
Chapter 545

I do not know if it is just me but life is always a rollercoaster. When I think I have seen it all, I hear new stories that shake me to the core and make it seem like what I have experienced is less than theirs. I mean, I am still alive and breathing, so should I not be grateful for that at least?, maybe it is time to ignore all the rough edges that I experience on a daily. We give a lot of precedence to the evils rather than the little good that come to us, they may be little in contrast to the bad but at least it is there.

I remember being angry that the elder brought me to a strange land when I should have considered that if he had left me there in my collapsed state, I probably would have been stomped to death or someone else who is an enemy would have taken me, just imagine I am in the clutches of Donua right now. I can not begin to imagine how my life would be like. Although I went through some rough patches, I am quite happy to see Juna and the face of the elder constantly,

" Do you think the curse is following me?" I turned to look at him, because I am not aware of the curse he is speaking of but I am sure that what he wants to hear right now is a form of reassurance,

" I am sure it is not, if you think a curse is after you, what would you say about me?" Although I was saying this jokingly to lighten the mood, I actually meant it,

" Mother is dead and I am meant to be dead too, but the elder signed his life in exchange for mine if I ever go astray, that is why I am always grateful to him",

" Like he would receive whatever punishment that is meant to be given to you?, Including death?"

" Yes and that is the reason I am before you or I would have died a long time ago"

The character of the elder keeps contrasting. Sometimes, he is this strict, disciplined and quite ruthless person, well not quite but overly ruthless, while sometimes he act contrary to the image he projects and become kind,

" I will forever be subservient to his family as a result of his deed, which is why I always rush to defend him sometimes. I noticed you were angry when I did so earlier, I hope this would help you understand better "

I can only smile in response, I would feel the same way too to people I am attached to, respect and hold in extremely high regard. I hope I would be of so much importance to someone else someday and they would be willing to stand by me and also defend me through thick and thin. It is feeling that is worth experiencing and I definitely long to do so