
Chapter 1: A promising Dimension

Hey, my name is Adam Mace! I'm an 18-year-old boy, who lived in Newark, a city in Chadum.

Earth isn't anything like it once was. Or maybe it is and I'm just on the wrong earth right now. I don't know.

You may ask yourself what the fuck I am talking about. "Earth isn't anything like it once was", "wrong earth".

And I know that there are probably more things to talk about than just that and maybe even more than I could ever talk about... And I am just 18!

Well, anyways. Let's start in the present for now. I am currently sitting in a big room with nothing but two doors and a bench. The room itself is probably bigger than a family home but, like I said, almost completely empty. It looks like it's crumbling apart, The two doors are one exit, and a door through which you can get inside the Decider.

What's the Decider I hear you asking?... I'm not so sure myself. I'm on that earth for only one day, and I don't plan to stay any longer, to be honest. The only thing I heard about it is that it will give you a special System or something, which will give me special abilities fitted for my life the best.

But now back to me. You may not believe me, but I can pretty much teleport wherever I want. But not only that, but I can also teleport to different dimensions, or more accurately, other forms of earth. Ang again, not only that. I also have the ability to resurrect upon dying. Even though all these abilities may be very restricted to only one teleportation a day, only one dimension swap per week, and only one resurrection per month.

And how did I get these powers?... I have no idea... It is almost two years ago that I died and got reincarnated with a strange tattoo on my forearm. Against all my hopes for a nice life after death, I just came back to earth. First I just thought it was a dream, but I quickly noticed that this was more than just real.

The strange tattoo I was talking about drags itself over my entire forearm, having a lot of ornamentations and other fancy things on it. But there are always two numbers who are changing inside of it. The first one shows the number of Jumps I have still left for a day; So 1 or 0. And the second number shows the days until I can perform a Dimension Jump; So a number from 0 to 7. The numbers change with every bell stroke at 0 o'clock.

And to the resurrection... It's just a wild guess. I already died a few times and the lowest number of days between two deaths was 34, so I guess that the counter resets every 30 days. But I could be completely wrong.

And again, I have no idea how, and why exactly me.

But let me tell you something. After you've made your first few little jumps, it may feel like you're blessed and that you have some kind of godly power... But after my first accidental dimension jump that changed. Dimension jumps are always completely random. Or at least I couldn't find any way to control that power. I may control when I jump, but not where. And when I first landed on a completely broken and apocalyptic earth, I knew I fucked up. I didn't even know what I was doing at the time and suddenly I'm on some kind of broken earth?...

Come to think of it... That earth back then reminds me of the one I'm on right now. Completely destroyed by humans themselves, nothing but rocks and old buildings. Finding food was a pain.

A grin formed over my face.

>I was a weakling back then, didn't know what to do and was pathetic. But that changed now!<

Suddenly I heard a robotic, female voice calling out. "Adam Mace."

I was startled for a second before I could react. "Yes?" I said hesitantly. A quick glance over to my forearm confirmed that I still had my jump for today left, so I was ready to shout "Jump!" and get back to a small, still standing apartment that I saw earlier again if any danger would arise. And if I would still fail, then I still had my resurrection, so no worries.

"Please enter the Decider." The voice said calmly.

Again, I was hesitant to stand up but stood up nonetheless. >There's not much to lose and if the rumours are true, there is so much to gain. An individual System, based on my past life? Fuck yeah! I'll take that all day!< I thought to myself.

I slowly walked over to the door, one hand on my Laserblaster I stole from another world and still ready to Jump if necessary. I reached for the door handle and pushed the door open... It was dark inside and started to count up. >One, Two, Three, Four, Five... Ok, it seems to be safe.< I drew my blaster, flipped a switch on it to get in on flashlight mode and took a step in.

The strong, green flashlight illuminated the whole room instantly and I could see something that I can only describe as a giant black ball with a seemingly countless amount of wires connecting it to the roof.

"What the..." I spoke to myself, not knowing what was going on.

"Please take a seat." The voice continued. A flood of light now shined on a seat in front of the ball, from a giant light above.

I turned the flashlight off, as it was useless now, and started to walk again. The room was made completely out of black metal and every step was echoing through the room over and over again.

The seat was almost completely black as well, only a few white spots on it, which made it looked like it got worn out a bit. But who knows for how long this thing already stood there, so now wonders.

Once I finally reached the seat I waited for another command from the voice, but there came none... So I just sat down. As soon as I did that, some straps came shooting around my legs, arms, and head, tying me to the seat and leaving almost no room for any movements.