
My redemption system

Adam reedz, a 17 year old high school student is at the edge of his will power to live in this cruel world after the heartbreaks and betrayal and pain. What happens when there is a blast from the past is waiting for him? What will he do with the new system? Will he choose the righteous path or use it for giving back all the hatred that the world has shown him. Why is he the chosen one? Find out more about in the adventure of Adam with his system that gave him redemption from the hell of a life ---------------- my Instagram id : thrillpill_007 email id : thrillpill0007@gmail.com I need you guys to pour in your thoughts on the novel and any changes that I need to do. I also request you guys to come up with cover page ideas for the novel. The selected idea's creator would be credited. Warning : mature content. 17+ highly recommended.

THRILLPILL_007 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Final Destination

He slowly jumped into the room and landed smoothly. The time was around 12:30 am, so he knew that his father would be asleep. But still when he saw his father hugging Elisa in his sleep being naked, he just felt hatred for him. 'Does he have any conscience that his wife died a year ago. He is sleeping with another woman blissfully.' Adam thought.

'Anyway this would probably be seeing this adulterous pair for the last time. First I need to search for the key." he thought slowly tiptoeing his way to his father's closet. It was just adjacent to their bedroom. He turned on the flashlight in his phone and started searching the wooden wardrobes.

Finally after 15 minutes, he found an electronic locker hidden deep and down inside a black wardrobe. But the thing was, he didn't know the password to the locker!

He knew most of the lockers would have maximum three attempts to open or else they would switch on their alarm. So he had to tread this carefully. He first entered his father's date of birth in it.

[PIN INCORRECT. TRY AGAIN] the system said with a faint beep sound.

Adam was afraid that his father would wake up. so he checked on him . He was still soundly sleeping. Then he entered his mother's birthday into the locker.

[PIN INCORRECT. TRY AGAIN] said the system again producing faint beep.

'It seems he completely forgot about my mother and erased all her memories in his mind. Just what kind of sorcery did Elisa put on him.'

He knew that he had only one more chance. He partly knew what to enter into the locker to open it. He slowly pressed the keys and lifted his fingers from the buttons.

[PIN CORRECT] with a green light flashing the lock opened.

'Just as I expected. I should have tried this in the first place.' he thought slapping his forehead. The number which he entered was Elisa's birthday which he remembered as his father threw a huge party in a 5 star hotel in the city.

Inside the locker there were many types of expensive jewelleries including rings which had emerald on them and necklaces with ruby on the end and also gold bracelets. Adam didn't even care to take a look at them as he rummaged through all the valuables until he found an old looking key which was made of iron. Since it was very old, it had rust on them.

But the key had its unique design as its charm. It had a diamond shaped tip with complex intricate designs engraved in it. Anyone could say that this key was designed in such a manner that there should be no replicas to be made ever.

'The key to my final destination' he thought.


After Adam left, Tyler started to swear after hearing his departing words. He was clearly infuriated and ashamed.

"Tyler, that's enough he is gone" Julie said in a low remorseful tone. She was still feeling guilty about how things have turned out. She definitely didn't want this.

"Baby, I'm just controlling myself just for you. He is nobody in front of me. I could crush him anytime I want with my family's power." Tyler stated with his head held high.

"Promise me you would not hurt him in the future Tyler...I don't want any fights because of me in the future." Julie said still in a sad tone.

"Julie, he's a piece of shit. Why are you worrying about him. No one will ask him even if we beat him and throw him at the roadside. I should probably do that tomorrow. That fool spoiled our lovely night." Tyler said with hatred in his eyes.

"Tyler! I said I don't want him to be hurt anymore. If you dare hurt him, that day will be the last day of our relationship. Know it and act accordingly." Julie spoke raising her tone slightly and turned and left to the bedroom.

Tyler didn't understand why in the 7 hells Julie tried to protect Tyler, but he said " Alright darling, I won't hurt him. He is not worth wasting my time on as well." he said to appease Julie as he didn't want to have a fight because of the likes of Tyler.

"So shall we continue what we were doing before baby. Nobody will disturb us now. I think we can also take a day off from school tomorrow" Tyler said coquettishly entering the room.

"No. Tyler I do not feel well. Let's stop it here. I need some time alone. I will see you tomorrow at the school" Julie said who was now lying on the bed with sheets covering her body till the neck.

"Okay baby. I will leave it to you. Rest well. Let's meet tomorrow." he said before planting a soft kiss on her forehead and leaving the room muttering something to himself.

After Julie heard the main door locking and confirming that Tyler was not there, she started to cry loudly. She closed her mouth afraid that she would wake up other tenants.

"Adam....don't hate me...please...I beg you. You are the only person who I have loved till now. Please don't hate me." she said in between her sobs. When she remembered the hateful eyes that he was showing her, she started crying again " Please Adam don't ever look at me like that please...I did not do this with my own heart."

When she remembered the person who had led her to this state Julie's eyes were set on fire. She immediately got up from the bed and took her phone from the charger and called her mother.

After about 4 rings on the line, a sleepy yet sweet voice was heard on the other side of the line. "What is it dear...at this time?" The voice asked. It was none other than Julie's mother Pamella Randolph.

"Are you happy now...huh...are you happy now mother..." Julie shouted on her phone.

Pamella was taken back. She did not expect a call late at night from her daughter. Added to that she was shouting at the other end. "Dear, calm down..calm down...first say what happened?"

"Adam saw us...he saw me and Tyler in my bed. That hatred in his eyes. I only saw his eyes full of love only for me before. But it was filled with hatred and disgust mom. I hate myself." she said still sobbing.

"Julie, this was all your mistake. I said to break up with him 6 months ago when he was not ready to take care of you. But you still decided to keep him around. You are a foolish girl." Pamella retorted back at her daughter.

"If you did not force me to date Tyler, I would never have been in this situation. This is all because of you. I hate you mom." she said heat raising in her body.

"What? Do you hate me for this? I did that for your own good so that you will be leading a happy life and here you are repaying me with hatred. Thank you child. This mommy will accept it." Pamella said with grief in her tone.

"Who said I was happy with Tyler. Even if he has a higher status than Adam, he couldn't give me the happiness which Adam gave me everyday. That's one of the reasons why I didn't break up with him. Do you hear me mom?" Julie asked.

"You are still young and naïve. You don't know anything about this cruel world. In this world, the person with power can easily crush anyone including your loved ones if they want you. Did I not say that before to you. You are an ignorant child." Pamella said seemingly on the verge of tears.

Julie stayed silent. She knew what had happened to his mother in the past. She lost the love of her life, just because Julie's father wanted Pamella to marry him. They had actually castrated him in front of Pamella and threatened her with his life if she continues to be in a relationship with him and not marry Julie's father.

Thinking about this, Julie felt coldness tingling down her spine. This was one of the reasons why she asked Tyler not to hurt Adam.

"Now you understand your mom's words girl. It's good that he saw you both. Now he will never set eyes on you again. Probably he would never even see it again." Pamella said with a sigh.

"What nonsense are you spouting mom? Why will he never see again?" Julie asked tears rolling down her cheeks.

"That Adam guy. He is quite weak, both physically and mentally. I think he fell for you hard. So I don't know what kind of decision he will take after seeing that. Did he have any other problems when he came to visit you?" Pamella asked.

Then a memory struck Julie's mind "he said I was the only one on whose shoulders he could cry upon. His condition also was not good at that time he had bruises in face." she said starting to panic.

"poor boy. He has a lot to handle in his life. I hope he doesn't make any rash decisions." Pamella sighed again.

"Don't scare me mom. He will not do anything like that. Nothing will happen to him. If anything does happen to him then I would not forgive myself mom" Julie started sobbing again.

"Julie, my child, calm down. I was just guessing. Nothing will happen to him. Calm down and go to bed. Everything will be alright in the morning. You will see yourself." Pamella said to reassure her daughter.

"okay mom I believe you. Nothing will happen to Adam. I will pray for it." Julie said calming down from her sobbing.


After taking the key, Adam made his way to his sister's room. When he saw his sister sleeping peacefully in her bed hugging the teddy bear that their mother gifted them, a warm smile crept in his face.

' Goodbye Lissie. I hope at least you will have a good life. Me and our mother will be watching you from above. Take care.' he thought as he gently kissed her forehead. A kiss full of love. A final kiss to his lovely sister.