
Chapter 15: Honeymoon in Southwick

“I’m so excited,” I squeal and Lucas laughs at my outburst.

“More excited than you were during that plane right?” Lucas teases me and I grin at him. He holds his hand out for mine and I place my hand in his. He smiles at me and squeezes my hand gently as we walk down the steps of the plane.

Lucas used his family’s private jet to get us to Southwick in a little over two hours. The flight was fun and we joined the mile-high club. It was better than I thought it would be but I guess that is because we had the whole jet to ourselves, aside from the polite who was closed off in a different area. So, we had plenty of room.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, the plane was incredible,” I laugh and wink at Lucas who smiles back at me with a glint in his eyes. “I’m just excited to be back here where it all began. Or sort of began. Where I found out who you really are.”

“You mean incredible?” Lucas teases me more and ushers me into the car that’s idling on the tarmac, waiting for us.