
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 61 Ning Ruyan Nourishes Ning Chuan's Kidney

Mu Wanqing gritted her teeth and looked at Ning Chuan, laughing in anger.

"It's not that I want it, but if you propose it yourself, I won't refuse," Ning Chuan said seriously.

"Spit! Dream on! Dream your little dream! You took advantage of me while I was drugged, even though you didn't violate me, who knows what other despicable things you did to me! You have the heart of a thief but not the courage! You still want me to give myself to you? I'd rather die than let you succeed!" Mu Wanqing angrily retorted.

"What despicable things did I do? Huh? Take a look, what do you think I did that was so despicable? Do I have the heart of a thief but not the courage? Are you saying that I'm not bold enough? Alright, I understand. Let me show you my courage..."

Ning Chuan walked towards Mu Wanqing aggressively, taking large strides.

"You, what are you doing? Don't be impulsive..."

Mu Wanqing's face instantly paled, and she retreated while still wrapped in the blanket.


After two steps, her back hit the wall, leaving her with no way to retreat.

"Damn it, I, Mu Wanqing, actually got pinned to the wall by someone?"

Mu Wanqing felt both embarrassed and angry and was about to make a move again.

But Ning Chuan just smiled faintly, turned around, and walked away without looking back.

As he reached the door, he reached into his pocket, took out a gun, and threw it on the bed.

Then, while opening the door, he said, "I do have the courage, but I don't have any ill intentions towards you."

He closed the door with a bang.

"No ill intentions?"

Mu Wanqing was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, then angrily waved her fist in the direction of the door and said, "How dare you insult me? Am I not like a woman to you? You bastard! What's not feminine about me?"

As Mu Wanqing angrily shouted, her phone suddenly rang.

"Mu Wanqing, come back to the police station quickly. Someone reported Sang Biao. When we arrived, we found Sang Biao and his subordinates incapacitated. We found evidence of Sang Biao's crimes at the scene and arrested them directly... The strange thing is, we later checked the phone number that reported Sang Biao, and it turned out to be Sang Biao's own phone number..."

A colleague spoke to Mu Wanqing on the phone.

"What? What happened?"

Mu Wanqing was instantly stunned.

After hanging up the phone, she picked up the phone that Ning Chuan had thrown to her, Sang Biao's phone.

"Ning Chuan saved me, incapacitated Sang Biao and his group, and then made the call to the police..."

"This damn guy..."

"Thank you."


As Ning Chuan walked out of the hotel, the hotel owner gave him a knowing smile and assured him that his place would always be safe for him to return to.

Ning Chuan smiled without explaining and went straight back to his own courtyard.

When he arrived at the courtyard, it was already around two or three in the morning.

Ning Chuan quietly opened the door and went to sleep.

The next morning, Ning Chuan was still half-asleep when he felt a woman sitting next to him.

He opened his eyes and saw none other than Ning Ruyan sitting at the bedside.


Ning Chuan was surprised to see Ning Ruyan


"Alright, Chuan, tell me honestly. What time did you come back last night? Where did you go fooling around?" Ning Ruyan raised her eyebrows and asked.

Ning Chuan sat up and honestly said, "Last night, I went to the club with my classmates first, and then on the way back home, I played the hero and rescued someone..."

"Are you saying that last night, you were fooling around with two groups of women?" Ning Ruyan said angrily.

"Well, Ruyan sister, it's true that there were two groups of women, but it wasn't fooling around," Ning Chuan explained with a smile.

"Then what about this morning? Don't tell me you didn't fool around! I heard three women's voices on the phone! And something about you pinning someone's hair down!" Ning Ruyan grew even angrier.

"Ruyan sister, this...," Ning Chuan felt a headache coming on.

Earlier that morning, Ning Ruyan was at Tang Yuechan's villa when she called Ning Chuan.

As it happened, they were all sleeping in the same room that night, and when Ning Chuan made the call, Qin Shiyun, Tang Yuechan, and Moli were all woken up and made noises that Ning Ruyan heard.

"Chuan! I'm not old-fashioned, I understand that you're growing up and have your own needs as an adult man... But you have to learn moderation! You can't recklessly exhaust your body just because you're in the moment!"

"If you exhaust your body now, when you get older, you'll have all sorts of problems, especially with your kidneys! Haven't you heard that saying? Youth doesn't realize the value of essence, but regrets it in old age..."

Ning Ruyan blushed slightly and paused before continuing, "Anyway, lets put the rough words aside, I won't allow you to mistreat your body like this anymore!"

After finishing her words, Ning Ruyan's face was filled with worry.

Ning Chuan was touched and opened his arms to hug Ning Ruyan, softly saying, "Sister, don't worry, I won't do anything reckless... Besides, let me ease your worries a bit. My physical condition is much better than the average person's. Even if I'm a little reckless, it won't be a problem..."

Ning Ruyan furrowed her brows, reached out and pinched Ning Chuan's waist.

"Ouch!" Ning Chuan deliberately let out a cry of pain.

Ning Ruyan then gave a knock on Ning Chuan's head and pulled him out, saying, "Even if you have a good body, you can't be reckless! Quickly get up and have breakfast!"

Five minutes later, Ning Chuan got up, finished washing up, and looked at the breakfast on the table, twitching his mouth.

Pig kidneys, chives, Chinese yam, goji berries, black beans, walnuts, Chinese yam...

"Sister Ruyan, this breakfast... it's quite rich..." Ning Chuan said.

"Of course, now quickly eat. I prepared all of this for you, they all have the function of nourishing your kidneys and strengthening your body. Eat it all, don't waste any," Ning Ruyan said.

"Sister... I really don't need the nourishment..."

Ning Chuan smiled wryly but had no choice but to start eating.

At this time, Mu Wanqing, with two dark circles under her eyes, walked into the courtyard.

"Wanqing, you worked the night shift again?" Ning Ruyan greeted.

"Yes, Ruyan sister. There was a major case last night, so I just finished work," Mu Wanqing yawned and walked over.

When she saw the breakfast Ning Chuan was eating, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh? Isn't this Ning Chuan showing off his thievery skills? Why do I feel like Ning Chuan, you've lost your thieving spirit? Hehe!" Mu Wanqing covered her mouth and giggled, teasing him.

"Do you want to see my thieving skills? I can show you right now!" Ning Chuan raised an eyebrow, not backing down.

"Chuan, don't fool around. Did you forget what I just told you? From now on, you can't do anything like that for a week! Only when your body recovers a bit, then maybe..." Ning Ruyan interrupted with a serious expression.