
My Sentient System

"Error! No compatible system found. Searching database." It was then that Rey understood what it meant to be crushed by a single sentence. "Compatible system found. Bonding with system A-1927" Rey was left dumbstruck, he experienced a ton of emotions in just a few seconds. He did not pay much attention to this event as he was very much engrossed with the fact that he finally got his own system, after waiting since he was a child. But this never seen before event is sure to have its repercussions and in its centre was Rey Shelding. In a world where every person has a personal system and people without them are considered different, low-life, Rey even with his system is still different thanks to the error. Will this error lead Rey on a path of success or plunge him into a life full of despair and agony? (probably the former if you ask me) Long ago, an unknown being gifted humanity with the power of system to help them survive the increasing onslaught of monsters which forced them to take shelter in a corner of the world. Fast forward a couple of hundred years later, humanity has now populated most of the known land, thanks to their newfound powers but once mystery still remains. "You peeps are like us but way too weak to even do anything. But isn't it funny how I am forced to rely on you for help. No cap but as you are, you guys would probably die even before the battle starts. I'll wait till you guys are strong enough to realise the truth behind this power." The words of the unknown being or now referred to as 'the primordial being' have been a topic of fascination for researchers and adventurers who kept trying to find the truth behind them. Now considered as nothing more than a thing of the past, Rey fascinated by them, decided to uncover their true meaning. Journey along Rey as he goes from an aimless genius to someone who is more responsible towards his duties as he experiences challenges, friendships, betrayals and love (I hope). He will meet new people, some friends and many enemies but most importantly he will unravel the truth about his system all thanks to a single ERROR!!! _________________________________________ This is my first novel and first time publishing something that I have written, so I am really excited. This is my take on what if everyone got a system in the real world without any dungeon,game or tower. Please forgive the grammar as my native language is not English but it will get better I hope. Early chapters may not be the best but it I am still learning so they will definitely get better. The pacing may be a problem as it may be slow at some paces and fast at other but that will be due to my inexperience as a writer and I promise to improve as a writer alongside this novel. Updates may not be regular as I have to focus on my studies so sorry for that in advance.

chef · Sci-fi
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35 Chs


Rey was now sitting calmly on his bed as his system supposedly had a solution.

"So, what is it?"

[First off, don't get surprised and start praising me and second, I don't take disciples so no coming to me asking to teach you, master!]

".... whatever, just get to it, will ya?"

[Drum roll please!]

A subtle drum roll was then heard in Rey's ears are his system tried to create a suspenseful environment.

[It seems... it seems, god I am so excited.]


[Ok, so it seems that I- your supremely talented and awesome system- am capable of evolution!]


[Like isn't it the coolest thing ever. Me- evolve- strong- me world dominate.]

His system was so excited by the prospect of evolution that she couldn't even talk in full sentences.



Rey did some light clapping and silently went back to sleep.

[What is that for? I know I said no begging me but you could have atleast tried.]

"Oh! are you not done yet? I thought that the comedy show was over, so I went back to sleep." Rey tried to be calm but alas his emotions got the best of him.


Rey suddenly raised his voice scaring the shit out of people around him.

"If you had to say no, say it clearly, no need to be funny..... " tears started to well up in his eyes as he stopped speaking.

Though Rey was an idiot, he was not a crybaby (he is). It was his emotions and excitement regarding the subject of getting a system and being recognised which compelled him to cry.

Why am I even defending this idiot?

"*sob* Aren't you *sob* supposed *sob* to?"

I am supposed to, but if you act like this, I may very well have Ed as my protagonist or your system with the title, 'The time I got reincarnated as a system of a crybaby! '.

His system knowing full well how much Rey wanted this tried to apologise. Well tried to as much as a tsundere would.

[Well it's not like I am sorry or anything, but bullying the weak is wrong so,I.....I am sorry!]

With her cliche tsundere behaviour, Rey's system tried to apologise but the last part was so faint that Rey almost missed it.

Why are all tsunderes like this? Yanderes are the best!

[If you have a problem then go and write another novel.]

Getting back to the story.

"The heck! If you wanted to be a tsundere, couldn't you have atleast analysed some decent books? Cliche tsundere of third rate stories!"

Rey thought he was speaking to himself but unfortunately he didn't and his system heard everything.

[You... you just be grateful that I didn't zap you to paralysis.]

Rey buried his face in the pillow to bear with the barrage of insults his system sent his way (I am lazy so you can imagine it yourself).

Her tongue was as sharp as ever but considering her personality now, she softened on the abuse a little along with her tone.

[*sigh* it's up to you if you want to believe me or not- not like I care or anything, but this is the only way with your current strength and circumstances, master!]

"Are you sure?"

Rey looked up from his pillow in which he had buried his face.

[How many times do I have to tell you, master?]

"I'll trust you on this even though it sounds crazy."

'I have had many weird ideas over the years and some were even outright crazy but evolution.... I don't know how she will pull this off?'

Apart from Rey's idiocy and his over the top reactions wasting their time, his system did have a way. Just like she mentioned, it was evolution- not evolution in the true sense but more like a system having its software updated.

[So here is the solution, listen carefully I'll not repeat myself.]

*5 minutes later*

"Could you please explain it again, great system!"

Rey tried to have some fun with his system's new tsundere personality.

Weren't you just crying minutes ago?

"Yes, so what?"

So atleast pretend to be hurt, you idiot!

[I told you that I'll not repeat myself,master. So, no!]

"Pretty please!"


"Please dear system! I'll even give you a name."

His system paused for a moment, trying to decide whether to accept of reject and in the end the tsundere won.


[Ok, ok! Stop with an the cringe and this will be the last time.]

*5 more minutes later*

She again began explaining the method for evolution to Rey which was roughly like this.

For this to work, Rey had to come in physical contact with another person bonded with a system and then thanks to an ability exclusive to her, she would be able to analyse the person's system and upgrade accordingly.

The problem being that it took a lot of time as every detail has to be analysed perfectly and the other being that in no circumstance, was the process to be disrupted midway or the contract broken. Otherwise it will leave the other person with a malfunctioning system and possibly a cripple as well. This was because the system is bonded to a person on a genetic level and any hindrance in the process will cause it to change that very structure.

"Hmmmm! Now that's a problem." Rey pondered while in his genius mode, "I don't think there will be anyone kind enough to allow me to hold them for a prolonged period of time and such contact will be uncomfortable..... if I go for an inherited system, will I also get his abilities ... "

[Can't he stay like this always? He looks so attractive when he is like this!

Wait, what am I saying? He is an idiot. Nothing more!]

[Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!]

While Rey was thinking about the possible opportunities this method could bring, his system on the other hand was having an inner conflict.

"I think I know where I can find someone for this."

[Really! So what did you come up with, master?]

"It's a little unorthodox but I..... I could find a prostitute."


"Don't get me wrong but aren't they for physical contact only albeit not like this. Moreover I can spend as much time as needed and you didn't specify the gender, so this is a win-win."

Rey came up with a really interesting and out of the box solution for his system evolution but unfortunately for him, his system didn't take it well.

[Pro...pro... prostitutes? You pervert, degenerate, filthy master! You want another woman when I'm here?]

"What did you say?" Rey was confused at his system's reaction. He expected it to be like this but not at this level.



In a fit of anger and maybe a little jealousy, his system again activated the emergency measure which she used before but this time she forgot to control the current.

"Stop it ahhhh .....!"

[Oops! Sorry..... sorry... sorry]

As if realising what she had done, she stopped the current while apologising but the damage was already done.

*25 minutes later*

Rey was lying in his bed, out of the numbness but the pain hasn't subsided completely.

"Do you want to cripple me?"


"*sigh* So much happened today, I feel like since the day I was bonded with you my days have been much more hectic and eventful than before, not in a good way.

I don't have any energy to continue after your attempt to cripple me and going by your reaction, you don't seem to be very enthusiastic in hearing my solution."

[So what will you do, master?] his system had a certain ecstacy in her voice.

"Why are you happy?"

[Who is happy, idiot?]

"I can't seem to understand you at all. Let's think of a solution later, my back is hurting. "

(the next day, morning)

"Have you finally gone INSANE, Rey?"

"Please, only you can help me!"

Rey was desperately trying to convince whoev....

" Don't you know who I am taking to?"

I know so shut up! I am trying to create suspense here.

Rey was desperately trying to convince the person- who knows who- to let him analyse his/her system.

Who do you think Rey is convincing?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

chefcreators' thoughts