
My rise to fame: They will regret it soon

Joe was hated, not only by his family but people around him. He is a loser and a disgrace to the family. As if this wasn't enough, fate dealt him the worst card of all when he met, Sophie; the millionaire. Sophie was interested in Joe at first sight. And soon, she made Joe fall in love with her. Joe was introduced to the family, Sophie's family hated him. They don't even want him to associate with them. And when Sophie forcefully married him, they mocked and frustrated his life. Soon it extended to Sophie. Sophie fell out of love for him. On Sophie's birthday, Joe caught her cheating on him with another man. Joe was bitter and instead of her being remorseful, she handed over a divorce paper to him. After he signed it, she threw him into the street. After three days of living in the street, fortune came smiling at him when he met the owner of the richest company in the world and that man happened to be his father. Joe was hell bent on dealing with those that had made his life hell.

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31 Chs

Chapter 17

After Joe read that message, his eyes widened. He realized the reason the superior officer called him.

'So, this people want to rope me in. interesting...' he muttered in his head. Joe started thinking very hard on what to do to get over this issue on ground. 

At the same time, he realized the Intel that gave him that information had just been sacked because of his case.

He clentched his fist and gritted his teeth. 'I will make this worth it for you.' He thought in his head before he decided to reply to the message.

But as soon as he wanted to reply, he had this thought in his head that was making him hold back from replying. 'What if this is the trap?' While that question bothered his heart. He decided to go back to his father.

Getting to the living room, his father was bent on hearing about the crisis he wanted to discuss but Joe had another thing in mind. 

"As you were saying before the call?"

Joe was lost on the discussion. "Father. We have a more pressing problem now." That surprised Morgan.

"A problem? Just in the first day of you starting as the CEO?" "I have been running the company for years and my company didn't run into a problem." "What is it?" He arched his brows and furrowed his gaze.

"I sacked my secretary today because she gave me the wrong speech to read at the unveiling event. But then, she told me that Mr Mathew was involved and when I called him he said no. Only to hear after that, that Bianca was shot. I told the police after the connecting the dots that it might be Mathew and now, the police are calling me to be interrogated in their custody for an offence I know nothing about." "And now, I just received a text that they are planning to frame me up for the crime."

Morgan placed his hand on his head. "What have you done?" His voice rang out in displeasure. "Why did you Involve Mathew in the first place. Don't you know he is the welfare head in the company? And what you have done will dent the image of the company. Don't you know?"

Joe was surprised that his father wasn't bothered about the fact that he was called up for questioning. He was measly bothered with the company's welfare. 

"Is that all you are going to say?" Joe's heart was feeling hitch of disappointment.

Morgan responded to him anger. "What do you want me to say?" "I am disappointed in you and I think I trusted you too much." "I expected more from you."

Joe felt a cringe of guilt in his heart. He felt different pieces of his heart shattering. His heart started regretting the steps he took.

'Shouldn't I have given him away?' While he was still thinking, Morgan stood on his feet and he walked out of the sitting room. 

Joe fell on one of the couch with a sting of pain in his heart. He had thought his father would be of help. Rather, his father worsened the whole situation. 

While he remained in distress, one of the servants working for Morgan rushed to meet Joe who was deeply in thoughts. 

"Sir. You have a visitor." The servant alerted him. Joe raised his head to look at the servant and when the servant saw Joe wasn't in the mood, he bowed his head to speak. "I am sorry for disturbing you. I will inform the visitor that you are not in the mood to see anyone."

Joe nodded his head and passed his hand so he could leave. The servant left at once.

Joe buried his head in the couch unsure of what his next point of action would be. He started recalling on what had happened previously. 

While he was getting weighed down, Joe's phone beeped and the brightness of his phone illuminated his pocket. Joe brought out his phone to check, he discovered it was the same message that had came in earlier.

Joe was prompted to respond to the message. [Who are you?] In just some minutes that the message had delivered, a reply came in. 

It reads. [I can't tell you who I am. All my messages might be monitored. Let us meet so we can discuss properly.]

Joe felt skeptical about the message. His survival instinct activated. Instead of allowing his emotions to control him, he retorted to a defense mechanism.

[If you can't tell me who you are. I am not interested in meeting a stranger.] Joe had thought that with that message he would reveal who the heck it was and before Joe could finish thinking it through, the person replied.

[I am officer Taylor. The man assigned to interrogate the suspect on your case. Please, can you meet with me now?]

It was starting to look real to Joe. But then, he was prompted to ask a question.

[What if all this is a charade?] He sent the message and he awaited reply. It took some minutes before the reply came in.

[My job is at stake here. I was forced to submit a resignation letter and by now I know it is possible they might have called you up to come for interrogation.]

Joe realized what he said was true and he decided to give it a try. [Okay. Expect me at exactly the time.] He sent the message and there was no other replies.

'This could be the only way of getting myself out of this mess that I have brought upon myself.' Joe thought in his head.

Kane had came earlier to meet Joe but when Joe replied that he wasn't available, Kane returned home with pain in his heart.

Meeting up with Sophie, he became violent on her. "What kind of a woman are you? You came into my life and it became a ruin." "Now, Joe refused to set his eyes on me. All thanks to you."

Sophie hated that Kane was putting on the blame on her. "Would you stop it already?" "Why are you acting like a kid? Because he has refused to see you, does that mean it is the end of the world? You can as well get this help somewhere else." As soon as she landed, it got Kane furious and he pointed a finger at her face.

"Can you give me a name of just one person that can help in this situation?" Sophie replied promptly.

"My father can help us. Joe is not the final solution. You don't have to worry yourself about anything." Kane heightened concern got a little bit calm.

"In that case, let us meet with your father and let us see If he would be willing to help." That word of his angered Sophie. "Don't say such again! I am his daughter and he would help. Don't speak with such uncertainty!"

Kane saw her believe and he kept quiet on the matter.