
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Copied Past

"Can we have a little talk?" asked Subaru who was on the other side of the door. I was inside, still changing. "I think there's still some things that I don't understand about you."

I was expecting that. Since I remembered what happened when he died, I knew that was coming to me.

"Sure, ask away. I'm pretty sure you're confused."

"So, first off, why do you remember what just happened in my last life?"

Yep, just like I expected.

"Didn't you hear me last time? Since I was transferred here, like you, it was only obvious that that would be the case."

I didn't want him knowing he was just a made-up character. That he was just in a story that was created by a writer.

I finished dressing up, and Subaru was outside, leaning on a wall beside the door. He looked like he was spacing out.

"Hey...?" I whispered. He suddenly perked up, surprised.

"Let's go now." He spoke as though everything was normal.

We walked all the way to the dining room. Every single event that has happened got replayed again. It wasn't that much surprising. Excluding being electrocuted by Beatrice, my request with Roswaal was still the same, the creation of my uniform, me helping tons of work, and resting. Nothing actually changed, unlike the original series.

In Subaru's perspective in the original series, the request he made was just the same, but when he tracked back his past, some things weren't exactly in place. Instead of being measured my Rem, and helping Ram, he got in bath. After that, he was getting homeschooled by Ram, and then that's that. I can't remember some.

I was going to go to our bedroom, but instead I walked to the library.

After a few bit of walking through the corridors and passing through a lot of doors, the familiar sense struck me and I opened the door beside me.

"What does a pest like you want?" said Beatrice.

"Yo. Just here to hang out. I haven't gotten that much stuff to do, and I can't really sleep that easily, so I might as well just hang out here."

"Do whatever you want. Just don't interrupt me."

I wouldn't come here a intention.

"Oh, but I will. Can you teach me how to read?" I asked.

I wasn't homeschooled by Ram, and I still have little to no knowledge about reading the runes around here.

"Why would I need to do that?" asked Beatrice.

"Since I was newly 'hired' gere and everything, I'm gonna need how to write and read if I'm ever assigned to buy some groceries. I haven't been going to school ever since I was a child.

"If you can't read, there is a book that can speak through your mind. That can teach you how to read." She then stood up from her seat, and approached a shelf. "Let me just... reach it...!" She was struggling to reach the book from the top of the shelf. I approached to her to get the book.

"Is this it?" I asked.

She looked at me for about a few seconds in suspicion before speaking again.

"Yes, that is precisely it. Now, get away from me."

"Can I borrow this for a bit and bring it to my room?"

"This is the Forbidden Library. If you dare try to get a book from here, you will be cursed for a day."

I didn't think of that.

"But I said I want to 'borrow' it, not to get it. But if I even borrow it and still not gonna work, I guess I'll just be here."

I sat on the floor leaning on a shelf, and Beatrice went back to her seat.