
YEY I'm a Saiyan...

Ok, so after the goddess sad her words I felt like the world or me I do not know which one was spinning, contracting and dilating faster and faster until... let's not go into details the point I was reborn.

PS. Please "GOD Almighty (Author)" do not do that to me again because one time is more than anyone needs to know and think about where some things go and others come out.

Ok, so yea I was reborn as a Saiyan now what I need to do is find out what year it is so I can bail as fast as possible. If you are asking how I know that I'm a Saiyan well I have 2 words for you pod, tail.

And here are coming the purple Aliens, and here is my mind chant praying for not having a too big battle power as to not get on the King Vegeta or on Freza's radar: 'OK, Travis tuck your tail between your legs and pray that you do not have a too big battle power.' and so on and so forth.

???: "Hey Gog. How many of this newborn Saiyan's are you in charge of now." - At the door a blue alien was calling.

Gog: "Hi Baro. Not to many only one room of 98 now since the release of King's Vegeta son and Beent's family son this week and got 2 new Saiyan's replacing them today."

Baro: "Gog can you speed it since today is payday and I want to have my gambling rematch with you and the guys."

Gog: "Can you wait a bit since I need to check the power level."

Baro: "Yea sure thing."

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Gog: "Wow look at that this girl has power level of 457. Yet another elite class, I'm telling you they get stronger each day."

Baro: "I wonder how can Lord Freaza put up with this monkeys for so lo..."

Gog: "Shut it. Do you want to get us killed buy this monkeys as you call them. How the hell am I supposed to know what Lord Freaza wants to do, he is probable having fun seeing them as ants or something. It is not our place to intervene at especially since we are in there territory. So if you want to die do it on your one not with me around."

Baro: "OkOk chill, so get his power level and lets get out of here."

'OK, Travis the moment of truth tack your tail between your legs and keep it in and pray that you do not have a too big battle power.'

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Gog: "This is impossible."

'OK, I think I'm doomed!'

Baro: "What is so impossible."

Gog: "His power level is -1."

'What was that -1?'

Baro: "What that is impossible, probably the scouter has a defect. Let me get you a new one."

Gog: "This is a new one got it today, I guess the supplier schemed me."

'How can it be -1 did my internal chant do something?'

Baro: "Here you go!"

'OK, Travis tuck your tail between your legs but not too tight and relax your muscles as you do it. Like taking a "relaxing shit" I guess.'

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Gog: "That more like it, it's a power level of 2 a lowly class this time."

Baro: "You done?"

Gog: "Not yet need to fill it in and then we can go."

'That was strange I have never heard of negative power levels in any stories or movies.

That feeling when I was "chanting" was really strange as well.

Is it possible that I can control my KI already to some degree this needs some testing.

Well at least I'm registered as a low class Saiyan now so that is a plus.'