

"What do you guys normally do in this class." He ask bluntly.

"We talk about music and sing sometimes." She beamed taking him to a chair in the front roll  they both settled down the chair as the teacher walk in, she stand in front of them. With a note book in her hand.

"Who played the violin the other day?" she inquired.

"It was Rachael." The student chorused.                      

"So you can play the violin." Steve said in a soft tone.

"Yes I didn’t learn it that much but I can play it." She assured and stand up from her seat looking at the teacher.

"You still need to work on your skills. Sometimes you go off key. You have to stick with the lyrics you are given, not try to form a new song." The teacher stated.

"Noted ma." Rachael beamed.

"Alright." She stated and Rachael have her seat.

"Who played the piano yesterday?" the teacher inquired.

"Why is she asking all this? This class is so boring." Steve remarks holding his hair.

"Because she asked us to play different instruments yesterday without telling us what she thought about our performance." She beamed.

Steve closes his eyes. He was dizzy for some reason, so he began shaking uncontrollably in his seat. Shaking Rachael in the process.

"Stop shaking me." She muttered without looking at him.

The teacher noticed Steve’s moment.

"Young man, stand up. What’s wrong with you?" she inquired, starring at him.

When Steve tries to stand, he collapses on the chair.

The students rushed him to the school nurse.

Racheal is standing outside the room, waiting for the nurse to finish treating Steve. She is worried and wondering what is going on.

The nurse examined Steve. He was breathing contiously. His face was extremely red.  

The nurse placed a hot towel on his forehead. As he shake in the bed. And walk out of the room.

Racheal walks to the nurse, starring at her.

"What is wrong with Steve." She asked in a worried tone.

"Who are you to him, do you know his parents?" the nurse inquired.

"I am his cousin. What do you need from his parents?" Rachael asked bluntly.

"He had been drugged and needs a lot of sleep and medications." The nurse muttered and Rachael eye widened.

" So do me a favour, call his parents." She said, and walked back into the room.

Rachael started pacing, wondering what she would do. She walked to Jane’s class, and all the students looked at her, including the teacher. She interrupted their class.

"Miss how may I help you?  The teacher inquired starring at her.

"Ma there is an emergency, I need Jane." She muttered.

"Jane go with her." The teacher stated and Jane walked out with Rachael, wondering why she interrupted her class.

"Anastasia, you look worried. What’s the matter? Jane inquired.

"Steve is in the school sick bay. He was drugged." Rachael stated bluntly. 

"Drugged, how is that possible? Jane inquired.

"I don’t know either, but the school nurse said I need to call his parents so they can take him to the hospital or buy drugs for him."