
My Sinister Sisters

The story name is "The ten sisters that actually love me but are jealous of the girl I have a crush on" or in short you can say "My Sinister Sisters" ××××××× This is story based on my friends life the only difference is that the mc made his crush his girlfriend but my friend can't . ××××××× This is my second story, please read my first one if you haven't!

Duo_writer69 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

System Store

Chapter 2- Start of a Journey

"Brother just come home we will not torcher you"

"Bullshit ಠ_ಠ"

"How the fuck am I supposed to believe you?"

"Just listen to me"

"We will not do anything, we promise"

"I don't care if you guys promise or not"

"Brother we really pr.. huh"

"Is that a smoke bomb"

"Shit, shit, what the hell is this"

"Who the hell threw it"

"I will find out"

"System, where did this smoke come from?"

"From the person named Eta Siyoka"


"Why would she"

Then Seiko was suddenly pulled by someone and the next moment he was running in the alleys of the town.


"Arataka!! You saved me again"

"I told you to hide somewhere"

"You're right, you're right"

"Anyways, what happened?"

"It was my sister, Theta attacked me and there was a spear through my chest"

"Huh ('◉⌓◉')"

"Where is the spear?"

"Spear? There was no spear in your chest when I saved you from there"

"That's weird ಠಿ_ಠ"

"Maybe I imagined it"


"Hey, I think it might be a buff of the system you told me about"


"I don't have any proof of it though"

"I see"

"I don't know whether the buff worked or not, but I have 2 HP left"

"You have 2 HP left?"

"Yes, I was hit by a spear through the stomach and the buff healed it"

"That is very lucky, but we should still find a doctor"

"No, there's no need"

"We can go to my house"

"But how will you explain the spear"

"It will be okay"

"Alright, if you say so"

"Let's go"

"So, where are you living?"

"At my friend's place"



"But disappeared like 2 months ago"

"I don't have time to explain"

"Just go (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞"


"Let's go"

"Wait a minute"

"You know that this place is dangerous, so we should be careful"

"Yes, yes, we will"

"Now, let's go"

"Yeah, let's go"

They ran through the alley, until they reached a building, which was made up of wood.

"This is the house, let's go inside"


"It's pretty normal ತ_ʖತ"


"Hey, Seiko, come here, let's treat your wound"


"Let me check it"

"It's alright"

"It doesn't look that bad"

"That's a relief"

"The pain is gone, so I guess the wound has been healed"

"That's great"

"I'm glad that it's not a deep wound"

"But the problem is that I don't know what kind of power the spear has"

"I don't either"

"Maybe some kind of telekinesis"


"It was as if the spear had life"

"Even though I dodged it, it came towards me and hit me"

"As if it was intelligent"

"Are you sure?"

"I don't remember"

"I can't remember what happened during the time"

"I can't recall it"

"That's weird"

"But it doesn't matter, as long as the wound is healed, right?"


"Thanks for the help, Arataka "

"I'm sorry"

"But I don't have any money to pay you, but I will give you something later"

"Don't worry about it, bruv"

"We have been friends for years"


"No problem "

"But I think it's not safe for you to stay here"

"I think we should go on a journey"

"I agree, it's not safe"

"I think, it will be better"

"And we can hunt some monsters too"

"You're right"

"Wait what"

"Didn't you say you were going on a journey"

"We'll hunt monsters on the way"


"To get the tokens and credits, you know the currency of the store you mentioned about a month ago"

"You believed it "

"Of course"

"And even if your system is not real and just your imagination"

"Then atleast we will need money to survive and there is no other job as profitable as hunting"

"But there are risks"

"More risk, More profit (◠ᴥ◕ʋ)"

"That's true"

"So, will you come or not?"


"I will, if the system is not fake and real"

"But what if it is fake?"

"I'm sure, that it is not"

"So, will you come or not?"

"I will"

"So we will be going tomorrow morning"

"Sharp 3:00 A.M."

"Why so early?"

"You want to be saved by your sisters or not"

"Yes yes"

"I understand, I will be here at sharp 3:00 AM."

"Okay, bye"


Seiko then rested for some time but he fell asleep, and soon it was time for the journey, so he prepared and waited for Arataka.

"You're late"

"Sorry, I forgot to set an alarm"

"That's a bad excuse (⌐■-■)"

"It's not (ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■"

"Whatever, let's go"

"Are you ready to face the hardships of this world"






"Is it Delta!! What are you doing here"

"I heard you were going on a journey so I came to meet you nyaw"

"Why are you acting strange"

"Nothing Nyaw"

"I just came here to tell you that Eta has invited you all to the Kingdom of Rokku (つ≧▽≦)つ"




"You'll get to meet her, isn't it nice nyaw"

"No, no, I'm fine"

"I don't need to meet her"

"But she helped you to escape from Theta, right nyaw"

"Umm yes"

"So I think she doesn't have any hate towards you"

"I think you should meet her"

"I also have some old business with her (͡°‿ ͡°)"

"So I think we will going to the Kingdom of Rokku"

"And where will you go"

"I will flee from here Theta and Gamma are too much for me to handle nyaw ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ"

"So let's start this journey"

"Here ....we ...go"


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Thank you for reading the second chapter.