
I died...

Hi there I'm Travis Yus, yea I know it's a "sucky" name, any way I'm a scientist or better yet I was a few day's or is it year's I do not know its kinda fuzzy here where the consciousness is and is not present its as if I'm in a dream where all you see is black and your awareness comes in and out of it.

So how can I explain my predicament well I was born with a fragile body that if you strain it too much you get a broken bone or a heart problem or a kidney problem lets not call them failure how my doctors almost all the time are calling them, ok all the time, and the "Doctors" estimated that my maximum live expediencies to be that of 13 years and this year I finally died at the age of 31.

Hmmm, yeah that is the funny part they got the numbers "correctly" problem is that it was in reverse.

So what did I do all this nice 31 years, well not a lot just:

- got my first taste of programming by the age of 5 and by the age of 6 I got my first site up and running;

- by the age of 8 invented my own programming language named "MeYus" yea I know I suck at naming things, that goes wonderful with a specifically new hardware invented by yours truly, if you are asking what does this do nothing much just that it replaces the old hardware programming language ASM with the new concept of having objective definitions of data, action, computation and display at the hardware level speeding up the computation time of the hardware <=> software relation by a fraction of 1000.

- got my first doctor's degree by the age as 12 in the computer science department.

- by the age of 18 I got my 4th degree in the nano science & technology

- and finally at 31 I invented the first nanobot that can cure only 2 types of cancer.

The last one was 6 days before I died and was on the verge of inventing a new generation of nanobot system that can do gene reconstruction by my estimation I needed 6 to 14 mouths to be done and finally inventing a cure but NO I HAD TO **** DIE.

Ok and now I'm here in this void where my conscious is between slumber and awake not knowing the time I spent here I did try to counting in different ways but each time it's like each new number becomes an infinite echo of the previous numbers that I can think of. It is strange and really irritating.