
My Sinister Sisters

The story name is "The ten sisters that actually love me but are jealous of the girl I have a crush on" or in short you can say "My Sinister Sisters" ××××××× This is story based on my friends life the only difference is that the mc made his crush his girlfriend but my friend can't . ××××××× This is my second story, please read my first one if you haven't!

Duo_writer69 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 3- Unexpected Meeting

Seiko - "It surely feels to good to be free (・▽・)"

Arataka - "Yeah, we are free from your sisters"

Arataka - "And we are going on an adventure"

Arataka - "It seems fun, right"

Seiko - "It sure does (◠‿◕)"

Seiko - "But we will have to work hard, we are weak, after all, we can't even fight a low-class monster"

Arataka - "You're right"

Arataka - "And also the most dangerous part is the forest, because there are more high-class monsters than normal, in the forest"

Seiko - "So, we will have to be careful (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)"

Seiko - "We need to train ourselves a little"

Seiko - "Well do you know where you are right now"

Arataka - "No, I was sleeping in the cart"

Seiko - "Do you know the name of this forest?"

Arataka - "No, I have no idea (´_`)"

Cart driver -"This is the Snake forest of southern part of the Continent"

Seiko - "Snake forests?"

Seiko - "Are you talking about the forest inhabited by snake type monsters"

Cart driver -"Yeah"

Arataka - "That is a very dangerous forest, and there is a rumor about a legendary weapon in the heart of the forest"

Seiko - "Really?"

Arataka - "Yeah"

Seiko - "Legendary weapon, that would be so cool(ノ≧∇≦)ノ "

Seiko - "I wonder what it is"

Cart driver -"Anyways, we will not go in the forest, and will go through the edge of the forest, and the destination will be the Kingdom of Rokku, and also, we will be there in 1 week"

Seiko - "why?(╥﹏╥)"

Arataka - I don't think you are that strong to face strong monsters right now"

Seiko- "Okie (`⌒´)"

Seiko - "So we are traveling for a week?"

Cart driver -"Yes"

Seiko - "Oh"

Seiko -"Is there any special reason why we're going there except meeting my sister"

Arataka -"Actually there is"

Arataka -"Rokku has many guilds which hunt monsters and Most of the guilds are of beginner level"

Arataka -"In order to earn some money we must accept and go on missions forming groups"

Arataka -"A group must have atleast 5 people"

Arataka -"We will have to go to mission as soon as we reach there

Arataka -"I know someone there"

Arataka -"they already know that we are going there. We will be joining them in our first mission"

Arataka -"So we must rest now"

Arataka - "Well, atleast, the travel is not a long one"

Arataka - "I'm going back to sleep"

Seiko - "Sleep? Why would you sleep, now, when we have to work hard (---__---)"

Arataka - "Come on even your system will advise you to sleep right now"

Arataka - "We need rest too"

Seiko - "I agree"

Seiko - "I have just recovered"

Arataka - "That's right"

Arataka - "And I don't know what skills you got, but you are still at level one, so I need more rest"

Seiko - "Alright, just don't take too much rest"

Arataka - "Yes yes"

Suddenly the cart stopped.

Seiko - "What is happening?"

Arataka - "looks like a monster has appeared, so stay here"

Seiko - "A monster?"

Seiko - "Wait, I will go with you"

Arataka - "No"

Cart driver -"I think no one should go to fight the monster (⇀‸↼‶)"

Cart driver -"These are Anguis tier 2, they normally stay in groups"

Seiko - "Anguis?"

Arataka - "That's the name of the monster"

Cart driver -"They are quite dangerous, and we can't handle their poison"

Seiko - "I see"

Arataka - "Well, that's the only thing that makes them dangerous"

Seiko - "What do you mean"

Arataka - "They are slower than normal snake type monsters , and their skin is a bit soft"

Seiko - "That's a relief( ~ . ~ )"

Cart driver -"We should leave before more Anaks come"

Then suddenly Arataka rushes towards the bunch of Anguis and starts killing them.

Seiko - "Huh?"

Seiko - "What is he doing"

Seiko - "Isn't he afraid"

Cart driver -"Well, there are not many monsters that are a threat to him"

Seiko - "Why?"

Cart driver -"Judging him from the aura he is emitting he has a lot of skills to attack from a distance, and he is also very quick, so, he is the perfect person to kill the monsters"

Seiko - "Really?"

Cart driver -"Yes, you should learn a bit of his technique, because, you can't use magic, right"

On the other hand, Arataka is killing the monsters one after the another with his long dagger.

Arataka - "One...two...three and to the four( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ᕤ"

Arataka - "I should finish these quickly, there may be more monsters"

Seiko - "I also have to do something to help him"

Seiko - "I should atleast use the skill I bought a month ago"

Seiko - "But, I don't know if the skill is powerful or not"

Seiko - "But I have no other choice"

Seiko - "System, equip the skill Martial Rage"

Seiko - "This skill will allow me to double every stat of mine"

Seiko - "But the problem is that every stat of mine is quite low ಠ,_」ಠ"

Seiko - "I have only helped in killing monsters till now I have not killed any myself"

Seiko - "This will be the first time"

Seiko - "Well, atleast the monsters are quite weak"

Seiko - "Anyways, it's time to kill the monster"

Seiko started rushing towards the monsters and attacked them.

Seiko - "This is the first time"

Seiko - "This is the first time I am attacking the monsters"

Seiko - "I will definitely kill them"

Seiko - "System, activate Martial Rage"

Seiko - "My strength is doubled"

Seiko - "And the agility too"

Seiko - "But, this is a little overboard"

Seiko - "Doesn't matter"

Seiko - "I have to help Arataka to kill these as quickly as possible"

Seiko - "Lets go"




Seiko - "It's too much even with Martial Rage I am not able to kill this single monster let alone the others"

Seiko - "Meanwhile Arataka has killed atleast a twenty by now"

Seiko - "I am really weak"

Seiko - "I have not even killed a single monster"

Seiko - "I am so pathetic"

Arataka - "What is he doing"

Arataka - "Isn't he supposed to attack the monster"

Arataka - "He is just standing there"

Arataka - "He's just staring at the monster"

Arataka - "Why is he staring at the monster"

Arataka - "What happened to him?"

Arataka - "Why is he not attacking the monster"

Arataka - "The monster is gonna attack him"

Arataka - "Shit, Seiko move out"

Arataka - "Seiko"

Arataka - "Run"

Then one of the Anguis bite Seiko.

Seiko - "Ow"

Seiko - "It hurts"

Seiko - "That bitch (`Д´)"

Seiko - "System, equip the skill Martial Rage"

Seiko - "I will destroy all these bitches"

Seiko - "I will kill all of them"

Seiko - "You, Bitch"

Seiko - "You can't do this to me"

Seiko - "I will make sure you die in hell"

Arataka - "Suddenly Seiko has gone crazy"

Arataka - "He is not listening to me"

Arataka - "What is going on"

Arataka - "It's the ability"

Arataka - "Huh"

Arataka - "Maybe the ability only trigger at life death situations"

System-"!!!Jackpot!!!(>〰<)"< p>

System -"Player has found the answer"

Seiko - "What the actual fuck do you think I am (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)"

Seiko - "I am struggling here to fight for my life and this motherfucking System"

Seiko - "Is playing riddles with me"

Seiko kills one of the Anguis.

Seiko - "Haha (◕ヮ◕)"

Seiko - "Look at you, you can't even fight me"

Seiko - "What a weakling"

Arataka - "Seiko has completely lost his mind because of the ability"

Then suddenly Seiko startled.

Seiko - "I am not feeling well"

Seiko - "Everything is starting to fade away"

Arataka - "Oh shit! He is fainting"

Arataka - "Seiko!!!"

Arataka - "Seiko!!!!!!!!"

Arataka - "Seiko!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seiko - "Looks like this is the end"

Seiko - "Am I really gonna die like this"

Seiko - "Fuck I don't wanna die like this"





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Thank you for reading the third chapter.