
My Sentient System

"Error! No compatible system found. Searching database." It was then that Rey understood what it meant to be crushed by a single sentence. "Compatible system found. Bonding with system A-1927" Rey was left dumbstruck, he experienced a ton of emotions in just a few seconds. He did not pay much attention to this event as he was very much engrossed with the fact that he finally got his own system, after waiting since he was a child. But this never seen before event is sure to have its repercussions and in its centre was Rey Shelding. In a world where every person has a personal system and people without them are considered different, low-life, Rey even with his system is still different thanks to the error. Will this error lead Rey on a path of success or plunge him into a life full of despair and agony? (probably the former if you ask me) Long ago, an unknown being gifted humanity with the power of system to help them survive the increasing onslaught of monsters which forced them to take shelter in a corner of the world. Fast forward a couple of hundred years later, humanity has now populated most of the known land, thanks to their newfound powers but once mystery still remains. "You peeps are like us but way too weak to even do anything. But isn't it funny how I am forced to rely on you for help. No cap but as you are, you guys would probably die even before the battle starts. I'll wait till you guys are strong enough to realise the truth behind this power." The words of the unknown being or now referred to as 'the primordial being' have been a topic of fascination for researchers and adventurers who kept trying to find the truth behind them. Now considered as nothing more than a thing of the past, Rey fascinated by them, decided to uncover their true meaning. Journey along Rey as he goes from an aimless genius to someone who is more responsible towards his duties as he experiences challenges, friendships, betrayals and love (I hope). He will meet new people, some friends and many enemies but most importantly he will unravel the truth about his system all thanks to a single ERROR!!! _________________________________________ This is my first novel and first time publishing something that I have written, so I am really excited. This is my take on what if everyone got a system in the real world without any dungeon,game or tower. Please forgive the grammar as my native language is not English but it will get better I hope. Early chapters may not be the best but it I am still learning so they will definitely get better. The pacing may be a problem as it may be slow at some paces and fast at other but that will be due to my inexperience as a writer and I promise to improve as a writer alongside this novel. Updates may not be regular as I have to focus on my studies so sorry for that in advance.

chef · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Class Change

Inside Rey's room, The Healing Touch.

"Call my mother, Sophie." Rey entered his mother's system model into the given space and a short while later a system window appeared.


Calling Amanda Shelding


The call function via the system was of two types: audio & video.

(Note that this does not mean that the human technology is that advanced, it is just a function of the system. Human technological advancements and system functions are not related. It is possible that the system may introduce holograms and the humans are still travelling by trains.)

Both audio and video calling worked in the same way, user enters the targeted individual's system model or name and if the other person accepts, the call will be connected. The difference between using system model and individual's name is that if system model is used them the call will be directly connected whereas if the name is used, then a list of all the people with the same name will be shown to select before connecting.

To prevent strangers from calling, a function called 'Random Calling' which was enabled by default needs to be disabled. Disabling it, blocks all the calls from people not saved in the contact list of the user.

Rey knew that his mother hasn't disabled the 'Random Calling' function because of all the spam calls she gets but he prayed nonetheless.


"Who is this?"

"Your illegitimate son!" Rey tried to play a little prank on his mom who didn't know who was calling.

"*gasp* I thought I left all that behind me. How could you possibly find me and what about your father?" unfortunately for him, his mother recognised him as soon as he spoke even after he changed his voice and decided to play along.

"Fa.... father died some days ago and he left me with your name. That's how I reached you, mother."

Rey was shocked, he didn't believe that his mother could've recognised him and he thought that his mother really had an illegitimate child.

"Don't call me ever again. I have a family now and I don't want my past to destroy my family."

"Then what do I do, mother? I have nowhere to go and no one to call family except for you."

"I know what you can do."


"Go f*** yourself, you good for nothing pig!"

"Mo.... mother, why are being like this?"

"Why am I being like this, really? You have been out for the past two days and still have the audacity to ask me this, you little shit."

Rey was hit with a sense of relief, as he heard his mother cursing and thought that the illegitimate child talk was just a joke.

'My sweet mother.'

"Of course I did, and why am I knowing about your stay just know and that too from Ed?"

[You know, I think I already like your mother.]

"Sorry, sorry! I was in Birchwood doing some research so I didn't get the time."

"Ah research! So how many girls have you stalked?10?...20?.... or perhaps all of them."

" Wh..... why would I be doing that? "

"Because in your whole life, you did research only one time and that too for the lewd magazine collection under your bed and you expect me to believe that you'll be doing some serious research? "

" Well you're not entirely.... wait, you know about my collection? "

Rey was shocked, he didn't expect his mother to find his hidden stash which was hidden in the most secret place- under the bed.

" Of course I know. I also know about that time with that Sarah girl when you...."

" That's enough, you can stop now! "

[Aww! Why did you stop her? And who is this Sarah?]

"Shut up you....."


"Shut up? Rey Shelding, did you just order me to shut up?"

[Good luck getting out of this, master!]

"You..... n... n... no mom, I wasn't talking to you."

"Oh! So now you don't even wanna talk to me?"

"I... mean, I was talking to you, but not... "

" Then you said shut up to me. "

" No..... I didn't say that to you. It was someone else. "

" So who else are you talking to? "

" I..... I..... I am with a girl. "

Now Rey could've simply said that he was with Ed but Rey was being Rey as he blurted out in panic.

"Oh how nice! I also have someone I want you to meet when you get home."

His mother was internally laughing, hearing Rey getting all panicked and flustered. She didn't mind him being with another girl, unless he comes home with extra baggage and was just teasing him.

"You.... you are not angry?"

"Of course not. Why would I be angry on my mistake rather I regret that I let it grow for 15 years."

"What mistake and who do you want me to meet?"

"You and your father."

"F..... f.... father? Please no, I beg you anyone but him."

Rey was extremely scared of his father. Normally, his father was a very calm person but on rare instances that he was angry, he was not someone you would want to meet.



The call has been disconnected.


"What? Nooo!"

[Why so tense, master?]

"You seriously asking me this? If you had seen my dad angry, you wouldn't be saying this."

Rey sat down on the sofa hoping that he is spared once he gets home.

[You are over reacting. What's the worst that could happen?]


Rey looked at the status window, which always appeared when Sophie spoke, in disbelief. He was thinking that the best outcome would be some beating and being grounded and this crazy system was talking about the worst.

[Keeping the unimportant stuff aside, why didn't you tell me you had such an amazing mother?]

"What do you mean by amazing?"

[Didn't you see, how she insulted you? I am so very inspired by her, master.]

'Why am I only surrounded by crazy women? By the way author, don't you need to explain about my mother to the readers? '

You think about what you'll do, not what I need to tell.

'What an ungrateful man? '

Indeed Rey and his mother were unusual. Since his childhood, he has been extremely close with his mother due to his lack of friends. It wasn't until much later that he met Ed and both of them became friends. Before that, his mother took on the role of his friend and that includes all the frankness and cheap jokes that come along with it. Though she was uncomfortable and hesitant at first, as suddenly going from a mother to a friend was difficult, she gradually got used to it and now both of them were like best friends.

[Why are you spacing out for, master? And why are you holding that ominous looking book?]

"I got this while we went to the library and was planning on checking it out."

[I don't feel good about this book.]

" Don't worry dear, I'll be fine! "

[D...d..... dear! Who are you calling dear? Don't pretend like we are friends or anything.]

'God, this cheap tsundere personality. Should I tease her a little? '

"Is that so? Fine, I won't call you dear then."

[I.....I didn't say I hate it. If it makes you feel better then I have no choice.]

'She is so easy to tease!'

"Let's see what the library was hiding from us."

Rey opened the book and read a couple of pages, when a system window appeared.


You have come across the inheritance of the 'Shadow Warrior'.

A figure of legends who was revered as one of the greatest assassin to ever live. Known for his shadow movements and unique fighting style, he suddenly disappeared one day.

Written during his later years, this book contains all his technique and skills, but it has not been seen for the last 150 years when it suddenly disappeared from the public domain.

Do you want to change your class to 'Shadow Warrior'(Epic)?



"This..... am I dreaming?"

Rey didn't expect an old and ominous looking book to be the inheritance of a legendary figure.

[Seems like you have across an inheritance, master and that too an epic rated.]

There were two ways in which a person could obtain/change his class. First was the more classical and widely used method of system class change. The system will give options to its user based on his stats, behaviour, skills and sometimes profession. This method was applicable on every user, the difference being only in the time the class options are given. With this method a person good in archery was most likely to get an archer as a class with slight variations and so on.

The second method was to come across an inheritance which Rey just found and accept the class change. The problem was that these were not always suitable for an individual. For example, a swordsman getting an inheritance of an assassin will be useless to him unless he wanted to work extra.

The class heirarchy worked in more or less the same way as most being

Normal< Rare< Epic< Unique< Pseudo-Legendary< Legendary< Mythical

"This is better than I expected. I thought it'd be some demon summoning book but who knew it'll be a rare book."

[Will you change the class, master?]

" Of course. Epic rating for my first class is so very good. I can't wait to see Ed's face when I tell him. Hehehe! "

Rey pressed the Yes button and with a dark aura covering him his class changed.

"What? This simple. Where is the part in which I scream and then I endure this?"

What is this idiot talking about? The notification must be on its way.



You have successfully changed your class to

Shadow Warrior (Epic)

• +10 str

• +10 agi

• +15 dex



You have acquired the skill 'Shadow Movement'

You have acquired the skill 'Shadow Assimilation'

You have acquired the skill 'Materialisation'



Rey jumped in excitement as he not only got a dope class but 3 awesome skills to go with it.

"Now, it's time to level up. Status window."


Name: Rey Shelding System: A-1927

Age: 15 years Attributes: Darkness

Lvl: 0

Exp: 0/10

Titles: The one who achieves the impossible, Bibliophile

Class: Shadow Warrior (Epic)

Affiliation: Sandalwood Empire

Str: 175 Dex: 120

Agi: 162 Sta: 143

Int: 196 Charm: 200

Senses: 70

Unassigned points: 0

Skills: Close combat(F), Quick steps(E), Weapon mastery(A), Shadow Movement(A), Shadow Assimilation(A), Materialisation(C)

Passives: Conditional idiot(A), Unrivalled genius(A), Increased knowledge acquisition(A)


I tried to explain how classes are selected. Hopefully, it is understandable.

chefcreators' thoughts