
My Roleplay Server (Dropped)

Given the chance to reincarnate in a world with two wishes, who would say no? Especially when you could live a life you've always wanted. This is supposed to be a relaxed story about a man fulfilling the dreams he couldn't in his first life. There will still be drama and more adult things, but overall it will be pretty chill. The action of the story will come in when he finishes making the server. As of right now, 4/6/2022, it's looking like this is going to be a slower-paced novel. Hopefully, in the future, I can get the pacing downright. This is my first released story, so feel free to give me all your constructive criticism. I do plan on finishing this story. Please point out any mistakes you see. This novel is also on Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Sloth_Incarnate · Urban
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

A day Out

"Well…I think that our best option will be Oodle. It is a brand new company that has been building hype over the last couple of months and has some big investors behind it. They have already opened their Newbie Program and are training up their streamer till they get ready. They are showing great promise for the future and if we get in on the ground floor and with the offer we are presenting I feel that we can come out of this with a very lucrative deal." she replied as she leaned over the desk and pulled out the Oodle paperwork.

Kam briefly looked over the paperwork to make sure everything she said was legit

"I'm going to trust you on this one Jasmine. If you think this is the best option I will believe in you this time. Do you need me to do anything while you work on it?" he asked as he sat the papers down

Jasmine shook her head "All I need you to do is get the server, game, and accessories done within the next two months, and get ready to start the Newbie Program. I will handle everything else."

"Alright, I can do that. Well, now that that is done do you need anything else?"

"Yes, actually I do. Are there any people in your life that you feel I should know about? I don't want to be surprised when I have to contact a random stranger or see one walking in the house."

Kam's eyes lit up as he began to talk "Yea, there are a couple people actually. One in particular. In fact you brought her up earlier, her name is Issa, you might know her as Alluring though. The other…" he then went on to explain his relationship with Issa and the rest of his friends.

'While I guessed he knew one of them, I could've never thought that he was actually intimate with one. This may cause problems if not handled sooner. Better nip it in the bud now.' Jasmine thought after hearing Kam talking about the people in his life.

"Kamara '' Jasmine looked at him directly in his eyes, her face serious.

Kam looked back at her, not sure why she was so serious. It threw him off not seeing her having a smile"Hmm?"

"You need to have a conversation with Issa if you want to continue your relationship and be a streamer at the same time. While I get that you want her to bring it up, you have to find courage in this situation and talk to her. Because if she finds out beforehand what you are planning on doing, while it might not happen, there is a good chance that she will think you are trying to use her for your own gain. At the same time, I do not know the young lady's history. I assure you that it is probably not the first time this has happened to her and you need to be careful." Jasmine advised

She had been a manager for celebrities for nearly fifteen years, she had come across situations like she described more times than she could count. And not once in her long career has she seen it turn out well. She knew that he had to state his intentions for the relationship early on if he wanted it to be successful.

'He lit up when he started talking about her, so I don't want him to ruin his relationship because he was too scared to talk to her.'

Jasmine watched as Kamara looked out the window in thought. She didn't have any more questions to ask so she silently left the office giving him time to think about what he wanted to do. Before she left a note on his desk with the contact information he would need to access the government contracts. Once she was out of the office a bright smile appeared on her face.

Although she knew it was going to be difficult to get there, she saw a bright future ahead for herself and Kamara. She couldn't wait to see it. After fixing her clothes she made her way back to her office. She had people to call and things to get done.


Back in his office, Kam had thought over everything about him and Issa he knew what he was going to do. He pulled out his phone to text her.

Kam: When's the next time you're free? Later in the week specifically

After a few minutes, he received a reply

Issa: I can do Saturday night, why?

Kam: let's grab dinner together.

There's this place I've been looking at

that I want to go to with you.

Issa: Ok, I'm down. Is it fancy?

Kam: Very, bring your Sunday's best.

Issa: Lol, ok I will. See you then ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Kam: oh that's cute. Where did you get it from?

Issa: Ikr! I got it from my friend Raven. I can't stop using them (≧∇≦)/

Here is the link if you want to use them too…

Kam: I'll check it out. Thanks for the heads up. See you Saturday.

I will send the time in a few minutes.

Issa: Ok, ttyl (┬┬_┬┬)

Kam laughed at the last text before texting Jasmine to help him schedule a date for him and Issa Saturday at the best restaurant she could find in the city. After receiving a confirmation text he put his phone up. He gave her Issa's numbers so that she could text her the time, just in case he forgot to do it.

When he put down his phone he noticed a piece of paper left on his desk. He picked it up and read the contents. As he read a smile formed on his face. With this, he could immediately start his preparations for making the server. He had brought some materials a couple of weeks ago that would've worked perfectly fine for what he wanted to do but with the government contracts he could get equipment that was hardier and would last longer. He would still use the pieces he had brought just not all of them.

So with something to take his mind off the upcoming convo with Issa. Kam turned on his supercomputer and used the information on the piece of paper to get into the government's contract database. From there he started purchasing everything he would need in the next coming months.

Because many of the items were custom it would take some time for them to get to him, and while he could've done it to where they trickled in as they were finished. He felt it was best to get everything at once. So in a week all of the equipment and tech he brought would be at his house. During that time he planned on making a 'simple' AI that would help him during the process of designing and coding the game and server.

The AI was the real reason why he felt he could get the server done in just two months. Without it, it would probably take him more than a year to get everything done. But since the AI could handle most of the work with just a little initial input from him he could speed up the process tremendously.

He could've done the same thing for the Fusion cell and had it finished in just two days. But Kam had stopped himself because it was the first time he was making something using his powers and it wasn't that long of a developing process. So he didn't mind taking the time. This, however, was different. He one hundred percent minded the amount of time it would take to make the server, game, and equipment, by himself.

Kam figured that most of his time making the server wouldn't be doing any actual code, after making the AI. His job would be more along the lines of a hardware engineer rather than a software developer or game designer.

Kamara didn't have any plans for the day, so he spent most of his day in his office working on his new AI and learning about what he was making. He only stopped to eat a few times or when Jasmine or Layla came to ask him about something. This lasted until Kamara's eyes couldn't take it anymore and he had to stop working.

He could hear himself blink his eyes were so dry. With a deep yawn, he looked out the window to see that the bright sky he had seen early that morning had turned pitch black with only the light from the crescent moon now present. He could see the lights to the pool house were still on letting him know that Lyala was still awake doing something.

After a few more minutes of looking up at the sky and taking in the beauty, Kamara checked his phone to see if he had any texts. He noticed that his group chat had been blowing up for the last couple of hours. And when he scrolled up he found out why they were planning a game night. they had already picked the place, time, and even food they were bringing, now they were just trying to figure out which game they were going to play.

From the text, he read it was an intense debate between Berry and Amy about which game they should play. Amy wanted to play a game about a board game about a haunted house in a valley. While Bery wanted to play a relaxing game of Capitalism. The other two had wisely bowed out of the conversation and were letting them bicker. Not benign bothered by the two arguments Kam voiced his opinion.

Kam: Why not just play both?

He asked in the group chat and for a second everything went still, nobody replied, but then everyone quickly started to dogpile on him. Causing Kam to defend himself within the group chat for the rest of the night. For the next two hours, Kam had a great time just playfully arguing with his friends.

After the hours of text combat, with his ego and self-esteem battered, Kam was tired and ready to go to sleep. He still had a lot of work to do tomorrow and he didn't want to spend his whole day in the house again so he wanted to get some work done early and then go out by himself to relax.

He hadn't explored the city ever since the hung out with his friends and he figured it was time to go out again. So he sent the group a good night text and headed to bed. During their fight they did eventually come to a decision and Sunday night they would go to Day's house and have a game night.


The next couple of days for Kam were very relaxed. For the first half of Thursday, he spent most of his time working on the basic design for the AI and what he wanted it to be and be able to do. This took him much longer than he anticipated since he wasn't trying to completely rely on his abilities to design the AI. He more used it to check his work to see if he made it well. Rarely though was that the case. When it came to making it though he would have no choice but to rely on his abilities.

He only managed to get through about a third of what he needed to do before it was time for him to head out into the city. It was supposed to be a solo trip, but it ended up being him and Layla out together, though she was always a couple of steps behind him and didn't talk at all.

The rest of his day was spent walking around the city going to some of the places that his friends had recommended on his first day out, like the Aline History Museum and Furrow Park.

Kam particularly enjoyed Furrow Park. It was his first time going to a Sculpture park and he was amazed by some of the art pieces that were there. There were sculptures everywhere, even in the trees and on the water. He even found some pieces that were hidden amongst the foliage in bushes and trees. There was even one humungous piece that was off on its own side branch that brought him into a fully sculpted village. With the building people and everything. The people were so detailed that Kam wouldn't have been shocked if they started moving suddenly. Kam thought it would be cool if they did, at least while the sun was still shining.

After the park, Kam stopped by a restaurant and had a nice lunch by himself. He had thought about texting his friend to come hang out a couple of times during the trip, but he felt that this was something he should do alone. He hadn't had the time to do anything by himself since he got to this life and this was his chance to do so.

After lunch, Kam did his final thing for the day he went to the local professional basketball team game. They are called the Aline Flare and they were absolute dog crap. They were one of those teams in the league that has been bad since they started. Only having one or two winning seasons in franchise history. It didn't help that they've never had a good owner. The team was seen as a way for the owner to make extra money instead of a valuable investment.

Normally Kam would've ignored the team since he was more of an American football kind of man and didn't want to see his hometown team get absolutely crushed. Even though he just found out about them today. But the reason he decided to go is that the Long Beach Surf are in the city and with them came the future Hall of Famer and potential GOAT candidate Ceaser Moss.

Kam was interested in seeing what the GOAT players of this world looked like in comparison to his old world. So during his lunch, he had Jasmine purchase the tickets for him, he had to buy two since Layla had to come to.

They made their way to the Convention center, which Kam now knew was called the Winter Works Center, named after some random Company that was barely in business anymore.

The rest of Kam's night was spent at the game, he'd gotten courtside tickets so that he could get the full experience and boy was he not disappointed. While he couldn't say Ceaser was better than the King, he could say that the league would've been much better if the two of them ever played together. And George was only in his sixth year, he still had plenty of time to improve and win most games. Most players don't really win much until their seventh year in the league.

Kam knew this two cus it was a common topic when they talked about great players versus new players in his old world. And he was excited to see what Ceaser could do in the future, he planned on paying attention to him from now on.

It was late at night when Kam got home but he immediately made plans to go to the city professional football team's next game. From what he had seen they were much better than the basketball team and are a playoff-caliber team.

This week they had a bye which was good for him but he planned to make a trip to the stadium the next week. It was about a thirty-minute drive outside of the city to the stadium but he had no problem with that. He was excited because they would be playing against their biggest rivals the Atlanta Owls and it was always a good game.

The Days passed until it was time for his Third Date.

Fun Fact, this chapter was done before I uploaded the last one.

Anyways, i'll try to uplaod once a week from now on.

Sloth_Incarnatecreators' thoughts