
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 12 - Alphas

Come next week, they decided to use one Saturday for half day focus on the project. André was at Sylvia's room as early as 8 in the morning when the group meeting is at 2 in the afternoon. As usual, he already bought ingredients for lunch which he will cook later.

He sat at her bed and eventually lay down so he can start reading his book. His backpack was placed near the bedside table.

"I thought you will also work on your project while you're here?" She asked. Still in pajamas hugging her 4 ft teddy bear like a child. She is facing him while lying on her side. Yes. She hasn't eaten her breakfast. And yes, André knows the door code so he comes and goes in her dorm.

"I'll do that later, when you're busy with your group. Go and eat your apple strudel. I had my beta buy one again. I put in in the table. Go."

"Oh! Yummy!" She excitedly went off the bed. She brewed fresh batch of coffee and prepared 2 cups for both of them.

She brought the coffee for André and out it down on the bedside table.

"You're not gonna eat?"

"No. Go eat at the table. I brought it for you anyway." He said, not looking at her.

She went back to the dining table and picked one strudel. She went and knelt beside him on the bed and bit one.

"Mmm mmm it's really good. Try one? Come on." She offered.

"Yet you bit it first. You won't even give me a whole one."

He gave in and leaned forward so he can bite.

Sylvia's perspective is in slow motion. As André leaned forward, she can see his chest muscles moved. The heck, she doesn't know what that's called. But it moved! ... tightening his white shirt, hugging his muscular body further. His hand reached to hold her wrist and she saw his biceps pop. He opened his mouth to bite but what Sylvia saw was his sexy mouth opening with a bit of his tongue slowly emerging from its cavern.

'Damn it...' Sylvia wanted to scold herself.

'You horny mutt...' Lexa whispered.

'Damn it damn it!'

"It is good baby. Now go and eat at the table." He went back to reading.

"Fineee... I'm not a child." She pouted but still went back and enjoyed her breakfast.

The morning went by. André cooked lunch and they shared a sumptuous meal of d Saucissons, (raw pork sausages) cooked on vegetables (Papé Vaudois) and herdsman's macaroni since Sylvia loves apples.

The unspoken rule after a meal with André is that Sylvia will wash the dishes. As she did so, André took a quick shower since he smelled of food from preparing lunch earlier. After which, it's Sylvia's time to take a bath. André went back to reading.

A knock on the door caused André to look at the time. It's only 1:20 pm. Who could it be?

He opened the door and saw Athena and Alvaro outside.

"You're kinda early. Come in. Sylvia's in the shower." He let the two come in.

"We just had our lunch. Have you eaten?"

There's one bean bag, 2 chairs at the study table, 4 chairs at the dining table, and a bed. Athena sat at the pink bean bag and let it swallow her. Alvaro sat at one of the chairs at the study table. André sat in a burmese position in the bed after putting aside the book he was reading earlier.

Alvaro noticed how fresh André seems to be. He wasn't able to stop himself from asking.

"We're early but you are here before us. You said you just ate. You took a shower here too..."

"Your point being?"

"Are you her guardian or something?

"Not that it's any of your business, but to answer your question... kind of? Since her brothers asked me to. Also, she wanted me here."

"Well, it's cool you're here. I mean, groups have different topics so there's no issue right?" Athena said, noticing the increasing animosity between the two.

They stopped talking when Athena got out of the shower. Her hair is still wet which she's trying to dry with a towel.

"Oh! Did I take so long?" She looked at the time, "Ehhh you're so early!"

"Haha we both got nothing to do so we agreed to go here earlier. I love your bean bag. So comfy." Athena bounced in the bean bag showing how much she enjoys it.

"Yes, my brother got that for me. Make yourself comfortable. I'll set up my laptop then we can pick up where we left off when you guys are ready."

They went into serious mode as soon as they started. Alvaro and Sylvia are at the study table while Athena still lying in the bean bag.

Alvaro took the lead and he's great with presentation flow too. Like bullets, transitions, and even music. He's truly an alpha. By the looks of it, they'll be done a week earlier than the due date.

André is also working on his laptop on her bed. Even if alone, he doesn't feel awkward.

Around past 3 in the afternoon, they took a break from working.

Sylvia jumped into the bed and hugged her teddy bear. Looking over at André's laptop.

"Haaahhh my back hurts."

André reached over her shoulder and massaged it gently as if it's gonna help. If anything, his touch is just igniting the fire from Sylvia's core.

"For snacks, how to do walnut cake and apple tart sound?" He asked. Using his fingers, he removed a few strands of her hair and tucked them behind her ear.

"Did you even comb your hair?"

"We'll go out to buy right now?" She beamed while using her fingers to comb her hair.

"No silly, I'll have my Delta buy it for us. I'll just go and meet him at the gate once he's there."

"Oh okay..." She said. A bit disappointed.

"Hey, can I also lay on the bed for a bit? Hours of bad slumping in front of the laptop is indeed nasty for the back." Alvaro asked while rotating his arm.

"Oh okay" Sylvia moved closer to André. André put his arm around her shoulder causing her to lean on him. She closed her eyes to rest.

André closed his laptop and casually called his Delta to bring over some snacks. Sylvia still leaning on him while hugging her bear. Alvaro lay down with his hands clasped together and eyes closed.

"I wanna jump in there too but this large bean bag is so comfy so no thanks..." Athena closed her eyes.

After about 10 mins, André received a call to meet with his Delta.

He gently laid Sylvia down and put her teddy bear in between her and Alvaro. He went out quietly to get their snacks.

When he came back, the group is already back to discussing but in a more relaxed way. Their project seems to have been finished so they are just cutting loose ends.

The four enjoyed their snacks. Sylvia who's sitting beside André even shared what's left of her apple strudel from this morning with the group.

André went out to the hallway for a bit to enjoy the gentle breeze. The dorm is directly facing the forest where their wolves ran that one time.

Alvaro went out too and saw that André is just outside.

"Hey let me pay half for the snacks. This is my group after all." Alvaro offered. He leaned on the railing just like André about 2 meters away.

"Nah, don't worry about it."

They were silent for a while.

"Am I right to assume that you like Sylvia now?" André asked.

Alvaro turned to face André seriously.