
Chapter 2

(??? POV)


I asked my dad for the hundredth times

"Calm down will you?. Spring is almost coming, just wait a little"

"It's still a week long"

I stated as I sat down

"Come-on now, why are you being a whiny man?"

I sit straight and cleared my throat

"I'm not being a whiny man, I just want this job done as soon as possible"

I said in a manly tone

"Mmhm, okay if you say so.. Now get out of my office"

I went out immediately to avoid more teasing from him

'I really wanna see her again. I just hope she'll remember me. Just wait for a week'

I said as happiness took over me

(Ami POV)

Waking up in the middle of the night I felt something different

My heart

I don't understand

I felt too much happiness flowing

Smiling without even knowing why

"What's wrong with me?"

I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen and drink some water

After drinking I went back to my room

"I can't sleep"

I said as I went to my cabinet taking out the old box that I've kept or my mom did

I don't even know what're the things inside here

I opened it and saw lots of old photos

Scanning them one by one

"I remember this all. It's our old memories"

'old but gold'


I asked myself as I saw a picture of me when I was like 4-5 years old with a boy

"Is this my brother?.It couldn't be him"

The harder I try to know the answer the painful my head reacts

"urgh.I'll think about this some other time"

Cleaning the mess I made I put the box back on its position and went back to try and sleep

"I'll have to find a new job tomorrow.Please give me luck"

'I may be the type of person who doesn't believe that happiness exist but I can still make people happy around me

I'm weird and I know that

But I just feel like I want to protect them from pain and sadness that's why I want to make them happy even if I'm the one who's hurting'

Sighing as I lay down on my bed and doze off to wonderland

~Next Day~

I woke up by the sound of banging on my door


My father said while banging on my door

I immediately stand up and open my door for him


He pushed me and went on my room rummaging through my stuffs

"Where's my money?"

"What money?"

I asked not knowing what he's talking about


"I didn't stole anything dad I swear"


He shouted angrily as he throws the empty bottle on his hand


I hurriedly went to my bag and get the money I have left on my wallet


I said stuttering as I give him my money

"see?. you fvcking stole my money and you'll still lie on my face?"

He scuffed and said

"pathetic. dirty. woman"

He said marking every word and left.

The moment he's out of my site I immediately closed the door as I cry my heart out

"Why is he like this to me?"

(??? POV)

Watching her suffering is painful for me

I want to hug her so bad

I want to protect her

But I still can't do it

I thought of an idea

(Ami POV)

As I was crying my book fell down so I stand up and was about to put it back but I suddenly read the highlighted words on it

'Sadness is an emotion

that needs to be expressed

but being in pain doesn't mean you're alone

you just need to breath after you ache

someone will come to keep and protect you

cause you're a precious gem that needs to

be kept and taken care

Just cry till your heart heal

you need it,

but remember the world needs you'


I once again cried and feel my sadness as I calm down later own

I feel fine now a little but I'll get through it soon

I smiled a little and fix my dad's mess.

After fixing and cleaning everything I took a bath and wear my pants with my hoodie as I fix myself and went out of my room.

Going down I didn't see my father

I look for him and saw him on the balcony drinking as always.

Sighing as I went out the house and took a walk on the park.

While walking I keep on thinking about my life

"Would it be different if I wasn't born?"

I ball went on my direction so I picked it up and read the word on it


Smiling as I look for the owner and saw a kid

"Hey, Is this yours?"

I asked with the most calmest voice that I can

the kid faced me and I again accidentally read the words on the jacket that he's wearing

'Pretty smile'

I felt warm inside

"yes Ms this is my ballyyyy"

He said and I chuckled at his cuteness as I give him the ball and ruffle his hair

"Where's your guardian?"

I ask cause he's all alone

He points at the car and I nodded

"Don't go too far okay?, your mom will be worried"

I remind him

"I won't"

He said as he smile

I left him there and keep on walking

"Do universe really want me to be happy?"

I said and chuckled at my remarks

"Well, thank you then if you do"

I feel healed for now

(??? POV)

"It worked

I made her happy even if I'm still not with her

Why haven't I think about this before?

Stupid me"

I said scolding myself as I continue following her

"Just wait a little more Ami. 6 days to go and I'll finally be your protector from everything"