

Femi_Odubella · Fantasy
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🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID* 👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Mia got to Alexander's place and she went to check him in his room but was not there and she realized he has gone to work.

She went back downstairs and she began her work.

She wash the dishes in the kitchen and did some other things.


Alexander was at work early today because he had something important to attend to and he is the kind of person that don't put all the whole responsibility on his staffs just because he is the CEO.

He always have his own responsibility also and he do it well.

He got into his office and then he began doing what he came for putting all his attention on it.

His secretary came later and met him in the office and she became surprised that he is in the office already.

She greeted him and went to her office then she began her work also and later all other staffs came and they began their work also.


Karen keep on staring at Eliza waiting for an answer from him but she just keep mute.

Seeing that she is not ready to talk he made to walk away putting on a sad face when Eliza drew him back and hug him.

"I love you too" she said and Karen smiled to himself.

"I do love you also and I will be glad to be your girlfriend" she said after they broke the hug.

Karen smile to himself happily and they both stare at each other.

Karen made to kiss her but she stop him.

"No, let's take things slow" she said to him and he stop then they both held hands and went into the cafeteria.

They got into the cafeteria and students stare at them.

Karen held her hand more tightly and he speak up.

"Everyone listen, Eliza here as you know was once a friend of mine but not anymore, she is now my girlfriend so every guy should stay away from her because I am jealous boyfriend" he said and everyone gasp.

Eliza became shy and she bury her face down.

Karen held her hands and they both went to sit beside Damien.

"Congratulations to the newest couple" Damien said.

"Thanks bro"

"So Eliza you do love him also?"

"Well I fell for him after we became friends but I just decided to hide it thinking he may not feel the same" she said.

"Wow great, I am happy for you" Damien said hitting Karen lightly.

They all finish eating and immediately lunch break was over.

They return their plates and went back to the class.

After they close for the day, Karen and Eliza kiss each other and they made each other goodbye.

Karen got home that day and he became really happy.

He was so happy that he began singing and dancing to himself and just then he decided to call Eliza to know if she had gotten home.

"Hello my love" he said.

"Hi sweetheart" Eliza replied him.

"Have you gotten home?"

"Yes, just got home now" she replied.

"What are you doing now?"

"Want to change and take a shower"

"Okay or should I come to help you with anything?"

"Like what pervert"

"Well I don't mind being a pervert for you" he said.

"Get away silly boyfriend"

"What are you doing now?" She asked him.

"Just want to eat now"

"Okay keep mine also"

"Alright darling"

"Okay, will talk to you later"

"Okay bye, love you"

"Same here" she replied and they hung up then Karen went to take cornflakes in the kitchen and put in some milk and sugar then he began drinking happily.



It has been many years since Alexander's parents was sent away and since then the supernaturals keep on living the way they live before.

They heard that Alexander's parents are dead but before they die they already gave birth to a child and they decided to search for the child to bring to their world but they could not find him.

The witches were also searching for him but they also could not find him.

In the supernatural world a man sat on a chair looking angrily at some other men who sat down on a chair in front of him.

"How could you tell me you couldn't find him despite how powerful you all are?"

"We are really trying our best" one of them named Lucha said.

"Your best is not enough"

"I will suggest we use Ramien to find him"

"Well that is a good idea also but if it goes out of control?"

"We will send it to earth before it goes out of control"

"Okay" the king said and send one of the servants to bring Ramien.

After a while Ramien was brought.

It was a very hideous monster with only one eye in it forehead and has nine horns in it head and was huge.

It roared as it got there.

"Quiet" the king shouted and it stop.

They king then point it his hands on it and a light came out his hand and went into Ramien's body.

As soon as the light got into it body it began shaking and after a few minutes it transform into a handsome young man.

Everyone seeing this became satisfied.

Ramien look at it body and realize that it was no longer the way it use to be.

He then look at the king then bow.

"I have a mission for you, you heard Lucas and Rachel had a child before they die so you will go down to earth to look for the child and make sure you find him before coming back here"

"As your Lordship pleases" he said.

"Now your name will be changed to Dean" the King said.

"Lucha and Rhode, you both will go with him" he said and they nodded.

After few days the three were sent to earth in human form.

The witches also send their own people to earth and the search for Lucas and Rachel's child begin.


Alexander got back later in the evening and met Mia in the living room as usual.

"Welcome home Handsome Boss" she said taking his briefcase from him.

Alexander replied her and went up to his room.

He got to his room and was about changing when he began having the feelings that something is not right, he feels that something bad will happen soon.

"Something doesn't feel right" he said and decided to use his power to know what it is but could not get it"

He shrug it off then went o shower and change his cloth then he went back downstairs and the dinning was set and they both sat down and eat.

As they were eating, Mia notice he is troubled and decided to ask him.

"What happened sir" she asked.

"It is nothing" he said.

"I notice you are troubled"

"It is nothing" he said and Mia nodded and began eating.


In a silent place stood three men discussing their something and after a while they all separated and went different ways.

These men were Dean, Lucha and Rhodes.

In another were four young women, they all stood observing everywhere with their inner eyes to get Alexander's location but they could not find it.


They both finish eating and Alexander made Mia to sit and he told her about his real self.

She became shocked to hear this and was speechless.

After telling her Alexander transformed into his werewolf form and she became scared at what she was seeing.

TBC ❤️

Wow I think a war is coming with the supernatural and witches searching for Alexander.

What do you think Mia will do, will she still work for Alexander?

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