
My Runic Ability is Copy Paste

The World suddenly faced an Apocalypse and I struggled for 3 months, until my head was suddenly hit by an arrow. After I woke up, 10 years have passed. I found out that the world had changed. The world is now in a new era where humans have supernatural abilities. But we... The human race are no longer at the top of the food chain. The World is now ruled by Superbeast! And, this is my story where I have the greatest Rune... Copy Paste. ————— Author’s note: I am an aspiring author and English is not my mother tongue so forgive me for my mistakes. REMINDER: this is NOT AN ORIGINAL NOVEL, I just copied some(a lot) Ideas from other novels. I'm not satisfied with the original novel because it was not delivered properly, so I tried to re-write it. I only wrote this for my own satisfaction but I will promise you that I will write this seriously. I am also making my very own big novel but I'm not good enough to deliver it. I just don't want my very first original novel to be a disappointment so I used this novel as my practice target. For now, I will use some other novels out there to hone my skills so expect some copy pasted contents. ————— PS: Mc is not Chinese, just another regular Asian dude! ————— Disclaimer: The cover photo is not mine, I just copy-pasted it(my power). all credits to the owner.

Mr_HonestReview · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 3 Attacked

January 30, 2028

Alliance of South East Asian Nations(ASEAN)

P-Base Sanctuary

ASEAN Senior High, Sector 2


"Hm?" Larry glances at a group of five in the crowd outside the gate. "Han Chen?"

In the group of students outside the gate, there are five people who are very eye-catching, whose leader is at least 180 cm, wearing a white T-shirt, white and long pants, and huge chest muscles. The four people surrounding him, whether it was brawniness or a scar on their face, were just as fearsome. And that white-shirted teenager, his family is the one who's giving my family some problems.

"Larry!!" shouted Han Chen.

Han Chen is a bully in school but Larry is not afraid of him. The only thing that is holding him up from beating this bully is his family.

Han Chen is a spoiled brat with a small brain. A prideful prick who wants to boss everyone. He has deep resentment that he holds toward Larry and his family, He resented Larry for not helping him when he got rejected by Alexa, now Han Chen feels like he and his Han family is being belittled.

"Let's go" Han Chen snorted when he sees Larry not even glancing at him. Han Chen will make sure that Larry will suffer for not respecting him...

"This Han Chen has some screw loose as if he wants to be the villain of your story," Bruce said towards Larry as he watched the group of five get farther and farther.

«Han Chen?»

Larry has never concerned himself with such a third-rate character.

"I would rather deal with less than more," said Larry as he walked home with Bruce

On the way home.

[drip, drip] on the street. The car's horn sounded. As of now, all the cars use electric energy, so at least there will be no smell of gasoline on the street.

"Bruce, there is one more month until the exams. During this month, let's put forth our best effort." Larry and Bruce walked on the street.

"And we should frequently visit the dojo, at the dojo we can relax temporarily. Do some restorative training every day, while mainly concentrating on culture studies. This exam will dictate our future, I don't want to waste my chance." Larry sighed

"Yea, this will be a bloody exam. This exam determines our fate." Bruce also sighed. "Exam, Exams! What a pain in the a**!"

"Yup." Larry nodded.

His home conditions are not looking good, even though his family assets are in millions. No matter how poor his grade is, he can always get a job with his family's recommendation and easily earn a yearly salary of 20 to 30 thousand dollars. However, will Larry be satisfied with that kind of life? knowing there is a better future waiting for him.


At this time, around a thousand meters above P-Base Sanctuary.

A large, golden-crowned eagle was flying past the city. Its body was around twenty meters long, like a huge fighter jet, the feathers of its body had a cold, metallic luster; the feathers on its head were a secluded gold, like a golden crown. Its huge talons were also golden.

A pair of sharp, blue, glowing eyes looked down upon the human city, hiding a sliver of killing intent.


The golden-crowned eagle, who was already flying super fast, suddenly increased its speed exponentially, breaking through the sound barrier within a moment, reaching an appalling speed. At the same time, an extremely high-pitched sound erupted from within the mouth of the eagle. The frightening shockwave, which could be seen to the naked eye, spread rapidly downwards.

At P-Base Sector 2, Metro road intersection, Larry was waiting for the red light with Bruce



An ear-piercing howl suddenly arose, but this was not quite so like thunder. Thunder's sound is great and deafening. But this sound was ear-piercing, Larry felt a slight pain in his eardrums, with some wrinkles of uncomfort arising on his forehead. Many people on the street were already covering their ears.

"That's the cry of a bird," said Larry as looked up towards the sky.

"Hm?" surprised Larry.

Under the shock of the ear-piercing howl, a huge piece of glass in a skyscraper on the neighboring street let out a deep [KA~~~ KA~~~] sound.

Lots of glasses cracked open, and dozens of glass fell from the high sky. Some smashed against the pedestrian path, or hit people, or even smashed against the lights on the street.

[PAI!] [PENG!] [PIPA (crackling noises)!] .....

There were bursting noises for a while.

And one of the glass fell against a streetlight that was right next to Larry.

"Wah!" Bruce rapidly stepped back two steps, dodging a piece of shattered glass.

And one of the glasses shattered against the ground and a piece was flying straight towards Larry like a knife.

"Hm?" Larry saw the glass out of the corner of his eye.

However, there was no dodging. He just stood there calmly. In an instant, his right hand, like lightning, caught the piece of glass that was flying towards him.

The piece of glass reflected Larrys' look. He tapped it twice and then randomly threw it. Like a hidden weapon, the piece of glass flew straight towards to a far away trashcan and accurately went inside the opening.

On the street, the cars that were affected at first quickly went back to normal. And the people on the street were having a discussion. Some unfortunate ones were injured, but most of them had no injury at all.

"What strength." Larry looked towards the sky.

"So much power in just one howl. It must've been a powerful beast. Bruce, weren't you good with beasts? Do you know what kind of beast this is?"

Bruce squinted; a light of excitement was within in the slit of his eyes.

"Larry, there is a defense system 500 meters above this city. This beast was definitely flying above more than 500 meters. Even with such distance, its howl could still have so much power. And regular beasts wouldn't even dare howl above a human city!"

"With such strength and arrogance, and according to the sound... If I'm correct, this should be one of the terrifying "Golden-crowned eagles!" said Bruce solemnly.

"Golden-crowned eagle?" Larrys' eyes flashed.

Of course, he has heard of the infamous golden-crowned eagle.

"The golden-crowned eagle is ranked Five out of the avian Superbeast." Bruces' eyes shined.

"A grown golden-crowned eagle's body is around 21 meters in length. Its wingspan is around 36 meters and its flight speed could reach up to 3.9 mach, which is 3.9 times the speed of sound. Using 340 m/s as the speed of sound, that is 1326 meters per second, which is 4774 kilometers in an hour."

Larry knew that the golden-crowned eagle was powerful, but once he heard the extreme speed of 1326 m/s, he held his breath.

One second, which is just one blink, and it's already a thousand meters away. That speed is still acceptable knowing avian Superbeasts specializes in speed.

"The golden-crowned eagle's feathers are even harder than diamond. It probably is as tough as an E-grade magic metal." Bruce excitedly added.

"There are videos online. The golden-crowned eagle followed a horde and met the army. It has received fire from a 20mm fire-god cannon. A fire-god cannon could shoot 7000 bullets per second. 7000 bullets per second is a stream of bullets! And each bullet could pierce through a 50mm thick steel plate. However... even under the fire-god cannon's barrage, the barrage couldn't even hit one feather off of the golden-crowned eagle."