
My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

On his first real day at school, mysterious symbols show up in Shin Okamoto's classroom. Although he tried to escape, he, along with his entire school, gets transported to an open field. Appearing in front of them is Mariella, a "Grand" Goddess of multiple universes. Huh? Since she's too busy to monitor every planet, his entire school was haphazardly summoned to deal with an Evil God that is ravishing one of her planets. Now he must defeat the Evil God together with his class? "Hmm...something doesn't seem right about this." Feeling that something is off, he begins to believe that there is more to the story than what is told. Follow Shin as he uses his strange Title to his advantage as he tries to survive this harsh world while unraveling it's mysteries.

GlacialWolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Side Story: Blue And Silva

*Laura's POV*

When the Goddess said that she will summon some creatures to help us, a beautiful white sphere forms in her hand and floats up into the sky. The sphere slowly gets larger and larger until its size is big enough to cover the area of the field. Suddenly, the white sphere pops and many different creatures appear in the sky. I see wolves, cats, and even mythical creatures like griffins. As I stare at the summons, they sudden fly down and land on people's shoulder. The first creature to land is a white spider which picks Shin's shoulder.

It even does a wave and a salute. How cute.

I look at the sky trying to see which animal will land on my shoulder when I hear the sound of something beating its wings behind me and feel something settle down close to my neck. I turn to look at what I think will be a cute creature, yet, what I see instead is a dangerous looking blue dragon.

Its talons and hard, reptile like skin give off a cool sensation as they nub against my body. While it does feel pleasant to the touch, it does nothing to curtail my fear of having a mythical beast curl itself around my neck.

Nervously, I try to talk to it without offending it.

"Um... hello Sir Dragon." [Laura]

The dragon, as if answering me lowers its head slightly and looks forward with regal poise.


My panicking is stopped by the Grand Goddess who yells out above the noise of the crowd.

"Humans! Now! Close your eyes and stare into your souls." [Grand Goddess Mariella]

Given this command, everyone hangs their heads and closes their eyes. While I do the same as everyone else, I'm stuck in how to actually "stare into my soul." I try picturing my mind going blank like in all of the yoga movies that my mom watches religiously, but that doesn't help either. It isn't until I feel a scaly tail wrap itself around my neck that I feel something appear in my mind. Like a dark doorway being revealed in a bright room, I'm hesitant in stepping into the blackness. That is until I feel a small paw forcefully guide me into the room.

On the other side of the doorway is a small dark room with what looks like a large flat screen display ahead of me.

"Must you take so long to enter? I haven't the inkling to spend unnecessary amounts of time with you." [???]

A guttural voice appears behind me which makes me panic. I twist my head and take a look around the room, but I can't seem to see who made that sound.

"Um, hello? Is someone here?" [Laura]

"Are you as blind as you are slow? In that case, you'll be making my job that much harder." [???]

Giving a bothered sigh, a light spark in the middle of the room and a shape materializes. Levitating in the air is the blue dragon that landed on my shoulder earlier. However, her air of majesty that surrounded her earlier has exploded in radiance.

"I remain, Boraksaghegirak, the ruler of the sands." [Boraksaghegirak]

The tone and inflection in the dragons voice made me immediately think of the emperors when he gave the summer festival speech. Before I even realized it, I was kneeling before the dragon.

"Hoh? I was not aware that a human such as yourself would know of my reign. The last couple humans saw me as inferior due to this form to which I've been subjected. Unlike them, you show promise." [Boraksaghegirak]

{I don't know why I kneeled before this small dragon, but from the aura around it and the way it carries itself, there is no way it is not powerful. I don't want to offend it in any way otherwise I feel like it would kill me. And I though being in the same class as Sir Shin was bad…}

"Thank you, Your Grace. I am not aware of your reign or of the position you hold, however your appearance cannot belie your aura of majesty." [Laura]

"Hmm…" [Boraksaghegirak]

{Oh know, was I rude? I don't' know how to be proper with royalty much less gods and dragons… WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME…. Please just don't eat me. I better apologize even if I don't know what I did wrong.}

"I apologize for any rudeness I just committed. I meant no insolence." [Laura]

"Ahh, no I did not think you were rude, in fact, I thought that you would do wonderfully." [Boraksaghegirak]

{SO, I AM A MEAL!?!?}

"You see, before I was picked up by that high maintenance and catty hag a decade ago, I gave birth to my first son who has incredible potential. While the desert tribes offer their finest to please me, I've been looking to find someone outside of our reaches for him. You immediately recognized my greatness In this form, you have some wit to you so you should be his mate. Congratulations, this post is the most enviable in all of my territory. You are lucky that I would award you such a prestigious position." [Boraksaghegirak]

{Oh…Maybe I was too nice to her. …I'm not too thrilled to become a dragon's wife, but at least I'm not a meal. How would that even work… no, what am I even thinking about? I need to find a way to refuse her politely otherwise I'll be eaten!! Wait! I got it!}

"Pardon my rudeness, Your Grace, but…" [Laura]

"You are permitted to refer to me as Queen Boraksaghegirak." [Queen Boraksaghegirak]

"As I was saying, Your Majesty, Queen…" [Laura]

"No, perhaps it is too formal for my daughter-in-law. You may refer to me as Lady Borak. That should be much better in showing our closeness."[Lady Borak]

"What I was trying to say, Lady Borak, is that I was brought here by Grand Goddess Mariella and thus I am unsure if I am allowed to accept such an esteemed offer." [Laura]

"Tsk. That damned Goddess. You're right that I am unable to interfere in her plans." [Lady Borak]

"What a shame, then…" [Laura]

"However, I will ask her for your freedom after your role is finished as a reward for my service, so you needn't worry about those issues." [Lady Borak]

{IT'S NO USE!! I don't want to be sold off like some sort of mail order bride. I can't tell her that though otherwise she'll roast me alive. Oh, maybe if I distract her, she'll forget all about this.}

"If I may, Lady Borak, could I ask you in guiding me in my Titles that the Grand Goddess mentioned. I seem to be having difficulty in seeing them." [Laura]

"Ah, you are correct. While I despise work, it is better done earlier so no problems arise later down the line. Now then, shall we take a look dear daughter-in-law." [Lady Borak]

{I give up… All I can do is hope that the Grand Goddess says no.}

"What?! What is this?" [Lady Borak]

Words of surprise leave Lady Borak and reach my ears as she inspects the display in the rear of the room. Not having any idea of what Titles are, I'm not sure whether to be happy or wary of her tone. Leaning more towards the latter, I ask her,

"What seems to be the matter?" [Laura]

"No nothing, do not mind my remark. I was simply surprised by your Titles…you aren't a Sleeper, are you?" [Lady Borak]

"I'm sorry, a Sleeper?" [Laura]

"No, forgive me. You don't fit the criteria. Here, simply focus on the display and your Titles should reveal themselves." [Lady Borak]

Although I am a little confused at her behaviour, the curiosity of my "Titles" has peaked so I place her reaction to the back of my mind and focus on the display. Within a couple of seconds, I can see the entirety of my Spirit Plate:


Name: :Laura Silva

Race: Human

Level: 1



First Title: Assassin


-> Obscure Lv. 1

-> Alchemy Lv. 1

-> Covert Lv. 1

-> Scope Lv. 1

-> Exposure Lv. 1

-> *Blocked*

Second Title: Mistress of the Night


-> Entrancement Lv. 1

-> Empress Lv. 1

-> Authority Lv. 1

-> *Blocked*

Third Title: Skirmisher


-> Litheness Lv. 1

-> Hardy Lv. 1


Fourth Title: Politician


-> Commander Lv. 1

-> Figurehead Lv. 1

-> Correspondence Lv. 1

Divine Protection: High Goddess Achlys


After looking over my Titles, I blink then look up.

{Hmm… I must be really tired. However, I didn't realize it was to the extent that I would be seeing things.}

Just to double check, I look down at my spirit plate and I am met with the same Titles.

"WAIT! What?!" [Laura]

{Why am I an Assassin and a Politician?! What kind of joke is that?}

While I try to wrap my mind around my Titles, Lady Borak seems to be offering me a sympathetic gaze from beside my Spirit Plate.

"I was also surprised by your Titles, in fact, I have never heard of your second Title." [Lady Borak]

{Looking at the Skills and the name of the Title, the only person responsible for that would have to be my mother. Actually, I don't even want to think about that now.}

"You have 1 Top Title, 1 Upper Title and 1 Middle Title. That other one I am not sure of as I have not seen it." [Lady Borak]

"Top Title? There are rankings for Titles, Lady Borak?" [Laura]

"Correct. Titles are separated by estimated dan… or rather estimated usefulness to your cause. Top Title are rare, but they enable entities to have more power and energy than those who do not posses a Top Title." [Lady Borak]

{So, they are stronger than the others and I have one of them.}

"Lady Borak, if I may, which Title of mine is the Top Title?" [Laura]

"I'm afraid that would be the Assassin Title. While Hero, Savior, Star Paladin and Valkyrie are some of the most common and widespread of Top Titles, yours is also considered on their level. You are quite fortunate, as your life will be in less danger. Your skills will also be useful for our clan as well." [Lady Borak]

"I-I see. I am quite fortunate then." [Laura]

"Although you were not my first choice, I'm glad that I discovered such a useful human as you." [Lady Borak]

{Wait! I wasn't her first choice…? Who the hell is responsible for pushing her onto me then?!}

"I apologize for my rudeness, Lady Borak, but what did you mean when you stated that I wasn't your first choice?" [Laura]

"Ah! Originally, I was aiming for the human male standing beside you. Although he is not as attractive as my escorts, I felt something strange from him, so I wanted to investigate. If it weren't for that white whore, I would have been with him at the moment." [Lady Borak]

{So, this is all that white spider's fault. I even thought you were cute but then you push Lady Borak onto me…not fair. I'll pay you back for all of this stress.}

Lady Borak's voice pulls me back from my mind which began concocting revenge strategies.

"Well then, we seem to no longer need to discuss things any further. I shall exit first. Do not worry about the complications of the engagement, I should be able to convince Lady Mariella of the benefits. I look forward to your contribution in our family." [Lady Borak]

"Then I bid you farewell, Lady Borak and wish you well." [Laura]

Bowing to her again, I wait for her presence to disappear before looking back up. I Inspect the room from top to bottom to see if she is still lurking about.

Now sure that she is no longer here, my legs give out and I slide down the wall. Completely given up, I mutter to myself,

"I knew that something was wrong this morning" [Laura]

Hello Everyone,

Here is the 2nd short story I said I was going to release this week in celibration of reaching 10k views. Hope you enjoy, because I had fun writign this one.

Oh, I also changed some aspects of Chapter 10 and 12 to fit with the side story. They are only minor changes but you should check them if you recently read those parts or care enough to.

While I had fun writing these side stories, it took a hit on the writing of the actual story and I only have 3 chapters as backup. I'll need to write 5 chapters this week to get back on schedule so I'll be busy as h***.

Hope you had a good week and have a good weekend!

Your Exhausted Author,

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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