
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 73 My Sister Is Optimistic About You

Ning Chuan shrugged helplessly, changed his clothes, and prepared to go to school with Su Wan.

"Ning, do your best in the exam. Sister believes in you!" Ning Ruoyan encouraged with a smile.

"Don't worry, Sister Ruoyan, I will definitely get first place and make you proud." Ning Chuan nodded earnestly.

"Enough with the sweet talk. Hurry up and go, don't be late." Ning Ruoyan playfully nudged Ning Chuan's shoulder, urging him.

Ning Chuan walked out of the courtyard with a smile, found a shared bicycle, and leisurely rode towards the school.

This was life, away from struggles and conflicts, being with family.

By the time he arrived at the school, he was already late.

Ning Chuan entered the classroom, and the invigilator had already started distributing the test papers.

The invigilator looked at Ning Chuan's nonchalant attitude and shook his head.

"You're late for the school's first exam. And you're being so careless, it's unacceptable."

"Sit down quickly, the exam is about to begin."

Ning Chuan scanned the classroom, looking for a seat.

Wu Junyong sneered, "Ning Chuan, it seems like you intentionally arrived late so that you can make excuses when the results come out."

"Are you itching for a fight?" Ning Chuan coldly retorted.

Wu Junyong immediately remembered Ning Chuan's impressive skills in the previous fight, his face turned pale, and he reluctantly replied, "This is a school, a place for learning. You can't rely on brute force to intimidate classmates."

"You know it's a school, then let's talk with our grades. If you have the ability, come and compete for first place."

Ning Chuan didn't even spare a glance at Wu Junyong and went straight to sit next to Ji Xingyu.

"Good luck, Big Brother! I believe in you." Ji Xingyu looked at him admiringly.

Since Ning Chuan defeated Johnson and avenged Ji Xingyu, coupled with his reputation in the fighting game, he had become someone invincible in Ji Xingyu's eyes.

The classroom was in an uproar. From Ning Chuan's words, it seemed like first place was already within his grasp.

Jiang Churan frowned. She didn't expect Ning Chuan to say something like this.

It seemed that Wu Junyong was right. Only relying on physical strength would be useless once they entered society. Ning Chuan's brain seemed to have gone bad.

Wu Junyong, Lei Pengfei, and others had different expressions, but they all treated Ning Chuan's words as a joke.

Ning Chuan didn't explain and sat calmly in his seat.

The invigilator clapped the blackboard, signaling everyone to be quiet. The exam officially began.

He glanced at Ning Chuan dissatisfiedly, tolerating his tardiness but not his disruption of the exam. He would keep a close eye on him later and make sure he didn't play any tricks.

Everyone quickly quieted down and started nervously answering the questions.

After all, it was the first exam in university, and both the school and the students attached great importance to it.

As Ginger Churan worked on the paper, her expression gradually became serious. The questions were not only difficult, but also tricky. One had to be careful not to fall into traps.

So, after twenty minutes, she had only completed about one-eighth of the first page.

At this moment, a sudden "hmm" was heard!

Ning Chuan suddenly stood up.

The invigilator stared and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Everyone in the exam hall turned their heads, their eyes filled with astonishment.

Ning Chuan calmly said, "Handing in my paper, I'm done."

Everyone looked up in surprise, hardly believing their ears.


Everyone burst into laughter simultaneously.

This Ning Chuan was too funny. Did he think he was someone special by finishing the paper in twenty minutes? Did he think being the first to hand in meant he would be the first in the exam?

Ginger Churan sighed lightly, thinking that Ning Chuan seemed beyond saving.

The invigilator tapped the lectern.

"Quiet, maintain silence."

"Ning Chuan, are you submitting your paper? Don't you know you're not allowed to do so within the first half hour of the exam? It's only been twenty minutes."


Ning Chuan suddenly realized and sat back down.

Oops, he forgot about that rule.

Ji Xingyu playfully raised her thumb at Ning Chuan.

The classmates lowered their heads and resumed working, but a few more minutes had already been wasted, and time was running short.

With nothing else to do, Ning Chuan rested his chin on his hand and started pondering.

He closed his eyes and focused, carefully recalling the ancient book from his memory, trying to quickly determine the treatment method for Su Wan.

The invigilator was furious to see Ning Chuan closing his eyes as if falling asleep. What kind of student was he?

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed.

Ning Chuan opened his eyes, stood up directly, walked to the lecturer, he handed in his paper, and left.

Hearing the commotion in the classroom, Ning Chuan paid no attention.

A cicada cannot understand the ice, and a frog in a well cannot understand the sea. This question was too easy for him.

They weren't on the same level, so what was there to be proud of?

"Ning Chuan, has he lost his mind?"

"So arrogant, he'll have a hard time when the grades come out."

"Seems like he's become a security guard and doesn't care about his grades."

The invigilator banged on the table, maintaining discipline.

"Silence, be silent."

"You all focus on the exam and do your own papers. Don't imitate certain individuals. Proud and oblivious, they don't even know what they're doing."

Jiang Churan looked at the empty seat next to Ji Xingyu and sighed softly.

She couldn't understand why Ning Chuan, with his poor family background, didn't cherish the opportunity to study.

Did he think this was a society solely based on physical strength?

The invigilator looked at the calm classroom and finally lowered his head, disdainfully glancing at the answer sheet on the lectern.

He handed it in so quickly; he probably didn't even attempt the questions, leaving a blank page! Young people these days always seek to stand out and attract attention.


The answer sheet was densely filled with answers, not a blank sheet as he expected.

The invigilator couldn't help but feel surprised.

But finishing doesn't mean he got it right. In the university exam, there's no such thing as gaining points for effort.

The invigilator didn't care and casually placed the extra blank sheet with the others.

Ning Chuan strolled through the campus, basking in the warm sunlight and youthful atmosphere.

Just as he was enjoying this rare leisure time, a delicate jade hand grabbed his ear from behind.

"Ning Chuan, what are you doing here? Hasn't the exam ended?" Su Wan's charming voice sounded in his ear.

Ning Chuan turned around and saw Su Wan standing there, her face flushed.

"I finished the exam."

"You!... Ah, you finished the exam," Su Wan paused.

"Yeah." Ning Chuan nodded.

"Then you should double-check, just in case."

Remembering his miraculous speed from yesterday, Su Wan understood. However, she still couldn't help but nag a bit.

"Teacher Su, where are you going?"

"I don't have invigilation duty today. I'm just going to deliver some documents." Su Wan raised the files in her hand.

"Oh, okay. Then I'll go back first."

Ning Chuan turned around and prepared to leave.This chapter has been completed. (Please click on the next chapter to continue reading!)