
Jealous Steve

"Thanks." "Steve said with a toothy smile, while James glared at him.

"What your problem Steve can’t I flirt in peace?" James inquired sitting on another chair.

"So you have the nerve to flirt with my sister without asking me first?" Steve muttered.

"What do I need to ask you just because she is your cousin." James said glaring at Steve.

John walk away to order food for them, John walk to the desk with a lot of food and Trevor run into the Cafeteria and join them.  Jane grabbed her spoon from the table and steal a glance at him.

"You just wanted to keep the hen and you took ages." She remarks, staring at him. He looked down, avoiding her gaze.

"I needed to pee." He muttered.        

"Come on man you don’t need to explain yourself to Jane she is not God." John stated and Jane glare at him.

"It was a slip of the tongue." He muttered facing his food.

They were all eating silently, with bottled water facing them as they ate.  Trevor drops Jane's water on the floor, and she tries to pick it up.

"Leave it, I will pick it up." He said, moving from the chair and also fall his bottled water.

"You are so clumsy." Jane remarked and Steve’s dog started licking Janes bottled water on the floor.

"Ewww, I am not drinking that." She scrunches up her face as Trevor picks up the water and stretches it to her.

"Didn’t you hear me? I am not drinking." She muttered, avoiding his gaze.

"Why don’t you give her yours and drink hers." John suggested.

"I-I can’t I already opened mine." He stutters.

"Okay." John said coldly.

"You guys just like drama, give it to me I will drink it." Steve said extending his hand to Trevor, he handed Steve the bottled water and Jane take Steve’s water immediately and started drinking it.

"So you are thirsty." Rachael remarks, and she smirks and drops the water on the table.

Steve uses his handkerchief to clean the bottle as Trevor take his seat.

They all finish eating and drinking their water, Steve didn’t finish his, so he left it on the table and they all walked out of the cafeteria to attend the last class.

The others walk to their different classes, leaving Rachael and Steve.

Rachael look around and grab Steve’s hand.

"Where are you going?" she asked bluntly.

"To class, of course." he replied.

"Can you attend music class with me." She stated, with pouted lips.

"You know I can’t I have programming class to attend." He stated.

"Please, pretty please." She pleaded making puppy dogs eyes at him.

"Alright." He beamed and she grabbed him by the hand, leading him to the class.

They both enter the class, grabbing the attention of all the students present.

"Wow, what is Steve doing here." One of the student muttered.

"Can’t you see he came with  his cousin." Another one added.

Steve lean to whisper something in Rachael’s ear.