
My Seven Beautiful Tenants

Synopsis: Upon Ning Chuan's return to his homeland, he is taken aback to discover that his elder sister, who was concerned about his future, has rented out all seven vacant rooms in their courtyard to seven young, unmarried beauties. To his astonishment, his sister has even bestowed upon each of these female tenants a chance for a blind date! As Ning Chuan grapples with this unexpected living arrangement, he finds himself in a whirlwind of emotions and unpredictable situations. With seven lively and alluring women around him, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, as each encounter brings new experiences, challenges, and romance. In the midst of this unconventional setting, Ning Chuan navigates the complexities of relationships, exploring the depths of love, friendship, and personal growth. Through the unique opportunity of playing matchmaker, he becomes an unwitting catalyst for unexpected connections and discoveries. Join Ning Chuan in this captivating tale filled with humor, love, and self-reflection as he unravels the mysteries of the seven beautiful women who have become his roommates, and explores the intriguing paths that lie ahead for each of them. [Disclaimer book cover not mine and the story is not mine I'm just a tl]

BlackShadow66 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 62 The young man does not know the preciousness of essence

Ning Chuan felt a bit depressed while eating breakfast.

However, he couldn't explain it to Ning Ruyan because he didn't want her to know certain things about him.

If Ning Ruyan knew about his past eight years, he didn't know how worried she would become.

Besides, the less people knew about certain things, the safer it was.

The more they knew, the more dangerous it became.

During breakfast, Su Wan also joined them.

When she saw Ning Chuan eating so many kidney-nourishing foods, her gaze towards him became strange.

After finishing breakfast, Ning Chuan and Su Wan went to school together.

On the way, Su Wan hesitated for a moment before speaking seriously to Ning Chuan, "Ning Chuan, you're still young, and right now you should focus more on your studies. Um... regarding matters between men and women, although it's natural, I suggest you exercise restraint..."

It turned out that Su Wan had also been asked by Ning Ruyan to remind Ning Chuan.

Ning Chuan was helpless; there was really no way to explain this.

At school, there weren't many military training arrangements for today, and soon it was free time.

The class monitors of the four departments in the School of Management gathered together for a while.

Then, Jiang Churan, representing the class monitors of the four departments, stepped forward.

Jiang Churan clapped her hands to signal for everyone to quiet down, then said, "I have news for all of you. The freshmen from the Foreign Language Department just challenged our School of Management to a basketball game. They want to have a friendly match in the gymnasium in half an hour. Now, any students who have confidence in their basketball skills, please come and sign up with me. We will form our School of Management team and go to the gymnasium together to compete with the Foreign Language Department..."

As Jiang Churan's voice fell, the students from the School of Management started to make noise.

"What?! Those language nerds from the Foreign Language Department dare to challenge us, the School of Management?"

"I heard there are many beauties in the Foreign Language Department. If we defeat the guys from the Foreign Language Department, won't it attract the attention of their female students?"

"Sign me up! Sign me up! I want to participate!"

The students excitedly shouted, one after another, rushing to sign up.

Wu Junyong was quite excited.

He was tall and already a member of the school's basketball team, so he was guaranteed to be a key player in the School of Management team.

His sidekick, Lei Pengfei, was also selected as a key player for the team.

As for what happened last night, Lei Pengfei couldn't possibly argue with Wu Junyong.

After all, Wu Junyong was still a second-generation rich kid and a member of the Wu family.

Lei Pengfei had to rely on him in the future.

Soon, several tall and confident boys with good basketball skills were selected as members of the School of Management team.

"That's enough, we have enough people!"

"Let's go to the gymnasium and teach those guys from the Foreign Language Department a lesson!"

The crowd shouted excitedly.

Being selected for the team meant representing the School of Management and competing against the Foreign Language Department.

Not only could they show off in front of their own female classmates, but also in front of the female students from the Foreign Language Department.

If, by any chance, they had good luck and caught the attention of the four beauties from the School of Management or the beauties from the Foreign Language Department, that would be the pinnacle of life!

At this moment, Jiang Churan looked towards Ning Chuan.

"Ning Chuan, can you play basketball?"

As soon as Jiang Churan spoke, almost everyone's gaze turned to Ning Chuan.

"Yeah, Ning Chuan, can you play basketball?"

"Ning Chuan, you're so strong, you must be good at basketball, right? Why don't you join the team and bring glory to the School of Management!"

"Yeah, Ning Chuan, a lot of people already know that you defeated those Korean exchange students. If you join the team, those guys from the Foreign Language Department would probably be scared just seeing you, right?"

Other three class flowers, Mo Wanqiu, Xie Yanran, and He Lingling, all looked at Ning Chuan.

"Hmph, what a joke! Basketball is not just a brute force sport! Ning Chuan only knows brute force, only knows fighting and brawling. How would he know basketball?" Wu Junyong sneered.

He was extremely jealous and angry that all the attention of the four class flowers was focused on Ning Chuan.

"Ning Chuan, do you really know how to play basketball?"

Jiang Churan asked when she saw Ning Chuan remaining silent.

"No, I don't."

Ning Chuan shook his head.

"Hahaha! I knew it. This guy only knows brute force. How would he understand basketball skills?" Wu Junyong burst into laughter.

Jiang Churan and Mo Wanqiu shook their heads in disappointment.

Next, everyone went to the gymnasium.

Since Ji Xingyu was selected for the team, Ning Chuan went along with Wang Xianming and Zuo Enhua at his strong request.

Of course, Ji Xingyu's new girlfriend, Jiang Yuqi, naturally went as well.

"Ning Chuan, it's such a waste that you have such great strength but don't know how to play basketball. Why don't you let Xingyu teach you? You can call him 'Master'." Jiang Yuqi deliberately said to Ning Chuan in the gymnasium.

Jiang Yuqi felt somewhat dissatisfied that Ji Xingyu always referred to Ning Chuan as "Big Brother". Especially after accepting Wu Junyong's viewpoint, she felt even more that although Ning Chuan had great strength and was good at fighting, he would probably rely on manual labor in the future and be at the bottom of society.

It was unacceptable for her boyfriend to address such a person as "Big Brother".

"No need, I'm not interested in basketball." Ning Chuan replied calmly.


Jiang Yuqi clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

Soon, the basketball friendly match between the Foreign Language Department and the School of Management began.

On the School of Management team, Wu Junyong, Lei Pengfei, and Ji Xingyu were the key players.

Other students from both departments served as cheerleaders.

Among them, the four class flowers of the School of Management and the class flower of the Foreign Language Department became beautiful scenery in the gymnasium.

The School of Management quickly dominated the game against the Foreign Language Department.

Especially Wu Junyong, whose basketball skills were truly outstanding, became the focus of the entire court!

"I didn't expect Wu Junyong to be so good at basketball! No wonder he's on the school basketball team!" Class flower Mo Wanqiu's eyes lit up.

"Yes, thanks to Wu Junyong on our side, it's not so easy for the Foreign Language Department to defeat us."

"Indeed, Wu Junyong is excellent in all aspects, be it family background, status, or financial conditions. Even in basketball, he plays so well..."

Xie Yanran and He Lingling also praised repeatedly.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuqi watched Wu Junyong on the court, contrasting him with Ji Xingyu, who was also present but clearly performed much worse.

The result of the comparison made Jiang Yuqi quite sad. Her boyfriend Ji Xingyu was completely overshadowed by Wu Junyong!

Among the group, only Jiang Churan shook her head slightly.

Wu Junyong might be impressive in other aspects, but Jiang Churan couldn't forget what happened last night.

When faced with danger, Wu Junyong abandoned their classmates and ran away alone. This behavior showed that Wu Junyong was not a responsible young man!

On the contrary...

Jiang Churan looked at Ning Chuan sitting beside her.