
My Second Alpha Mate

"Please don't reject me... please Goddess no... I don't wanna die a painful death..." Sylvia, dumbfounded, thought to herself as her inner wolf Lexa and the majestic blueblack-haired inner wolf simultaneously acknowledged each other telepathically as "MATE". 23 chapters 1 side story

Fire_Garnet · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 11 - Knuckleheads

"Please please make it so my teammates are friendly."

Sylvia whispered a silent prayer as the professor is picking random group members, draw-lots style, for the group research. Each group is supposed to have 3 members and their final submission of materials and presentation will be due in a month.

"Okay for the 3rd group. Members are... Alvaro Schwartz. Next is Athena Zarn... and... to complete the group is... Sylvia Burgi. Okay? Did you get that? Moving on to the next group--"

'Eh...?! Why Moon Goddess... why...?'

Sylvia sighed heavily. She looked at André who shrugged at her sarcastic luck. Instead of the skies smiling upon her, it's like it's laughing in her face.

"Okay for the remaining 30 minutes, you should discuss with your group members. Go on everyone."

Sylvia stood so she can look for Athena and maybe they can go to Alvaro. But before she can even turn around to look for Athena, Alvaro was already in front of her table.

"We can just talk here at your table Sylvia." He said with confidence. He waved at Athena to come over.

"What if I wanna talk with my team here as well?" Suddenly André spoke up as his two other group members were also already standing near André.

It's not like space is scarce. But these two Alphas just simply decided to have a standoff right this very moment.

"Okay, we can just both move a bit. It's no biggie, right? We'll slide over here, you'll slide over there eh?" Sylvia held on to André's muscly arm trying to sweet-talk her way to break the tension. Pretty much like when her brothers are fighting.

"Let me know if you need me." He responded to her in a low growl.

The discussion went smoothly despite the tension earlier. They have decided to meet twice a week and work separately on their own parts. The last week will be the only time they will increase meetups for finalization and presentation practice.

What surprised Sylvia is that Alvaro is very cooperative and an intelligent one. Most of the good ideas come from him.

Athena from the Vigor Pride pack, on the other hand, is a bit boyish, not easily intimidated, and can easily understand the flow of ideas. Her insights are impressive too.

Surprisingly, though Alvaro was previously mean to her, the discussion of their group is smooth and she doesn't feel left out or looked down upon.

One morning during the second week of their scheduled meeting at the Sunken Garden, Sylvia was the first to arrive about 30 minutes early. While she was setting up her laptop, notebook, and pen, Alvaro arrived early too.

"Oh hello..."

"Hey. You're early."

"Yeah, my class starts after lunch later and I've got nothing else to do in the morning so..."

"Hmmm, it seems we have the same schedule today."


"So. Can you listen to me a bit? I mean while it's still us two."

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Well, I know I was a total jerk to you during that time. I have no excuse. Really. I hurt you deliberately. I just want out. I just... I'm an asshole. Really."

"Hahaha okay? Any other self-derogatory descriptions?"

"Don't laugh. I'm not finished yet. Anyway, going back. I felt the same yearning you felt at that time. And my goddess, you smelled so good. But... I immediately triggered the rejection the moment you found me. My reasons at that time were self-serving. I didn't realize that fate is rarely wrong."

"Ok quick, where are you going with this?"

"I'm sorry Sylvia. Let's be better acquainted moving forward?"

"Of course."

A few minutes later, Athena, joined them and they started immediately for she has class in 2 hours. They are progressing pretty quickly which is good.

Sylvia looked to her left and saw André about to sit beside her. Recently, she always felt André's presence long before he gets near her. She moved a bit to give him more space. He then read a book quietly as if they weren't there.

A sudden cold wind blew, and Sylvia shivered. André, without taking his eye off his book, removed his scarf and put it on her neck. He then reached for her hand resting at the table and rubbed it gently.

"Better?" He whispered and looked at her.

"Yeah, thanks." He went back to reading. Alvaro saw this little exchange.

"So next week, where will we meet? Here again or just find an empty classroom?" Alvaro asked.

"Hmm if it's not too much of a trouble, we can meet at my dorm. As long as we are done before 7 pm. It's for single occupancy so we are not restricted to space or noise." Sylvia suggested. André stopped rubbing her hand but remained to hold it. He looked at her intently as if questioning her decision.

"Really? Oh wow. I stay with 3 others in bunk beds. Wish I have one like yours." Athena said dreamily. Suddenly she realized her next class is in 10 minutes so she bolted off.

"Hey, shall we have an early lunch? I'll cook." André suggested purposely leaving Alvaro out of the conversation.

"I will never say no to your cooking! Market first?" Sylvia asked André who is now cleaning her things up.

"U-huh." As he weighs her bag to check its heaviness before putting her backpack on her shoulders.

"Uhhh... We'll go ahead then Alvaro? See you later. Bye." Sylvia casually held on to André's arm and left.

"Yeah okay..."


They are just done buying ingredients from the market. All the way there though, it was just pure silence. André seems mad.

"Were you deliberately pissing him off?" Sylvia asked.

"Were you unconsciously leading him on?" He retorted back.

"Where is this coming from? Did you forget he rejected me? Why are you mad?"

"Does your group meeting really have to be in your room?"

'Ohhhh so that's what it is. My adoptive Alpha is jealous...'

They just opened the door to the dorm. Sylvia followed André to the sink where he put the items from the market.

"You're taking your promise to my brothers wayyyy too seriously." André is not responding.

Sylvia removed his scarf from her neck and hooked it in André's.

"Heyyy, I will actually ask you to be there. If it's not a bother, will you stay there with me until we're finished? Unless, it coincides with your group meetings...?" She is sweet-talking him again trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Give me your meeting schedule later after I cook. I will work it out with my group."

'Geeesh this Alpha's a handful.'

'But you like it...' Lexa whispered.

'Haaaah... I should not put meaning into it. Protect my heart protect my heart protect my heart!' Sylvia trying to ignore Lexa.

'If you're saying that now, then it means it's too late. You have already fallen prey to his charms...'

Sylvia sighed as she stare at this beautiful Alpha in front of her, working his magic in her small kitchen.

'Lexa is right. Her stupid heart have fallen. Again.'

Oh My Goddess...