
Chapter 544

When I finally unraveled it, I was in shock. I stared at him with my mouth open, who would have guessed such?. There was no way I could take back my reaction, if not I would have done so because now, he would know that I am aware of what went down In their family. He nodded his head in response to my unanswered question, confirming what I really know but was afraid to say out loud. I now felt bad for my earlier comment, and since it was out already and had done the intended effect, saying sorry would not change anything,

" She had a child before she died?" The Elder's mother did not say anything about it, I had thought that her bloodline ended there after she killed her but it is obvious that it was not so, seeing as Juna was sitting beside me right now,

" She did. She was also pregnant with her second child but did not inform her sister due to the fued between them" I thought of how her sister must have felt when she found out, she did not just kill her sister but an unborn child as well. That is basically killing two people at once,

" Do you hate the Elder's mother?" I genuinely wanted to know how he is able to stand close to her, with all these information and do not feel the need to retaliate,

" I really do not know. She was the one that told me the story at first, probably because she wanted me to hate her. I was not born then, so I do not feel attached to the situation but even as a by stander watching from the sidelines, I knew they both had to do what they had to do"

I still cannot believe that I called him childish few moments ago because hearing him speak now shows that he is anything but that. Even from the way he was telling the story, he was telling it like an onlooker. I only hope that he would be able to come to terms with it once and for all,

" Where is your mother?. Does she stay in the clan?" I really wanted to meet her, if it was possible before I leave here,

He just shook his head at me and looked down. I knew then without been told that there was some painful memories attached to her name, or did she abandon him?

" The loser and her immediate family all had to pay a price, that has always been the rule."

Despite how curious I was, I was scared to ask him what was the price that his mother paid and how come he is still here,

" She was taken down the untouched route, which was the path that the Elder's son Walked down. I guess it was a step up from being banished and forbidden to enter into the clan"

I wonder how he knew all these or did he experience it alongside his mother?