
The Goddess...

I do not know how long it has been since my last "conversation" with you Void but I finally found a way to have my own thinking pattern without beeping interrupted.

At this time the darkness of the Void became brighter and brighter until all I can see is white.

'What the hell is this?'

"Well this is my domain, and it is rare to see a soul with it's consciousness intact after 1 billion years in that place. So let me see what you have done in the mortal world."

Turning around I see a petite girl, with a multicolored hair, 3 sets of horns one white, one red and one black, cat-like eyes one blue and one green, and with 2 pairs of wings one feathery white and dragon like black.

"Hmm this is interesting."

"After you have died the nanobot thingy that you created saved a huge amount of lives and you are really lucky that the fist part that is integrated in the core of them was to never do harm and never contract or help in building weapons because of that no one knows how to weaponize your nanotechnology saving a huge number of lives and upgrading the universe from a low mortal level to a high haven in the last 1 billion years.

Well done boy, well done."

'Who is she calling a boy I'm one billion and 31 years old!'

"Hahahahah, That is funny."

'So let me guess your the goddesses of reincarnation or something and you can read my mind. It's a bit cliche if you ask me but o well.'

"Or something. And yes I can read your mind as you have guest but you are only a soul at the moment as you probably figured out, now regarding reincarnation we usually wipe the memory of the soul with some exceptions and one of this exception is a person has enough karma merit in order to pay for his/here memory or a better life, but in your case you have so much karma that I can reincarnate you wherever you want and give you 100 wishes and it still not enough to compensation for your universal contribution.

So here is what I can offer you is to be able to reincarnate wherever you want and 10 wishes since that kind of is my limit."

'Then I want to be reincarnated in the Dragon Ball Multiverse with...'

"WoWo there boy I can't do that, that Multiverse is guarded by a very powerful and old OmniVersLord compared to me who is a newborn. Why don't you pick one of the 3 universes that I have."

'Is there no way for me to become a Saiyan in your universes?'

"Unfortunately no. The universes that I control are the one that you have bane in, a universe of knights and magic and the last universe is a System. Even If I transform you into a Saiyan in one of the worlds you can not cultivate Ki since the Universe seed has not fully mature yet and the amount it can generate is beryl enough for me."

'Is there no way to send me to that OmniVersLord universe 7 where Saiyan's steal exists?'

"Hmm let me see.... {5 min later} Unfortunately there are no more Saiyans left in universe 7 and the blood is very diluted in the population located on Earth. The only way I can think of doing this is to sneak you in the OmniVersLord universe 7 then open a crack in time to go back to when the Sayan's existed and add your sole in the reincarnation cycle and hope for the best pick."

'Can you do this for me.'

"Yes I can but if somehow OmniVersLord universe 7 finds any of us in the middle of it then we are ash. This is worth more than anything you can think of. Are you sure about this since I can not guarantee anything after I implanted you in to that Universe system."

'I have a request can you give me magic talent as well.'

"That I can do since magic is related to the soul."

'Thank you, so can you (1) send me in that universe 7 as well as (2) being reborn as a Sayan (3) with magical ability.'

"Ok, and have fun!"