

Dream Anderson-24 yrs old girl , she's just shifted to New York running from horrible past and some secrets. Aaron knight- 26yrs old typical billionaire , heart breaker but was not always like this one incident one night changed everything about him that happened 6yrs ago . But what happens when they both will meet , when she starts working as his PA things are going to change they are connected to each other more than they know the secret which dream have left behind will reveal andddd to know more you have to read the story.

niya_b16 · Urban
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             We reached our destination in 20 mins .  Car to hall the 1 min walk was very difficult , reporters won't leave us alone obviously i was with "the most eligible bachelor' . They were constantly asking  questions like ' mr.knight who's she?' ' is she your girl friend ?' ' or she's just one of your nightstands ''ma'am are you a model?' ' can you pls tell us about your relation with mr.knight .' and many more....

              After entering in hall i released the breath don't know I was holding . ' you ok Dream? he asked in concerned voice ' ya , i'm fine that was all very new for me ' I said blushing , I was not used to this kind of life style. But he was very well aware of this lifestyle they follow him every where . sometimes I feel bad for him . media people don't care about anyones privacy they just want there news. 

             The party was o full swing when we entered everyone was enjoying there time . ladies were dressed in expensive gowns , men's were dressed in suits all the ladies were looking very beautiful there faces were caked with makeup , I looked so out of place my face was not caked with makeup . 

               One hour has already passed since we came to the party every now and then people are coming to meet Aroon. He introduced me to everyone , now he was talking to some old man when someone came in front of me .He was tall almost like 6'2 with dirty blond hairs black eyes ' hi, i'm Matthew  nice to meet you!' ' i'm dream parker , mr.knight's P.A ' he take my left hand and kissed it saying ' beautiful name for a beautiful girl' . He was holding my hand more than neccesary he's eyes were roaming on body and specially on my chest area . I hesitantly took my hand back ' why are you standing alone here , lady like u can get any company you want , so why to waste some interesting company standing here alone.' ' why don't you joint me for a dance ?' ' no need of that Matthew , she's with me and very busy so if can pls leave us alone' said an angry voice behind me .

             ' Ahhh , Aroon always keeping beautiful ladies to your self , you don't have to get all angry on me you have your fun first I can wait for that ' before he can say anything more I said ' mr. matthew think before you speak, not every girl is like show some respect for us girls now if u excuse us as Aroon said we have some things to do ' I took Aroons hand we left from there . 

                we were standing at bar when he asked me ' Dream let's have one dance ' ' but I don't know how to dance ' ' I can teach you how to dance , you just have follow my lead . it's just a simple dance its not some maths problem , come on ' ' but if slip or make any mistake the blame is on you ' ' ok fine , can we go now ' he said offering his hand . I gladly accepted his hand we moved toward the dance floor . he placed my one hand on shoulder his one hand on waist and our other hands were interwined with each other . he was actually a good dancer , our hands seems to be perfectly fitted with each other . after few mins i put my head on his chest and he kept both his hand on my waist . moments like this seems so perfect and peacful .

              We left the party at almost midnight . After reaching my apartment I directly changed my clothes and was off to bed . My whole sunday was spend lazing around , watching movies and eating . Sunday was over before i know . Now I was sitting in my office doing my work it was not even lunch and this was my 4th cup of coffee since the morning , this headache won't go after this much coffee also. I was reading something on computer so I didn't see Aroon standing there . Someone clearing there throat caught my attention .

               MS.Parker I see you are doing your work very efficiently but we have a meeting to attend in 30 min . I think you forgot about it , ' oh shit, i'm sorry sir I was busy with other work it just slipped from my mind.' ' it's ok Dream no problem , you still have time so you better use it ' ' ya , sure um.. i'll make meeting room ready' ' ok ,i'll meet there . ' Saying this he was out off my office. 

             The meeting was very long without break , so none of us got chance to eat anything . cause of this my headache got even worse . Uggg now its feeling like my head will burst on any sec.  I was seating in office with my head on my table , I was trying to ease my headache by pressing it , but i don't think was working . Some one came into my room without knock I didn't bother to look up . 'Heyyyyyyyy best friend , I thing you don't remember me , no text no call , you went to lunch without me , were you on date , pls don't tell you are dating and you didn't tell me.'

            I looked at him like he had grow 2 heads ' No need be so dramatic Nick , i was in meeting it was so fucking long so I didn't get the time to call you or message you , why are you making fuss about it ' I said with irritation in my voice ' woahh woahh what got your panties in turn ,  I was just concerned about  your whereabouts.' ' Oh nick , i'm so sorry' I said looking at him . ' What happened to you , your eyes are red and you look tired , do you have fever let me check ' he said touching my forehead ' your head is apsalutely fine you don't have fever . You want me to call doc for you or I can take you there if you are not feeling well   .' ' Nick one question at time , you don't have to worry nor we need to go to doc  , its just a headache not a big problem .' 

                 But dream you are look awful , no offence you should seriously take rest and I don't want no for an answer . If you want I can talk to boss for that , i'm sure he'll understand .' Before I can deny his offer one new voice said behind him . 'He's right Dream , you look very tired . You even missed your lunch because of that stupid meeting , I didn't know you are not well or I would have not let you attend the meeting . ' ' no sir, its fine anyway it's only 2 hrs left . I'll take rest at home .' ' exactly its only 2hrs you can go , and I don't want no for an answer ' 

                Any further argument was useless with him so i nodded my head ' Good , take a good rest see you tomorrow .  And Dream if your headache get more severe you can call me , don't hesitate to call me . '  I was shock from he's last words but came to senses quickly and hmmed in answer . Soon he was out of my office . After that Nick also left my office saying he have much work to do . soon I also left for my house. 

                   Next day I was feeling better as there was no headache . It was lunch time now  I was about to go for my lunch but Aroon came ' Dream have lunch with me.' It was more like a statement than a question . ' uhh. umm ' i was not able to make proper sentence . ' Actually because of me you were not able to have your lunch yesterday that leads to you became sick , so this is making up about it .' Oh so he was just feeling bad about yesterday , nad here I thougt something else . ' mr.knight you don't have to do this it's my job to do , you don't have to feel about it .' ' I  insist  Dream .' ' okk , let me grab my purse ' ' i'll wait outside ' 

                  I quickly sent text to Nick saying i'm going lunch with boss . We were entering in car when someone called Aroon ' Hey Aroon , where you going listen ,.... hey who's this lady besides you .' ' i'm Dream parker , mr.knights P.A ' ' I'm Damien king your boss's best friend .' ' where are you both going ? ' ' we were just going to lunch ' Aroon said glaring at mr.king ' oh good i was coming to you for lunch ,  let's go we all can have lunch together , if you don'tt mind one more company .' he said last part looking at me ' ofcourse not mr.king ' ' but I mind , don't you have a girl friend to have lunch.' said Aroon .

                 'I have but she's busy today with her family so i'm here to give you company' ' it's ok Aroon , if he's alone let him come' ' fine ' . ' whipped ' said mr.king near Aroon , I think it was not for me hear. Before Aroon can said he was already seating in the passenger seat . so I made my way towards the back seat .

               After lunch we came back to office and Damien left to his company . Yes we are now in first name bases . He's actually very funny , lunch with him was very funny . we both were laughing so hard that everyone was looking at us like we are some unnatural thing . Aroon was silent through the lunch he laughed only occasionally . He was glaring at Damien in response Damien was only giving him smirk . I don't think that was any serious cause Damien was enjoying it . We actually became good friend . 

       I don't know how they both are bestfriends . Damien is chill , funny .  while Aroon is well he's Aroon.    


        ################# THIS WAS MY BIGGEST CHAPTER TILL NOW 1823+ WORDS .