
Recruiting Disciples of Jie Religious Sect

"Your Majesty, how could I trouble you to lead the steed," said Grand Minister Wen as he witnessed Di Xin’s actions, ready to dismount.

Unexpectedly, Di Xin held Grand Minister Wen back, saying, "Grand Minister Wen, you've quelled the turmoil, achieved great merit, and your deeds would live forever in history. I am just leading the mount. As long as our nation enjoys peace and prosperity, and remains in an era of tranquility, even if I continue to lead, it is an utmost honor."

Di Xin's words brought a sense of contentment to Grand Minister Wen. In recent times, he had criticized Di Xin vehemently for inscribing Nuwa's words. However, today, Di Xin seemed far from the foolish and tyrannical ruler he once condemned, resembling more of a sagacious king from ancient times.

As they conversed on their way back to the palace, Di Xin praised, "Grand Minister, you are truly extraordinary. The northern expedition against Northern Sea progressed effortlessly, proving you are the backbone of our people."

"It's also due to Your Majesty's merits," Grand Minister Wen calmly responded atop the Black Kylin.

The ease with which the Northern Sea turmoil was pacified was largely credited to Di Xin. The root cause of the conflict was the people's suffering, driven to rebellion due to famine, taxes, and the plight under the rule of the Shang. However, half a month ago, after the Dragon Clan resolved the drought, the benevolent rain restored balance and prosperity, effectively eliminating the turmoil.

Further, they proclaimed, "The King of the Shang is truly a sage. He took pity on the widespread suffering in Northern Sea, especially during these dire times. To save Northern Sea from the abyss, he sought the alliance of the Dragon Clan."

The seventy-two feudal lords weren't foolish. Upon learning about the Shang's alliance with the Dragon Clan, they realized that rebelling against this alliance would yield no favorable outcome, they promptly surrendered.

Afterwards, Wen Zhong and others slightly reorganized the Northern Sea population, and they returned to the capital.

This time, Grand Minister Wen returned to court with the intention of asserting his authority over Di Xin, making him understand how an emperor should behave. However, as soon as Di Xin approached, he used all sorts of smooth-talking and flattery, making it impossible for Grand Minister Wen to find an opportunity to discipline him.

"Grand Minister Wen, your return is auspicious. There's something that has been troubling me, preventing me from enjoying my meals. Only Grand Minister Wen can help me now."

Upon hearing that the Northern Sea was now at peace, Di Xin couldn't be happier. Now that Grand Minister Wen had returned, he could finally hold his head high.

Grand Minister Wen, a disciple of the Jie Religious Sect for three generations, and a favored student of the Golden Spirit Saintess, was notorious for suppressing the Jie Religious Sect and tormenting its followers.

Both he and Shen Gongbao were renowned for their accomplishments and held the top spot among the List of Gods.

What Di Xin lacked most was talents like Grand Minister Wen. The fate of the Shang Dynasty had only a few decades left, and it was crucial to reform the decaying Shang to revive its former glory.

The immediate priority was to develop the paper-making industry, then vigorously promote education cultivate superior crop seeds, and ensure the people enjoyed peace and prosperity, with an abundance of food.

Secondly, it was vital to establish harmonious relations with the Demon Clan. Eradicating the monstrous Demon creatures that viewed humans as prey while protecting the friendly Demon Clan was crucial.

Thirdly, establishing good ties with the Demon Clan and extending an olive branch westward would ensure support from western sages in the final battle of divine trial.

These three tasks were easier said than done, especially the cultivation of superior crop seeds.

The mythical world was ancient, unfamiliar with high technology. Achieving hybrid rice from future generations seemed like a pipe dream to ordinary people. However, there was a variable from the future—deities.

Deities skilled in wood-element spells could effortlessly nurture plants using mana, making it as easy as flipping a hand. If well-utilized, the results might even surpass the achievements of the future.

This was why Di Xin had just stated that only Grand Minister Wen could assist him. Grand Minister Wen had friends all over, and almost all Jie Religious Sect disciples respected him.

"Grand Minister, there's something only you can assist me with," Di Xin said while holding the Black Kylin.

Although Grand Minister Wen was a minister dragged by the late king, wielding the whip of rebellion suppression, upon hearing such a statement from the current emperor, Di Xin, he was genuinely startled.

"Your Majesty, what do you need? Speak freely."

"I heard that the Jie Religious Sect's leader is gentle, courteous, treats people generously, and advocates the idea of teaching without discrimination. I wish to establish an academy in Zhao Ge, enlightening the people and acquiring some knowledge of the Sect for self-protection. Therefore, I hope Grand Minister can help me by inviting several friends from the sect to serve as teachers."

"This... might not be appropriate! Most disciples are devoted to cultivation and may not be willing to serve in the court."

"It's merely teaching; there will be absolutely no connection with the court. Moreover, everyone knows that the Jie Religious Sect's leader promotes the idea of teaching without discrimination. Therefore, I earnestly request Grand Minister's help."

"Your Majesty, this must not be done! The cultivation of the sect bases on fates; it cannot be forced."

Grand Minister Wen's concerns were not without reason, as the practice placed great importance on the concept of "fate." Di Xin's actions might interfere with the destined path of the Jie Religious cultivation.

Seeing Grand Minister Wen's hesitation, Di Xin knew it was time to employ his unique skill—eloquent persuasion.

[Trigger a new task: Successfully persuade Grand Minister Wen to bring six disciples from the Jie Religious Sect to assist you in your great endeavor.]

[Reward: Taoyun Academy, 600 years of cultivation]

"Is there any reward besides cultivation? This is too plain; for such a challenging task, at least reward me with a precious innate treasure."

Di Xin expressed some disdain, finding the reward somewhat disappointing. While others in the transmigration world achieved great feats, he felt humbled.

He imagined them boldly criticizing the venerable figures in the Cloud Hall, saying, "You fools, following this poor Sect Ancestor, you'll never ascend in this lifetime."

He looked at his own ragged appearance, having become a notorious tyrant, yet still concerned with paper-making. Ah, he truly felt insane; did he really think he could change history?

Di Xin grumbled to himself, wishing for a more impressive reward. However, facing Grand Minister Wen, he still maintained a smile.

"Grand Minister, before the Three Emperors, there was no silk; it was Leizu who discovered that silkworm cocoons could be turned into clothing. Before that, people relied on stripping animal hides for clothing, with a few great beings wearing the robes. It's thanks to our awakening as a Human Clan, creating clothes from hemp, that we can now wear such finely crafted garments. Isn't this defying the natural order?"


Grand Minister Wen was still wrestling with his inner conflicts.

"Not all traditions are inherently correct. Just like the Jie Religious Sect, they didn't exist during Pangu's creation of the world, right? Could it be that even the Jie Religious Sect goes against the natural order?"