
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Adam left Lissie's room and headed to the kitchen in search of the weapon. He searched for a dagger. When he saw many fancy daggers in the knife drawers in one of the cabinets, he thought 'Wow, that's a lot of choices to choose from. Funny that I don't have these many choices to live.'

Then he chose a dagger which had a black metallic handle with dragon design engraved in it. It looked expensive. 'Atleast my death should be worth this much.' he thought.

Then he quickly got upstairs and jumped out of the window through which he entered. He did not forget to curse the adulterous pair.

Then he quickly went to the bus station to board the last bus. The time was around 1pm and he knew that there was only one bus for his destination.

He boarded the bus and placed his travel card in the scanner and entered the passengers compartment. When he entered, there were 3 young and 2 old couples probably returning to their homes from late night shows and what nots. They all gave a look that was a mix of disgust, surprise. Their looks were justifiable as Adam's condition was like that. Tattered clothes, heavily bruised face, blood which had clotted at the lips. He looked like a zombie which was freshly mutated.

But Adam didn't care about any of it as it would be his last trip.

After about two hours of journey, the bus reached its last station. It was a suburban area having a sparse population who were soundly asleep at this time. Adam got off the bus and started his journey towards the place he finally wanted to be in this life and the place where he would take his own life.

After walking for about 1.5 hours, he reached a desolate location which had many conifer trees around.

In front of him was a huge mansion which had a very old mediaeval time architecture. It had many cracks on its exterior and anyone could guess that it had been a long time since anyone lived here.

Adam entered the mansion through a huge wooden door which had symbols that could only be understood by the carpenters who created it.

The time now was around 5pm. Birds were already up from their nests and chirping around which lightens anyone's mood but not for Adam as he had sad nostalgia as he looked around the mansion in which he spent his entire childhood, from his birth to his 5th birthday. It was abandoned by the Reedz family when the head of the family, Elizabeth Reedz died. Since then the family which was prosperous went down a treacherous path.

The 3 sons of the Reedz family, Robert, Kenly, Stuart started fighting for the fortunes. In that Robert took most of the shares and started living overseas. No one heard from him till now.

Kenly became politically strong using his shares and he had support from his wife's family which was one of the top families in kimo city.

The last son Stuart, Adam's father had built his own company from the shares he got. But as we know he was being controlled by his wife Elisa.

Since then no one has maintained this mansion. The three brothers all had access to this mansion. So each had the exact keys which were one of a kind.

Thinking about the past Adam sighed 'Its always either money or power or woman. These three make or destroy any man.'

After roaming through the mansion for about an hour, Adam sat down in the middle of the mansion holding his left hand outstretched.

He finally had all his memories, both happy and sad and painful. Every scene flashed very quickly. He finally decided that the time was right.

"Grandma, mom I will be soon seeing you two up there." he said looking up the ceiling which had cracks and spider webs.

When he was about to slash his left wrist with the dagger, he heard faint Whispers behind him.