
My Roleplay System

A couple weeks before Lake's Martial Course Entrance Exam, While he was taking a nap during a class he is awoken by a strange beeping sound. Opening his sleepy eyes, he could sees a strange holographic screen in front of him. [Roleplay System has successfully bonded to host. Do you wish to begin roleplaying?] [Yes?] or [No?] At first Lake thought he was still half asleep and half-heartedly chose [Yes]. Immediately After he saw a new prompt appear before his eyes. [Please select the main role the host wishes to play from the following options.] After reading that message, A series of options appeared before him. The options were so numerous that they covered the entirety of his vision. From the numerous options Lake could spot a few interesting sounding roles, [Martial Saint], [Heavenly Sage], [Harem King], [Slaughterer]… The options were too much and they made Lake dizzy. Without much thinking Lake scanned through the list of roles and choose the role whose name caught his attention the most. [Master of Fate] *** Disclaimer 1. Cover art is not mine. It belongs to kaslla. I took the image and edited my title onto it. Their twitter handle is ksb_x4 if you wish to check out their work. 2. This is my first novel that I decided to write to fill up my free time, so don't expect constant updates or any amazing writing quality. Chapters are updated every Saturday and Sunday (AST). 3. I am willing to take criticism as I am still looking to improve my writing skills. For those who may post constructive criticism, thanks in advance. 4. Finally, thank you for taking the time to read my novel.

Lagaru · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Chapter 136: Teaming Up

"Wait!" Sylph called out as Lake's figure disappeared into the crowded streets.

"Why does he keep running…" Sylph pouted as her wings fluttered furiously. She folded her arms, feeling irritated, and muttered something under her breath.

As her words came to a halt, a violent gust of wind swept through the crowded streets.

"Hmph! Let's see how far you can run." 


In a side street on the opposite side of the stronghold, Lake carefully assessed his surroundings before heaving a sigh of relief.

He shivered at the thought of running into that troublesome fairy in fear of his brain cells disappearing again.

As he was about to relax however, a strong wind blew past him causing the small pieces of rubble and trash beside him to be blown away.

Lake raised his hand to block the wind as he waited for it to calm down.

When the wind finally passed, he lowered his hand as he wondered what that was about.

"Found you!"