
Chapter 54 Blaze and Triana’s reunion

Blaze stared at Triana speechlessly, eyes wide and mouth agape. He had no idea how to react because it had come so abruptly.

Triana anticipated him to squeal and take her in his arms. When she didn't get a reaction from him, she raised her eyes to him, only to see his puzzled look. Her smile started to wane. She pouted and said, "I’m pregnant, Blaze… with your child. Aren’t you happy?"

"Happy! I’m delighted, Triana," Blaze exclaimed, his face lighting up with a huge grin. "This is the best thing that has ever happened in my life." He drew her into his embrace. "I’m so lucky to have you. You are the source of joy in my life." He bowed and kissed her but pulled back quickly. "When did you find out about your pregnancy?"

"The day I left for the Blue Moon Pack," Triana murmured. "I wanted to reach out to you, but you sent Moana to persuade me instead of coming yourself." She sulked. "Then the epidemic happened in the pack."