
My rise to fame: They will regret it soon

Joe was hated, not only by his family but people around him. He is a loser and a disgrace to the family. As if this wasn't enough, fate dealt him the worst card of all when he met, Sophie; the millionaire. Sophie was interested in Joe at first sight. And soon, she made Joe fall in love with her. Joe was introduced to the family, Sophie's family hated him. They don't even want him to associate with them. And when Sophie forcefully married him, they mocked and frustrated his life. Soon it extended to Sophie. Sophie fell out of love for him. On Sophie's birthday, Joe caught her cheating on him with another man. Joe was bitter and instead of her being remorseful, she handed over a divorce paper to him. After he signed it, she threw him into the street. After three days of living in the street, fortune came smiling at him when he met the owner of the richest company in the world and that man happened to be his father. Joe was hell bent on dealing with those that had made his life hell.

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31 Chs

Chapter 16

The video footage Mathew saw was all about everything that happened that morning. It was a surprise to him that everything was actually recorded.

Mathew furrowed his gaze at the office, unsure of what to say. 

"What can you say about that?" Mathew blinked his eyes gently as a brief idea molded his mind.

"Where did you get that?" That question of his only got on the nerves of the officer. 

"Don't answer a question with another question. What do you have to say about that?" Mathew sighed and he opened his mouth to speak.

"There is nothing to say about the video. As you can clearly see, she was the one who held me, so, what do you want me to talk about?" 

The police officer was getting exhausted because Mathew won't stop giving him a tough time.

"You better cooperate with me so we can get to the bottom of what is happening and if you choose that I do it the hard way. You won't like this peaceful interrogation."

Mathew scoffed. "Are you threatening me?" He stared into his eyes directly.

The police officer came closer and he dipped a look into his eyes. "If you.." Before the police officer could finish what he was about to say, Mathew ditched a slap on his face.

"Don't you dare come so close to me! I am not your mate."

In anger the police officer brought out his batton and he discharged a lot of hits on Mathew till he spat out blood.

"I own and rule this room. Don't you dare do what you did earlier again."

And instead of Mathew to be silent or rather, remorseful. He laughed mockingly and he spat on the ground. 

"You do not have an idea of who you are dealing with. By the time I am out of here, consider yourself dead."

That gut of his angered the police officer. "I will make sure you don't get out of here."

Immediately he ditched out those words, the door of the interrogation room was forcefully opened by a superior officer.

He looked very furious. "Sir. He hasn't confessed the truth. What should I do?"

The superior officer furrowed his gaze on him. "You don't need to bother yourself about him anymore. Rather, bother yourself about the situation you've dragged yourself into. 

He looked confused. "I don't understand what you are saying sir?"

"This is your resignation letter. Drop it at the front desk of the DPO." Immediately the superior officer utters those statements, the police officer finds it hard to understand what warranted it.

His face was filled with questions and he was forced to speak. "I don't understand what this stands for. I am doing my job and I don't think I did anything wrong. Why should I tender a resignation letter you have written yourself?" 

That only got his superior furious. "Do you think I am blind?" "Oh. You thought by blocking the camera I won't see how you are mistreating the person you were supposed to interrogate?"

That only poses surprises all over the officers face. "He slapped me and that is why I dealt with him."

"Oh. Show me where he slapped you in this video." The superior officer gave him the video to watch and to his surprise, there was no place Mathew slapped him.

"But…" He wanted to say something after watching the video but he was soon shushed by the superior officer.

"I am giving you the honor of resigning yourself and if you refuse to do that… I will remove the honor and I will make sure you face the law." "I know you know the sentence for what you have done."

It appeared like a news flash on his face. The police officer saw that it was all a setup but there was nothing he could use to prove that. He looked at the face of Mathew. Mathew smiled at him. 

Written all over that smile of his was victory. The police officer felt a sting of injustice and cruelty that had befallen him.

He angrily looked at the superior officer. "Since this is what you choose to believe, I will tender my resignation letter."

He angrily collected the letter and he walked out of the interrogation room.

The superior officer and Mathew had their lips curved with a smile while they looked at each other.

"How cool is your office?" Morgan asked Joe who just came back from the office.

"It was a nice place. But there is something weird going on in the company."

That came as a surprise to Morgan. "I have been controlling the company for years and there is nothing that is weird. But you started work today and you're already saying something is wrong?" "What is the problem?"

Joe realized he had just tampered with his father's ego. But there was no way he wouldn't update him about his company's affairs.

And when Joe was about to say what he saw, he received a call from the police department. On checking his phone, he escused his father and he picked the call.

"Hello, Mr Joe. I am afraid there is a problem. You have to come to our custody for interrogation."

That came as a surprise to Joe. "What?! Interrogation? For what reason?" 

"In the statement of the suspect, he recounted some of the statements you said to Miss Bianca and with the evidence of the security footage of your company, I am afraid that your hands are not too clean in this matter."

Joe got furious with that statement. "Are you indirectly saying I am responsible for Bianca's attempted murder?"

"I can't give you more information over the phone. When you get to our custody, we will explain better." The officer hung up the call.

Joe became confused. 'What is happening? Why the sudden twist?' 

As he questioned himself, a text message popped on his phone. It was from an anonymous person. 

[I have been unjustly treated and forced to resign from my job due to Mr Mathews' case. With the scheme I overheard, they are planning to put the blame of the attempted murder on you. For more information, meet me at Bar 5, Balling Street by 6 pm tomorrow. I will be there]