

Dream Anderson-24 yrs old girl , she's just shifted to New York running from horrible past and some secrets. Aaron knight- 26yrs old typical billionaire , heart breaker but was not always like this one incident one night changed everything about him that happened 6yrs ago . But what happens when they both will meet , when she starts working as his PA things are going to change they are connected to each other more than they know the secret which dream have left behind will reveal andddd to know more you have to read the story.

niya_b16 · Urban
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11 Chs



                         I was taking some paper's to Aroon's office , I accidentally bumped with someone and all there papers came flying to the floor and we both landed on floor on our ass flat . I stood up rubbing my ass , ' oh shit, i'm so sorry shit, shit , shit . I don't know where my mind was I wasn't looking ' someone said with worry clear in her voice . I looked at her and saw a very beautiful girl standing. With light brown hair and green eyes. ' It's okay ma'am, even I was not looking where I was going.' 

                        'Haha let me help you with all this papers.' She said in sweet voice . We both collected alll the papers . ' Hi , I'm Elisa Grace.' ' Dream Parker.'  Hearing my name some strange emotions passed through her eyes, before I can understand she replaced it with smile. That's unique name you know , but It suits you . 'well it was  Nice to meet you Dream ' ' mee too' I said with a smile . ' I have to go and give this papers to my boss ' I said hurriedly remembering about papers . 

                        ' Oh great , I'm also going to see him , lets go i know how impatient he is about hes work.' We both entered his office together , He got up from his chair to greet Elisa . 'Hey, Elisa good to see you , no offence what are you doing here no one informed about your coming here. '

                        'Woah woah , one question at a time , If I didn't know you better I would have thought you are not happy to see me here.' she said to him with playfull smile on her like  , like she know him from many years . Obviously the way they greet they must be knowing each other from many years . They even make good couple , huhh from where this came ??? 'because you are jealouse ' said my inner voice huh me jealouse never. 

                         They both were so busy with there talking , god knows what they were talking but they still are not obvious to my presence . To know them my presence I cleared my throat. This seemes to get there attention , they both turn there head towards me ' umm sir papers you asked for .''Oh thank you Dream . Btw this is my childhood friend Elisa and she is also Damien's girlfriend' ' fiance ' ' what fiance ??' Aroon asked in shocked voice. ' yess, this was the thing I came here to tell you . He finally grew some balls and proposed me yesterday.' She said in dreamy voice. 

                        ' Oh my god you won't believe that was so romentic , he was so cute he's face was worth seeing when I didn't replied to him for just 10 sec , hes face was so pale like he will faint any moment.' she said jumping up and doen ' congratulations Elisa , we both said at the same time . But I don't think so Elisa noticed it she was in her own little world . Then we both hugged her . he did it first then me . 

                          ' But he didn't tell me anything about it to me . ' Aroon said pouting like a child.' Oh he was pretty tired after our last night , he will tell you after he will wake up . apperently he didn't sleep for 2 days because he was busy with all the preparations. '  

                             I left his office giving them privacy to talk. Before he said she was Damien's girlfriend why was I jealous of them even if she was hes girlfriend . I have no right to be jealous hes my boss . I have to know my limits with him . I can't let another man to hurt me . 

                              Elisa came out of his office after 1-2 hours . ' Hey Dream ' ' oh hey Elisa , didn't see you there.' ' I was thinking we can go for a lunch , I have feeling we will be great friends!' she said with hopeful eyes .' ' ya sure, why not even I can ourselfs getting along. atleast you are not like other girls glaring me all the time.' I said with small smile . I collected my thing and we both left the office . 

                              we entered in homely looking cafe near my office . After ordering our food she started the conversation . ' No offence i'll directly come to the point , why are you hiding your true body behind this loose clothes , I can see your perfect body from here .' 

                            Her question throw me off guared  , but quickely covered it .' actually I was very fat back in highschool , ya I was fat ' I lied directly at her face ' because of that I had a lot of people bullying me , even after loosing all the weight I don't like to show much of  my skin . ' I didn't like to lie to her but I don't have any other option . ' I'm so sorry about that , but now you should come out of that shell you know with this body you can get any boy you want . If you ever need help you can just call me in case you change your mind.' she said winking . before I can say anything our food arrived .

                                 After that our conversation was light . We both made small convos . I got to know her more . She and Damien was dating from highschool . they and her bestfriend's they both were ''THE'' couples of their highschool.

                                       We both were laughing so hard that people were giving us odd look . 'Oh shit , I must go now , he must me wake now and not seeing me their he will freak out . He will think I just run away . ' She said getting up . thinking about Damien I can say he will think like tis he is one crazy man .' Ya sure you should go , but it was nice talking to you . knowing I have a friend now to talk to '  . I said with full blowen smile . ' yes ofcourse will meet soon , byee ' with last hug we both left the cafe . 

                                       Its been one week since I met Elisa , we became more close then you can think in one week anyone can get . We almost talk everyday , we talk about anything and everything . We talk like we know each other from many years . 

                                       I was walking towards Aroon's office with coffee in my hand but something came under my heels I lost my balance , the cup crashed to the ground before my ass can kiss the ground two strong hands caught my waist saving me from the crash . Without me knowing my both hand was around neck of my saviour .

                      I opend my eyes and came contact with the most amazing blue eyes. he was staring at me directly in my eyes. I was lost in his ocean eyes like this was the only thing keeping me alive . We both were staring at each other but he was the first to break the eye contact .  

                                       ' You ok miss . Parker ? ' he asked me 'yes sir I'm fine , thank you .' ' it's ok ' everyone was staring at us . Back to work everyone I don't give you salary to stair ' Aroon said in authoritative voice to let them know who is the boss . Everyone started doing there work . ' I don't want coffee Dream , I'm going home anyway if you want you can also leave . ' ' No Aroon , I have some work to do . ' ' very well then see you tomorrow .' ' yes sir good bye .' 

                                   I was about to go when he said in my ear in small voice ' take care Dream i'll not be always there to save your cute little clumsy ass  .' with knowing smirk he left me there stiil processing what he just said . 

                                   Oh god I always have to do some thing embracing while he is around . Thinking about earlier my whole face became hot with all just happened and what he said about my clumsiness . I have to be more carefull from now .