
My Siren Lover

Jane was just a high school girl who loves the sea so much that swimming was her main hobby She almost drowned one day but was miraculously saved by a creature known as a Siren He grew interest in her and started living in the human world as a student in her school. He always acts strange with extraordinary abilities but one day she caught him knowing his true identity Will she love him back as he loves her?. And also another Siren lurks around too, in her midst and also loves her too.

Roth_Raven · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Morning disasters

The cacophony of the alarm persisted, filling Jane's ears with its incessant beeping...




"Shut up, you stupid alarm!" Jane shouted in frustration, but the noise only grew louder.

"That's it!" she declared, dragging herself out of bed and stumbling towards the alarm that seemed to mock her by its proximity.

"You've awakened me, and now you must face the consequences of your crimes," she threatened as she took another step towards the alarm. However, before she could retaliate, it ceased its ringing, having surpassed the set time.

Jane's eyes twitched in annoyance, all remnants of sleep and sweet dreams swiftly dissipating. She took a deep breath and made her way to the bathroom, giving the alarm a satisfying kick along the way.

As she stepped into the shower, the water initially offered a lukewarm and soothing embrace. She found herself wishing she could stay there forever. But alas, her tranquility was short-lived as the temperature suddenly dropped to freezing cold...

"What's wrong with the temperature?" she muttered to herself, searching for the regulator. In her clumsy attempt, she accidentally switched it to scalding hot.

"Hot! Hot!!" she exclaimed, hastily readjusting the settings. After a series of adjustments and frustrations, the water finally returned to its lukewarm state. Taking a deep breath, Jane proceeded with her shower.

Once she finished brushing her teeth (after a chaotic struggle with an empty toothpaste tube she had been stubbornly refusing to replace), Jane donned her school uniform and made her way downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad," she greeted, diving into the already prepared pancakes that sat elegantly on the china plates.

"Morning, dear," her father replied, while her mother inquired about her morning.

"It was... okay, I guess," Jane responded, struggling to find the right words to describe her less-than-ideal start to the day.

"I have to go, or I'll be late for school again!" With a wave to her parents, she hurried out the door, heading towards school.

While she wasn't particularly excited about the schoolwork that awaited her, Jane was anticipating the swimming club's trip to the best beach in a serene and secluded location. Almost everyone in the club would be there, embarking on different journeys, which was not an everyday occurrence.

The morning sun beaming brightly brought a smile to Jane's face. The rough awakening may have been unpleasant, but the day held promise.

Lost in thought, Jane hummed her favorite song as she strolled along. The lyrics celebrated the brilliance and beauty of everyday life.

In the distance, she noticed a hen with its chicks wandering by, which left her puzzled. "Aren't chickens supposed to be on the farm, not roaming the city? What if they get hit by a car?" Without hesitation, Jane hurried towards the chicken, intending to shoo it away from the road. However, the unsuspecting chickens perceived her actions as a threat, especially the protective mother hen. Jane's impulsive approach triggered a confrontation.

That day would forever be etched in her memory. It became a race to evade the wrath of the angry and misunderstood mother hen. Unconcerned about potential embarrassment, all Jane could think was...


After a frantic chase around the neighborhood, the hen finally relented and returned to her chicks. Jane's heart raced, its beats seemingly refusing to calm down.

"I will never, ever touch a chicken again in my life!" she exclaimed, looking as if she had just experienced a traumatic event.

"Oh, my chickens! They must have escaped their coop and ventured into the city. Thank goodness I found them and nothing happened..." an elderly man murmured while securing the hen and her seven chicks in his car—now safely confined within a sturdy cage. The hen gave Jane one last disapproving look before the car drove away.

Jane's heart raced as she glanced around, relieved to see that no one had captured her misadventure on film. Fortuitously, the pedestrians on the bustling streets were too preoccupied with their morning commute to pay her much attention, and the early-morning traffic provided a welcome distraction.

"I'll be late if I don't catch the train or find another mode of transportation," she thought urgently, her determination fueling her sprint towards the subway. As she hurried along, Jane's attention was caught by a fortune teller situated by the roadside.

Curiosity overwhelmed her, and with a mix of anxiety and eagerness to glimpse her future, she entered the fortune teller's abode, determined to spend no more than fifteen minutes inside.

"Hello?" Jane called out tentatively, scanning the dimly lit room until her eyes landed on a woman engaged in whispered incantations. "I want to know what lies in store for me."

The woman spoke without opening her eyes, her words carrying an air of clairvoyance. "I know, that's why you've come here, Jane."

Taken aback, Jane asked, "How do you know my name?" The woman rose from her seat and settled across from Jane.

"Is it how I know your name or what lies in your future?" the woman replied cryptically.

"Uh, sorry," Jane stammered, still unsettled by the woman's enigmatic response.

She watched as the woman performed her mystical rituals, entranced by the strange and intriguing process. "Choose any three cards," the woman instructed, placing the deck upon the table. "The card you select will reveal the fate that awaits you."

After making her selection, Jane eagerly awaited the woman's interpretation. As the woman's eyes widened with surprise, she delivered a revelation. "In all my years, I've never seen such a perfect and rare combination... Jane, you will encounter a phenomenon called love, but it will be a love intertwined with elements of the mystical and fantastical. Your life will be filled with enchantment, awakening you to a world of magic. However, be cautious, my dear, for every adventure carries its own disadvantages."

With that, the woman fell silent. Jane thanked her, paid her fee, and left for school, the woman's words lingering in her mind. "Love, magic, fantasy... what could it all mean? There must be a profound interpretation."

Her reflexes kicked in as she glanced at her wristwatch, panic setting in. The time displayed made her legs spring into action, propelling her towards the subway entrance.

"8:45 am. School starts at 9:51 am," Jane realized, her determination intensifying. It was a race against time, and she ran with every ounce of energy she had, knowing that it was quite possibly the most important race of her life.

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