
My Servant System

Katherine Zara, a single middle aged office worker, went about her day as she always had; wake up, go to work, come home and read or play games. However, today would be different. Before she left for work, her ex broke into her apartment and killed her. When she woke up, she was given many choices. She could pick her new world, pick her starting point, and pick her system among many other things. And so Katherine decided to become a servant to a villainess. Follow Katherine as she serves her petty, demanding mistress in a world of swords and magic. Additional: The Female Lead (Katherine) will be submissive to her mistress, but will be cold towards others. I plan on having some action, but mainly this will be a story about Katherine serving her mistress and leveling up her system.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasy
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1017 Chs

Chapter 239: Going All Out

Taking my place opposite my arrogant, yet immensely skilled Mistress, I twirled the two wooden daggers in my hands as I stared at her, taking in her cocky smirk and mirth filled eyes.

Likely the large Demoness still believed this to be an easy win for herself, thinking that her raw strength could overwhelm me whilst her surprising dexterity and agility would make this spar of ours a done deal for herself, netting herself an entire day to use me as she pleased.

Of course, I didn't plan on letting her do so, my mind set firmly on the idea of making my Mistress be the one groveling and begging for me, not the other way around.

The thought was more arousing then even being used as a submissive sleeve for my Mistress, my body hers and hers alone to use and abuse whenever and wherever she wanted to.