

Femi_Odubella · Fantasy
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🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID* 👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


As Mia saw the werewolf she shifted back in fear and start wondering the kind of creature she has been with all these while.

Alexander seeing that his werewolf is about to go out of control immediately transformed to his human self.

Then he sat beside her and then Mia shifted back.

"I trusted that is why I told you this, you are the first person to know about this and I also think it will be good to tell you myself because it won't be good if you find out yourself"

"But this is really scary, how will I take this in, I don't think I will be comfortable working for you" she said.

"Please don't leave me, stay with me. I know how scary it is to you but I promise I am not going to harm you at all"

"Okay I have heard you" she said and look into his eyes and this makes her want to change her decision because of her love for him.

She stood up and leave the house.

Alexander seeing the way she act felt sad for telling her but he felt it is the right thing to do.

Mia got home later and she could not stop thinking about what she saw and also was surprised.

Karen seeing how disturbed his sister was move close to her and asked her what is bothering her.

"It is nothing" she said then went into her room.

She got into her room and she imagined the werewolf in front of her and she became more scared.

"I think I will have to search for another job, I can't continue working there anymore" she said to herself then went to make dinner and they all eat and went to sleep.

The next day, they woke up and then she make breakfast and they all ate and then Karen went to school.

She also went out if the house and then to a restaurant to stay for the day so her father won't ask her any question.


Alexander woke up as usual then dress up for work and went down to the livingroom expecting to see Mia but he did not see her.

He waited for a while but still she did not come so he left for work disappointedly.


Mia was in the restaurant reminiscing on their moments together and how he paid for her father's surgery and this makes her want to go but she felt that she may be in danger if she goes there so she decided not to go.

She left the restaurant later and went walking around the streets.


Alexander was in the office but he could not concentrate on work, he is disturbed and sad that he may loose Mia seeing that she has left work.

His employees saw this but they did not ask him why he is acting in such a way.

His secretary decided to ask him why he is sad but he said he is fine and she let him be.


For days both of them did not talk to each other, Alexander called her but she ignore it.

Alexander could not go to work anymore, he became lovesick and his employees wonder why he is not at work for days.


Mia on her part go out to do some few part time jobs so as not to stay at home idle.

Alexander sat in his living room thinking about Mia and then he saw standing in front of him.

"I am sorry for leaving you, I am back now" she said smiling and Alexander became happy, he stood up to hug her when she disappeared it was then he realized it was just an imagination.


Mia's father was at work thinking about Mia, he felt there is something bothering her but he did not know what it is.

"I hope she will be fine" he said as he was working.


Somewhere in California

Dean was in a place where he hid himself, he stretched out his hand and a stick appeared in his hand and he use to create a portal and entered into it.

After entering the portal close and he found himself in a very big and tall house with spacious room and he wondered if it leads to finding Lucas and Rachel's child.

He began walking around the house and after a while he came out of the house using the portal then he made the stick disappear again.

He then use his power to get his location but he found none.

"How could he be so powerful that I could not get his location, what made it so hard in getting his location?" He asked himself.

The others also were searching for him but all to no avail.


The witches dressed like a normal human then they went into the club to search for him if they could find him there but it was futile.

They were about going out when a guy suddenly touch the butt of one of them and she became angry.

"How dare you" she said angrily at him.

"Come, let's have some fun together tonight" he said touching one of her boobs.

The rest seeing what he was doing also became angry.

Suddenly the guy shifted back and he found himself floating in the air and he heard the bones in his body twisting and breaking and he shouted in pain.

After a while he fell and he died there instantly then the witches left there.

Those who were in the club became terrified seeing this.


Alexander was in his room when a man suddenly appeared to him.

"Father" he shouted seeing this.

"Son, a war is coming soon, you have been wanted by both witches and supernaturals and a war will happen soon so for you to win over you have to unleash your full power and use it if not you will be defeated, be careful what you do from now on" he said and disappear.

Alexander understanding what he meant use his power to block his location.


Karen and Eliza went together on a date after school at a particular place.

"I am really happy to have you" Karen said.

"Same here, I love you so much" she said.

"I hope you will never leave me for another more handsome guy" he said and she assured him that she will never leave him then they both kissed passionately.

Then Eliza rested her head on his shoulder.

"What is your wish after school" he asked.

"Well my wish is to go to college and be with afterwards, I don't want to stay away from you at all"

"Well I wish we got into the same college because I can't let any other guy to take you away from me"

"No guy can ever do that because we are stuck together" she said.

"I am glad" he said and Eliza saw an ice cream place.

"Ice cream" she shouted like a baby then Karen looked at where she was pointing at.

"So you really love ice cream?" He asked.

"A lot"

"More than me?" He asked.

"Wow you are jealous of ice cream now, wow this is unbelievable"

"I can't share you with anything or anyone" he said and draw her closer to himself.

"Well jealous freak, I want an ice cream and I won't leave here until I have it" she said then they both cross to buy it and then they stayed together for a while before they both went home.


The next day Alexander woke up and decided to go to work so he took hus bath and dress up and he got to the kitchen then he prepare breakfast and he ate and then he opened the door to go out when he met someone at the door and he became surprise.

TBC ❤️

Wow the witches and supernaturals are really searching for Alexander.

Will they eventually get him?

Who do you think Alexander saw at the door?

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