are going back to Hogwarts."

"Wait we're going to break into Hogwarts, where some of the Death Eaters are. Why would we go and do that?" Ron looked pale at the thought.

"For the final horcrux of course."

"Why would it be there and where would it be in Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"You know Riddle more than I do Harry, why would Riddle pick Hogwarts as a place to hide his soul."

"Because...he, loved it. It was a home to him. Just like me, he'd probably look forward to escaping the summer to go back to it."

"So where would it be? The Slytherin common room? The Chamber of Secrets?"

"I wouldn't know, but I might know someone who should."

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"Well we've had Hufflepuff's Cup, Slytherin's Locket, Gryffindor's Sword can't be one, so that leaves Ravenclaw's Diadem. The person that would know would be Helena Ravenclaw."

"The Grey Lady…" Luna spoke up for the first real time in one of these planning moments.

"Exactly, we just ask her where it might be. I think she'll know."

I then had to make sure things were going as planned. I pulled Harry aside. "What is it Tonks?"

"I need you to pull one over on Tommy boy, so that we can spring the trap now."

"What do you need me to do?"

"...do you remember your 5th year?"

"Yes, that's when we lost Sirius."

"And do you remember what he did to get all of us to the Ministry?"

"He made it seem like Sirius was being tortured when he wasn't, you want me to tell...Tom what?" He picked up the basic gist of what I wanted.

"I want him to know we're after his horcrux at Hogwarts, so that he goes there for us."

"Why do we want that?" He seemed really unsure of my sanity.

"So the final battle can happen, so that when the final horcrux does get destroyed you can be there...to kill him."

"He told you the rest of the prophecy too then?"

"He also gave me a theory that...I don't want to believe is true. However it does make sense."


"I will tell you once we're at Hogwarts, so I don't know how you'll do it but try and get Tom's attention." I left him to his task then.

Tonight would be our night of rest before the journey to Hogwarts. I made my way up the stairs to Hermione and I's room. She was sat knees below her on top of our bed.

She pulled at the rope that held her robe closed. It fell open and I closed the door behind me.


It was really amazing how getting rid of a few horcruxes ahead of time really made the whole year quite easy. Sure I didn't share a lot of information with everyone.

The point is in the end, that hardships had been thankfully avoided throughout my time of being here. I know not everyone could be saved but I made the effort.

Which brings me to the end of it all. At least I hopped. We made it into Hogsmead no problem. I led them into the Hogshead. Where Aberforth was, Dumbledore's brother.

Harry unfortunately didn't get to dig into the history of Albus as much as he did in another time. So many of the jabs at Albus weren't taken well.

He let us use the painting to get into Hogwarts. There wasn't a Dumbledore's Army to greet us.

Instead it was Neville who had discovered the room of requirement on his own. He had created his own militia inside the Hogwarts. It also seemed he swayed Slytherins to join the ranks.

He told us all about how the year there went. The new Dark Arts class and the Death Eater teachers. The Syltherins that he didn't recruit were the new 'prefects'.

He talked about how they would rebel in any little way they could. It was nice to see Neville have something to his own. He really did grow into himself.

We told him that a battle would be coming and to prepare what forces he had. From there I summoned the Order members with my Patronus warning of the coming battle to Hogwarts.

Making sure to squeeze every last resource out of the people I knew could sway the battle I sent patroni to graduated students as well like Cedric.

I didn't know how well we'd fair with a not as well coordinated team as from the other time. However we had to try, all we needed to do was make sure the Voldemort died.

After we made sure that our own army was on our way we had to make a run to find the Grey Lady. She was hard to track down but with help from Ginny we were able to find her last known location.

Harry asked about the diadem it didn't go well, she yelled at him telling him about how Tom Riddle had tricked her and created a horcrux.

Harry told her we needed to destroy it. She seemed receptive to the idea. The fact that it wouldn't hold the taint of Tom Riddle was enough for her.

That's when the battle truly started. The ground shook from heavy footfalls of Giants. Spells were shot at the castle.

They suddenly stopped as I felt the defensive charms and enchantments of the school came to life. I felt the energy flow through me it was empowering.

The Grey Lady told us it was in the Room of Lost Things. We made the trip there as quick as possible.

When we made it there we came across a lone Draco who seemed to have broken away from his normally loyal goons. I quickly disarmed him.

"Little Cousin, I don't know why you're out here but I'm not going to ask. I need you to go down to the Syltherin common room and wait there until I send for you."

"Please tell me the Dark Lord will be defeated, it's been so terrible with him even coming close to power. The things they've made me do…"

"I can promise that we will do our best to make sure you can live a peaceful life where you'll never have to deal with such thing again."

Letting him get his wand and leaving we approached the wall to the Room of Requirement.

I asked the room to transform into the room I was in before when I killed the horcrux.Then we walked in.

It was much the same I didn't know exactly where Draco had the vanishing cabinet but I knew that it was going to burn up with everything else in this room.

I cast Homenum Revelio to see if anyone but us were in the room. Thankfully there was no one else. I told them to leave as I would do something that no one but I could do.

I looked around at the room. I tried not to regret my choice later but I did what I needed to. I pointed my wand at the room as a whole and cast Fiendfyre.

The world burned around me as a burning Phoenix flew out of the tip of my wand and flew around. It caught everything on fire that it could.

I cast the charm to stop the fire once twice but it seemed to not pumping it out. So I did the next logical thing. I threw my wand to the ground letting the flames spew into the room.

I then left the room wandless. I pulled out my dagger as it was my only weapon available to me. I told the others to help out with the fight but held onto Harry.

"This is where I tell you what I need you to do, when he makes the announcement to hand you over I want you to sneak out under the cloak and go. The password for the snitch is 'I am about to die'"

"Wait die?"

"If it gives you any hope, I don't think you'll die."

"Okay so I go say the password then what?"

"You take what's inside the snitch and turn it over three times, as it holds the Resurrection Stone inside."

"You want me to use the damned thing?"

"If you want, I think it might give you some comfort before you do what I tell you to next."

"Are you really saying I'm going to die?"

"Well, not really. That's where my theory comes in. I don't want to cast a killing curse on you, so it's best that Tom does."

"I'm supposed to let Tom throw a killing curse at me?"

"Well once again that's where my theory is, that connection you have to Tom isn't normal. I believe it's a horcrux he didn't mean to create and by cursing you he will kill it himself."

"If this doesn't work I die!"

"If it doesn't work then Voldemort would already have won, you have to be the 7th."

"...I really will die today no matter what."

"No!" I screamed, "You'll make it, when you wake up after the curse stay down. Then when you are checked on be sure to do what's best at the situation. I'll be watching and I'll get him."

"If this works...I don't know what I'll do. If it doesn't I plan on haunting you for the rest of your life."

"A fair trade, when I don't even know one of the outcomes." Then I made my way to the Whomping Willow avoiding every Death Eater I could.

Which actually wasn't that hard they all seemed to be taking on other people.Also their numbers had really decreased thanks to Lupin's work with the werewolves.

When I was only a few feet from making it to the tunnel under the tree was when I got blasted away. I looked up to see well I didn't know who they were.

They were tall and confident enough to not wear a mask. I made the assumption that he was a higher rank than the rest. Like a Bellatrix or maybe a Dolohov.

"Remember me?" the man asked.

"Sorry, I know a lot of people. I don't remember your face at all."

"That's because you shouldn't! I played my part and now the Dark Lord is back because of my will. All of this reckoning is because of me!"


"Don't call me Jr!" he pointed his wand at me and I went down feeling like I was being stabbed all over by tiny needle points that were super heated and vibrating.

"You have no idea what it was like all locked up. Constantly being held in one place by one's own father. I didn't feel everything was grey and dull to me."

Well at least he was monologuing rather than cursing me, "So you got your revenge on dear old dad, then got to bring back your Dark Lord. What now?"

"Now? Now is when I get to kill all but Potter. No him we have to capture for the Dark Lord. He is our masters kill to have not ours!"

After that he was blasted away from me up the hill. From next to me arrived Harry, "Hermione noticed you were missing your wand. You have to be alive for me to haunt you."

"I can pick up his wand since you banished him, thanks for the assist by the way." I nodded to my savior. I got to my feet and started to make my way over to the tree when it started moving.

With a mighty thump and a loud squishing sound Bary Crouch Jr. was a stain in front of the tree.

Harry retched from beside me, I gagged myself at the crumpled mess the tree had left in front of us. The even bigger shame was his wand was pulverized.

"Damn, can you do the honors then?" I asked Harry. He nodded pointed his wand at the tree. A spell flew out and the tree stopped it's movement.

"Why are we going to Hogsmeade?" Harry asked.

"Glad you chose to join me, uh...well I don't know if we'll be early or really late but I have an old friend that I hope I can save. I think he has information you'd like as well."

We ran down the tunnel below the tree. I listened for any movement but it was decidedly quiet. I climbed out of the hole and helped Harry climb out as well.

I ran around to the entrance of the shack there lying against the wall was a bleeding out Snape, "Severus, what spell is it?" there was no snake to do the work for him this time.

He pointedly looked at Harry behind me. He was quietly muttering which seemed to seal some of the bleeding. Only for other spots to start.

"I think it's his own curse, that's why he's been able to hold on this long." Harry informed me.

"Do you know the counter curse to it?!" I pleaded.

"I do, but if he can't do it himself what chance does he have?" Harry still approached the bleeding form of Snape. He then started muttering.

Not knowing what else to do, I held onto my old teachers hand. I watched as both of them slowly sealed up the bleeding. Snape looked to Harry then, "Look at me."

Harry stared dead on at him. Then a silvery blue tear came out of the corner of his eye. I took Snape's black and incredibly detailed handled wand and conjured a vial to catch the tears. "Mother's eyes." Were his last words before his eyes closed.

I reached out to his neck there was a faint pulse. He had made it with help, but he needed to stay here and out of battle. I'm truly glad Voldemort was a sadistic monster.

Had he not used Snape's own curse on him then there would have been no chance we could save him. There wouldn't be any closure for Harry.

I stowed away the vial for later after the battle. Harry would view it later, for now I placed the borrowed wand in my holster. Then with Harry we departed back to the castle.

On our way back we heard Voldemort's projected voice from above the tunnel we were in. He gave us our one hour for Harry to be in the forest. We looked to each other then.

"What's the plan." he asked in a resigned voice.

"Don't worry too much, I know you'll make it. The plan is well up to you really, I'll follow you. It's only a choice you can really make on your own."

"You knew all this would happen, how?"

"Because I've seen all this before...some would call it a dream of another life."

"You can see the future?"

"I saw a possible future that's guided my movements and choices as to best help."

"Well then, if I have a seer right on my side we should be fine." He said with false confidence. Well if that's the way he's going to take it then fine.

We just need to get through this last battle. He handed his cloak over to me and I threw it over myself as we made our way to the Forbidden Forest.

I had no idea what was occurring back at the castle but the faster that we had this done the less people would end up potentially being hurt.

He stopped then and he reached into his pocket. I didn't stick around to watch it would be a private moment that only he himself should be allowed to know or share.

I moved on sneaking behind the lines of all the gathered Death Eaters. I wouldn't strike until we got to a more viewable area.

I think it would be best to reveal myself back when we got back to Hogwarts at his peak of gloating it would send the best message and ruin moral for the remaining Death Eaters.

It would be best to plan out the attack. To make sure the most powerful threats were...made less of an obstacle to get past.

I only hoped Snape's wand was feeling up to getting one over on his attempted murderer. I looked for the pillars of the Death Eater army.

Hagrid was tied up to a tree nearby. I had to ignore him. I chose Bellatrix once again. With wand pointed at the back of her head I cast the imperius curse.

I commanded her to not throw a single spell and just follow Voldemort everywhere he went. Then I moved on to her husband and brother in law and made them do the same.

Then as I was moving into position behind Narcissa Harry came out. He didn't have his wand in his hand and his green eyes burned into Voldemort. It was quite the sight.

Hagrid screamed out for Harry to go back. It was terrible to hear the please fall on the deaf ears of Harry. Who only had eyes on his enemy. The reason his parents were gone.

Then without hesitation the killing curse was fired and instantly Harry went down. The cry of anguish almost making me believe that it really could be the end.

The person I had taught and fought alongside for the past 7 years lay there on the ground of the forest. However it was not only Harry who had been knocked to the ground.

Voldemort went flying backwards as the spell hit Harry. They seemed to hesitate on whether or not to help him up or if that would make him even more upset.

He got to his feet with some effort finding balance once he was up, "Is he dead?" Voldemort asked out loud, "You." He grabbed the back of Narcissa's neck in front of me.

His long nailed hands nearly brushing the invisibility cloak. "Check him, make sure he's dead." He shoved her forward. I stepped around him to follow behind her.

She keeled down checking his eyes then his heart underneath his shirt. She then asked the question below her breath, "Is Draco okay, where is he?"

"He's in the Slytherin common room." I whispered to her. She clearly tensed over him but stood right back up.

"He's dead!" she called out to Voldemort and the Death Eaters. There were cheers and shouts from the crowd as they celebrated with spells shooting off into the sky.

Voldemort then started to gesticulate and speak to his followers, "Harry Potter is dead, and I was the one to kill him. Now we must go and show them their fallen hero."

He approached Hagrid, "You will be the one to take him back to the castle. Make sure to put back on his glasses. They must know what will come to them if they continue to defy me."

After setting the half-giant free Hagrid picked up the glasses from the ground next to Harry, then with tenderness he placed them on the faking dead Harry.

After that was done Hagrid lifted him into his arms with the same softness he had carried Dumbledore with. Then they all moved out with me following close behind.

We passed by a group of centaurs that just watched as the Death Eaters marched. Then we came to a halt. Voldemort amplified his voice for everyone in the castle to hear.

"The Boy Who Lived, is now dead. He tried to make an escape but was cut down by me. He left you all here to die, so we bring him back to you a coward. Not the hero you propped him up as. There shall be no more struggle come out and kneel before me and you shall be spared."

Then we were moving again we walked until we were in front of the two large doors in the courtyard. Hogwarts proper just beyond. The Death Eaters spread out ahead.

Filling out the courtyard and it's sides leaving Voldemort's back to me. Soon it would be the time. I just needed more people to come out.

McGonagall cried out as soon as she saw the play dead Harry, a terrible screech that really sold it all. Then the students and Order members came filing out.

I heard Hermione and Ron's voice among them it broke my heart to not just tell them he was fine. Then as soon as movement stopped from people coming out to witness Harry.

I yelled, "Expelliarmus!" At the gloating Dark Lord flinging the Elder Wand into the air. Then as soon as had cast the first the next one was already out of Snape's wand.

I let out a silent accio taking the Elder Wand out of the air and into my outstretched hand as I threw off Harry's cloak.

As soon as the first spells name left my mouth Harry rolled out of Hagrid's grip. Turning over he threw up his arm as I threw to him Snape's wand.

It made the distance to him with the assistance of me adding muscle to add power behind my throw. He caught it using his natural talent as a seeker.

Then the final spell that hit Voldemort that ended his life. That rendered his,already ruined beyond thoughtful repair, soul dead. Spoke with finality from Harry Potter, the Boy who Lived...Twice.

Bit of a clunky title honestly. I don't think my title will catch on. I'll leave it to the newspapers to come up with something catchier.

Anyway, yes the spell that ended the Dark Lord was a simple "Stupefy." The red light traced across the air hitting the Dark Lord in the chest.

Then something that could only be theorized by people smarter than I, Voldemort dropped down dead. This wasn't the same dead that Harry was earlier either.

No, after the small time Death Eaters surrendered and the higher ranked Death Eaters just stood there gormless. I made sure to check the pulse of Tom.

It wasn't there and because I really did need to make sure I pricked him with my dagger once for good measure.

By that point everyone had crowded around Harry that wasn't holding a wand on the surrendered Death Eaters. I left to go help out an old friend who really needed a mediwitch.


I sat down in one of the chairs left that was part of the staff table. Watching over the Great Hall as it was used by a temporary hospital and base camp.

The Death Eaters that surrendered had been taken in by the Aurors, Order members, and DMLE agents that were allowed to do their jobs.

The imperius curse haven been broken on the people affected. Kingsley had started running the show only not being Minister already by title alone.

I had Kreacher bring the pensive to the Great Hall for Harry's use. Only after dunking himself in the memories did he come to appreciate the things Severus had done for him.

I don't think there would ever be forgiveness or great feeling between them. However it was something for them to know. Losses definitely felt more minimal.

Unfortunately I still knew too many of the people that had died. Some were students…like Lavender Brown.

Others were Order members like Hestia Jones or Mundungus Fletcher who had...redeemed himself somewhat in my eyes by saving a Colin Creevy.

There were losses I didn't even come close to realizing could die. Molly Weasley put her body in harms way to protect her child the same way any mother would.

She had pushed her son Fred out of harm's way of a spell that had hit her fully. It was a major blow that seemed to satiate some balance to some force I couldn't comprehend.

At least that's how I chose to rationalize it. Voldemort's body was moved to a place where everyone could monitor it but kept away from the other dead.

Harry only really spoke to me once after the whole ordeal in passing, "Another universe then, never saw it coming. We'll talk at another time...when I can work out what to say."

So that was...something. I guess someone told him something. A ghost maybe? Dumbledore in his head. I didn't know but it would be a conversation.

Right now he was with the Weasleys, Luna, Neville, and Hermione. I think he definitely needed the group healing. Half-dying would make me want to get as much love as possible.

I had given Snape's wand back to him, his glare wasn't really into it as much as he wanted it to seem. We said nothing to each other.

It was enough to know he'd be leaving as soon as he could. Going to heavens knows where. I hope he found peace wherever it was. Draco was with his Mother.

Harry had told the people that had come to arrest them their true role as nothing more than hostages.

McGonagall had brought down a painting of Dumbledore to help students as needed. Even in death he would be one of the most helpful people to speak to.

I kept half expecting to leap forward in time, I knew nothing else. I only knew of a future that wouldn't even come close to what would happen.

I hoped I could give Harry advice on naming his children. I think Luna would be a lot better at it. The thought made me laugh above them all.

I noticed Fred from below looking up at me then breaking away from his family to walk up the steps to the broken staff table, "I didn't sneak up on you this time I hope."

"No, you've learned...I heard about having the close the shop."

"Eh, we made do. Mail Orders was just another business practice that was going to be part of our future anyway."

"That's good...listen I'm sorry about...you know."

"You're really bad at this you know." He told me frankly, "No wonder you always watch, however I think this time would be a good place to start really joining in."

He held out his hand to me as if building a bridge for me to cross over into the world behind him. To really stop being a watcher on the wall and live like the rest of the people.

I had reached my goal. The ambition a success even if only in a small way of taking away some hardships that people had to feel before. I reached out and took his hand.

He pulled me along into the group that he left. Where Hermione hugged me, Ron put his hand on my shoulder, and I stood as part of the group fullness filling me like no other time before.