
My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

Quote_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs

An Early Stage

After sitting in the library for about a bit, I lost track of time.

"Hey, Beatrice, what time is it?" I asked.

"Why would you ask me? It's not like I have gone outside."

That was true. She was here all the time, immersed onto what she was reading.

I've learn a few words in this language. The book's voice was really loud, like there was a person talking to me. You could write in the empty pages and when you want to review what you just did, it'll appear there. It also erases every single thing that you wrote so if you forgot what you wrote, you're not going to get it.

"Well, it looks like my time here is up, even though it's not. I'll come back here after I finish my work every now and then."

"You make it sound like you can come here all the time without even going through every single door in the mansion."

"Well, I guess that might be the case."

I placed the book onto a shelf, and then stood up from my seat, and opened the door.

"...It's completely morning..."

I was blinded by the sun's light. Even though I lost track of time, I lost it way too far.

I walked through the corridors to head strait to my room.

I heard a door opening, so I suddenly got surprised.

"Eh? Masanu?" said a familiar voice.

I turned to my back, and saw that Emilia had just woken up.

"It's surprising to see you here. Have you just woken up?" asked Emilia.

"Oh, no. I stayed up all night in Beatrice's library to learn how to read."

"And she taught you?"

"Well, no. She only handed me a book that can apparently make you learn how to read."

"Why would you stay up all night? It's bad for your skin, you know."

"It's not like I stayed up on purpose. Since I didn't have a clock, it was impossible for me to tell the time, and even Beatrice didn't know what time it was."

It would've been convenient to have a clock at least.

"Well, if you want, I could tell the sisters to let you take a rest." said Emilia.

"No, it's fine. It's not like me not sleeping can affect my life. But I should probably take a sleep every now and then..."

"When was the last time you slept?"

"If I remember correctly, I slept last time when I was here in the mansion. Damn, that was the last time I slept... how am I even alive right now?"

I asked that more to myself than to her.

"Well, at the very least, I think that you should sleep. If you don't sleep that much often, you might lose your strength, and if your not careful, your life as well," said Emilia.

"Well, I guess I can take you up on that offer. If I don't sleep that often, I might die sooner rather than later. Thanks for the advice. Also, sorry to bother you, but can you tell those maid sisters?"

"Sure. I'll tell them both when I bump into them. Take a rest now, okay?"


I walked towards my room once again. I opened the door, and there, I found Subaru, still sleeping.

I kicked him, which made him wake up.

"O-Oww! Why would you kick me?! And where have you been all night?!"

"That's none of your concern. Anyways, it's time for you to get up. You can ask the news to Rem-san later."

"What news? Well whatever. I'm gonna go get dressed up now."

He stood up, and after he stood up, I immediately dropped myself to the bed.

"Hey, even though you woke me up, aren't you supposed to be up right now?"

"I'm just doing what Emilia offered me to do."

"And that was...?"

"To sleep. I was holed up in Beatrice's library for the whole night so I need some sleep if I want to get some things done for later."

Before he could even say anything, I already dozed off.

Sorry if I haven't been updating that much often.

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