
My Pokemon Journey

"I'm not making my pokemon fight- I'll fight my own battles!" These were the words of a young girl, Izzy Rose, a promising trainer who decided to travel her home region alongside her bffs. Eeveelution Region. Join the trio for an adventure! WARNING: I orignally wrote this years ago on wattpad. Wattpad views: 17k

BakedBeans05 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

March 3, 2018

After catching Fennakin, Joce caught a Pairachu, and Evey befriended a Chespin. We then spent the night at a nearby pokemon center, and now we were calling our parents to let them know what was going on.

"I'll text my mom." I said, and turned on my phone.


Izzy: Hi mom!

Mom: What are you doing?

Izzy: Texting you.

Mom: Where are you?

Izzy: Pokemon Center.

Mom: Good. Lucario is keeping you safe?

Izzy: Yes! I'm OKAY! I'M BEHAVING!

Mom: What's new?

Izzy: Evey and I got our key rings, meaning we are official showcase performers! And I befriended a Fennakin! Although she used flamethrower on my face.

Mom: Stay away from that pokemon!

Izzy: No, it's my fault. I was reading her moveset on my pokedex, and flamethrower was first...

Mom: She must've had a previous trainer.

Izzy: Yeah. Well, we're going to Joce's first coordinator contest today! Bye!



The arena was in Pebblestone town, five hours away in a car, but half a hour on Charizard.

"Izzy! Open your eyes! We're here!" Joce shouted, poking me.

I opened one eye, then the other. "Charizard is done flying?" I asked, sitting up.

Joce nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Now come on, I can't be late!" She replied.

"Okay, I'm getting off!" I shouted back, struggling off Charizard's back.

Sylvie hopped off, then Gem, then Fennakin, then Vulpix, then Lightning.

As Evey and Joce's pokemon climbed off, Charizard let out a tired sigh.

Lucario jumped off, and yawned. "I'll wait back here with Char. Izzy, you can't bring all your pokemon in. Only one."

Evey looked at me, holding her Chespin. "I can't bring Jigglypuff. She'll sing the crowd to sleep! Buneary can help keep Charizard calm." She said.

"Okay, do you mind babysitting Vulpix, Fennakin, and Lightning?" I asked Gem.

Gem nodded. "Espeon."

I raised a eyebrow. "If yes, say something."

"Esp." Gem replied.

"Alright," I said, standing up. "Sylvie is coming with us!"

Sylvie smiled. "Veon!"

"This place is home to most of the rock type- and ground type- pokemon of the region!" Joce explained as we walked down a path. "Currently, showcase isn't held here. Due to being known for ryhorn racing and coordinator contest, as well as miners, and mountain climbers."

I bent down to pick up Sylvie, asking, "How do you know so much about this place?"

Evey stopped petting Chespin's head.

Joce stopped dead in her tracks. "Mom and Dad are considering moving here. Might as well do some research on the towns they consider." She replied quietly. Unlike the usual spunk in her tone, is was replaced with sadness, uncertainty, fear, and anger.

"Oh." I mumbled to myself, standing up.

Sylvie whimpered a bit and nuzzled my chin. "Syl..."

"Just met her and she might have to leave." Evey whispered, upset.

The rest of the walk was silent, until we reached the stadium.

"Good luck, Joce!" I exclaimed, waving.

Evey cheered too, waving.

"I'll be fine." Joce replied, releasing Rockruff, Vanillite, and her Pariachu. "See you later!" She called over her shoulder, running backstage.

Evey and I soon went into the seating area, wandered around for awhile before finding our seats.

"Sylveon!" Sylvie sang, hopping up and down on my lap.

"Stay still." I whispered.

Sylvie whimpered, but nuzzled my chin and sat down.