
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 74 Ning Chuan Scored Zero in the Test

Su Wan stomped her foot in frustration, thinking Ning Chuan was such a fool.

According to the plot, shouldn't he have voluntarily offered to accompany her to deliver the documents and then go home together?

Su Wan couldn't help but doubt her own charm.


At the bulletin board of the School of Economics and Management, students crowded around, whispering and discussing the exam.

The grades were about to be announced, and everyone had come early, waiting eagerly.

Most of the students who could get into Jiangnan University were outstanding in high school, coming from different places.

They mostly wanted to use this opportunity to assess the weight of their classmates.

Students gathered in small groups, occasionally exchanging a few words.

Near the four beauties, a group of people had gathered, mostly their admirers, trying to demonstrate their loyalty.

Wu Junyong looked eagerly at Jiang Churan.

"Churan, don't worry. With your level, getting first place is definitely no problem."

Jiang Churan solemnly replied, "Wu Junyong, please call me Jiang Churan. We're not familiar with each other."

A hint of resentment flashed in Wu Junyong's eyes, but he quickly turned back to eagerness.

"Isn't it friendlier this way? We're all classmates, no need to be distant."

Jiang Churan snorted and turned to whisper with her roommate.

Wu Junyong pretended to lower his head, his eyes was filled with malice.

Just then, Ning Chuan walked in.

Wu Junyong couldn't help redirecting his anger towards him and sneered, "Oh, isn't this our first-place student? He thinks being the first one to submit means he's the top scorer."

As soon as he spoke, Lei Pengfei and his gang joined in, echoing his words.

"Haha, finished in twenty minutes. He probably didn't even know how to answer a single question and turned in a blank paper!"

"A blank paper, haha! If he gets zero, it would be a record for the School of Economics and Management for decades."

"That would be a famous achievement."

Ning Chuan glanced at them and didn't pay them any mind, treating them like buzzing flies passing by.

When a fly buzzes around your ear, do you bother arguing with it? It's just annoying. A slap to kill it is enough.

Ji Xingyu and the others came forward, glaring angrily at Wu Junyong and his group.

Just then, Su Wan walked over, holding a few sheets of A4 paper.

She had an expressionless face, but her eyes revealed a slight disappointment.

After posting the grades on the bulletin board, Su Wan turned around and left. Before leaving, she glanced deeply at Ning Chuan, her eyes filled with frustration and disappointment.

Lei Pengfei and the others, in their domineering manner, squeezed to the front and started searching for their names on the grade sheet.

When they saw Wu Junyong's grade, they quickly started flattering him.

"Wow, Junyong, you're so amazing! 11 points, second place in the class, and in the top ten for the year."

"Truly a versatile academic genius, a role model for us!"

Upon hearing this, the girls nearby couldn't help but have pink bubbles in their eyes.

Wu Junyong couldn't help puffing up his chest and pretended to be modest, saying, "It's nothing special, I didn't perform well this time."

"Wow, you made it into the top ten even without performing well. If you had performed well, you would have been first in the year."

"Stay humble, there are still many talented students." Wu Junyong said while searching for Jiang Churan's name.

He looked delighted and said, "Churan, congratulations! 1 point, first place in the year. You've brought glory to our class."

"From now on, I'll have to seek your guidance in my studies!"

Seeking guidance in studies, perhaps it was a way to find opportunities to be alone together.

Jiang Churan had a cold and proud expression, not giving Wu Junyong any chance to strike up a conversation.

Wu Junyong's enthusiasm was met with indifference. He thought, "You stubborn girl, once I have you, you'll see how amazing I am."

Ji Xingyu Searches for Ning Chuan's Name in Front of the Bulletin Board

Ji Xingyu anxiously searched for Ning Chuan's name in front of the bulletin board.

Class 1, Ning Chuan, 0 points, 9th in the class, 167th in the year. The bottom rank.

Ji Xingyu felt deflated like a deflated balloon, listless.

It couldn't be true. The leader couldn't possibly score zero. There must be some mistake.

"Hahaha, everyone come and take a look! Ning Chuan got 0 points, last place in the year."

"It's hilarious! This is what happens when grades are all you have. His face got slapped so hard!"

Lei Pengfei shouted triumphantly, his face filled with pride and mockery.

"Oh, my mistake. I shouldn't have overestimated you and considered you a rival. You've just set a new record for the lowest score in the School of Economics and Management. No one will surpass you in the future! Hahaha!"

Wu Junyong laughed mockingly without any politeness.

Jiang Churan couldn't hide her disappointment on her face. Before the grades were announced, she still had a glimmer of hope.

Jiang Yuqi pursed her lips, realizing that Ning Chuan might have strong muscles but a zero brain. All his physical strength was useless, and he would only end up working as a security guard without any prospects.

Ji Xingyu, the fool, still considered him the leader. His brain must be fried.

Other students were discussing one after another. Zero points, it's too exaggerated. Even if you randomly guessed with your eyes closed, you would still get some points.

Ning Chuan looked at the grade sheet, furrowing his brows.

Thinking about his promise to Su Wan and Ning Ruyan, he tore off the grade sheet and walked into the teacher's office.

The busybodies saw an interesting development and immediately followed.

Ning Chuan approached Su Wan calmly and said, "Teacher Su, I request to review my exam."

"Review your exam? Are you sure?"

According to school regulations, students were allowed to review their exams to ensure fairness and justice.

"Yes." Ning Chuan nodded.

Su Wan looked at Ning Chuan's confident gaze, and her initially low spirits began to stir.

After seeing Ning Chuan's grades, Su Wan couldn't understand.

That night, Ning Chuan was so impressive. He even scored full marks in the selection test for the third year. But in this diagnostic exam, he got zero.

Could it be that the questions that night were all ones he had seen before? It was a fluke.

Su Wan was conflicted in her heart.

The invigilating teacher nearby couldn't bear it anymore. He was also a teacher in the department, named Liu.

"I remember you, Ning Chuan. You submitted your paper after just a minute. It's not surprising for such an exaggerated person to get zero."

"I'm just following the school's regulations to review my exam. Is it not allowed to submit early and still request a review?"

Ning Chuan calmly and casually counter-questioned.

"Uh... Well, that's not the issue. Don't you know your own level?" Teacher Liu hesitated, looking incredulous.

"I know my own level. You don't have to worry. Teacher Su, please help me apply for a review."

Ning Chuan remained indifferent.

Su Wan gritted her teeth and decided to trust Ning Chuan once again. She immediately applied for an exam review at the Academic Affairs Office.

The office entrance was crowded with curious classmates.

The first student in the history of the School of Economics and Management to score zero requesting an exam review.

This major news spread rapidly throughout the entire department and quickly spread across the whole school.

"Quick, come to the office of the School of Economics and Management. The couch is taken, but we have firsthand information. Guaranteed authenticity."

Classmates called and gathered, eager to witness the breaking news.