
My soulmate is not my chosen mate

[Mature content] Lenea is the daughter of the Beta and want to explore the world and go to New York to study music, but knows its a dream that she cant fulfill. She has a duty to her pack and family. She doesn't want a mate who are chosen for her. She want to get the choice herself. To choose herself. But what happens if she follows her heart instead of her forced choice. If she chooses her own mate and not the one chosen for her.

Katarina_Stories · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter three

I was alone for a hot minute before Dallas walked out. "When I said, that I hope we will see each other again. This wasn't what I meant", He says and when sits next to me. "Me neither", I say as a tear falls down my face. He doesn't even hesitate when holding around me. I just cry for a long time. I then look at Dallas who looks at me. "You don't love him", Dallas says in a very low voice. I shake my head. "I could smell him and my wolf felt it, but I didn't", I whisper. He nods. "I think he feel the same but does it out of duty". I nod, "I never wanted a mate. I wanted to go to college in New York and play music. Now I am moving to Louisiana as a Luna with a man I don't even know. I don't even have feelings for and I know who rather would be with someone else", I say. Dallas nods slowly. "But you will not be alone", he says and take my hand. "I thought you would be my second chance mate", Dallas says in a sad voice. "I lost my mate after she got killed right before our mating ceremony", He says, "But even then I didn't feel such a connection as I feel for you Lenea". I am more confused than before, but I get, what he is saying. My wolf screams inside of my head, but I don't care. When he moves his lips near mine I move my closer to his as they touch and we kiss. There were butterflies and fireworks. But my wolf is not happy. Stop that NOW. After I see him in a different light. Isn't this right. Even if it's wrong I don't want to stop. Maybe I can find peace a place where I don't want to be at.

I didn't even feel anything, when I said goodbye to my parents and my brother who came to visit because I had to go. The flight to Louisiana was long and I sat between them both. Callan worked the whole trip and Dallas slept.

The trip to their pack was actually short. I felt like I just sat down in the car and then we were there. The pack house looked familiar to my own pack house. One women stands outside the house and I have no idea about who she is. "Callan", she screams happy and run down to him and hug him. No, that is Vick, whom they talked about last night. "Hello Vick", Callan says with passion and they hug for a long time until her eyes meet mine. "And who are you?", she ask angry. "I am Alpha Callan's mate", I say with no emotion. Never have I seen someone be more angry and mad as quickly as she got. "His mate?", She says and looks at Callan. "Is that true?", she ask and Callan nods. "It's true". "Then reject her. You love me, not her", she says and she is right. I don't know why he hasn't done that. Why take me with him, when he doesn't feel the bond and I don't. "You know I can't. An Alpha doesn't reject his mate" Callan says with sorrow in his voice. I should be happy, but I am not. Then he slips her and shows me inside. People bow at us, when we get upstairs to the Alpha floor and then lead me to a room. He then looks at me. "This is the guest room. I like having my own room", he says and I nod, "Of course", I say. No one of us shows emotion. "And I like doing my own things, do you understand?", he ask and I am a little confused. "What things?", I ask. He looks me dead in the eyes. "We are mates, and we need to do that thing so you can get pups and the next heir, but that's it. And of course the mating ceremony", he says and I nod almost crying. "Okay", I say. I understand. He wants to be with Vick and I respect that. "Good", he says and is about to go, when he stops. "The mating ceremony has to be in a week. That's the norm. Do you know anything about it?", he asks and I nod. "I am a Betas daughter", I say. He nods and gives me a quick smile. "Good", he says and then walks away. I walk into my room and sit slowly on the bed. The room is bigger than my room at home, but doesn't feel like home.

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