
My Siren Lover

Jane was just a high school girl who loves the sea so much that swimming was her main hobby She almost drowned one day but was miraculously saved by a creature known as a Siren He grew interest in her and started living in the human world as a student in her school. He always acts strange with extraordinary abilities but one day she caught him knowing his true identity Will she love him back as he loves her?. And also another Siren lurks around too, in her midst and also loves her too.

Roth_Raven · Fantasy
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5 Chs

At the beach

School wasn't that boring for Jane, as long as swimming club is in existence.

Jane's best friend Eva was not a fan of swimming, she hated going into the deep blue sea, stopping your breath and all those stuffs

There was a time she mistakenly feel into the river from a boat, and that time the world heard her screams.

The teacher was busy doing his job, helping the students to become something in life through teaching them, but majority of their mind were in the clock counting minutes remaining

"Okay c...." He was interrupted by the sound of the bell making everyone rush out leaving the teacher in utter confusion and frustration

Jane was the first to race into the swimming club's meeting, after changing to bikinis

"Whoa jane, no need for any rush" the president of the club Vern who had a huge crush on her said

"So..." Jane responded

"Don't worry about it, I'll be helping you out so you won't get lost" he smirked at the last words

"Sure president, I hope you wouldn't be the one who gets lots.... Anyways, have you known where we would be heading to" she asked inquiring from him

"You'll see" he winked walking away

"Weirdo" she complemented him in an awesome way not noticing he was behind mocking her

The bus started moving away with an excited Jane inside, swimming was always her hobby, she never knew why she was even happy, she goes to the beach almost everytime, but today seems special

The bus took a strange turn into a street which was more like a quiet jungle road, everyone was beginning to think they were being kidnapped until the bus stopped at it's destination

"Welcome everyone to the bright blue sea cove, that was abandoned for years due to rumours of sirens being noticed around, but it is a rumour so there's no need to feel threatened or endangered, have fun but don't go too deep" the swimming club's coach said with a bright smile on her face

Jane stepped out and was filled with awe because of the radiant beauty, it looked more like a fairytale than reality, it was beauty..... Maybe there were no sirens..... Maybe.

Everyone was ready to train, have fun, play games but Jane was just ready to dive into the waters

"Okay, let's group ourselves into three" the swimming club's president suggested and everyone obeyed instantly without furthermore shouting delay. He called the class roll and soon discovered two weren't there

"Have any of you seen Albert and Lia?" He asked searching around

"No one had seen them, but I overheard their conversation about looking around the cove and also around the slippery cliff" a ginger hair boy replied pointing at the cliff

"Thanks for the info" the club coach said wrapping things up.

"Okay, swimming is over because you all want to take it extral miles"

Jane searched for them around, everywhere. Upon reaching the slippery cliff, she saw them sitting down drinking some soda discussing

"Do you guys have mental issues of stupidity?" Jane asked marching forward in anger, "or were you two born into this world like that'.

"I'll warn you about the slippery Rock" lia shouted towards her but it was just too late, she missed a step badly hardly and feel backwards into the salty large sea.

The world was blank, dull and black as she fell deep into the ocean

Of course Jane was a good swimmer, the best to be specific but the salty waters overthrew her abilities

The water filled up her lungs and breathe was essential now, she tried to swim up..... The water disagreed, all her skills were just like a waste

But her time hasn't come to leave the world, well it was supposed to be her end

Visions were blurred, eyes were shutting slowly, life seemed dusky, death was close reaching out to already take hold of her hands

Then with a swift, something dragged her away from death's hands disrespectfully

It was a creature, his blue scales glittered underwater from the sun rays, he held her up and high, moving with intense speed to the surface

Her eyes were slightly opened and she could his silk like bluish purple hair, he had the most beautiful tail that showed beauty in a magestic style, he looked at her with those pure rich blue orbs which seems enticing and could make anyone hypnotized

Whispering words she could barely understand, he took her to the ocean bank where anyone could see her....

"Please do wake up" he whispered softly again, trying hard to speak the words it was more like he was battling with air, but was interrupted from saying another word by a female voice

"Oh my God! she's over here"

Quickly entering into the waters, he watched Jane from afar when she was taken away with concern on everyone's face

"Jane" he called out her name fluently clutching on her student ID card.