
Chapter 243

I heard the rip as he tore the dress into two from the neckline, I was immediately harassed by the cold air, it sent shivers through me, my first instinct was to cover up but in trying to do so, I was brought into the reality that my hands were also held behind me.  His hands ran across my chest, the globes of my breast, but I could not do anything but lie there and take it. Shivers of disgust ran through me, I felt dirty the more his hands roamed round. I thought I had ran out of tears, I myself was tired of crying, but from nowhere I was still able to muster tears that were running down my eyes. I tried to squeeze my eyes shut and try to think of happy memories, something that would make me avoid my realities. A happy place I could just live in, in my head till he is done, but I could not. I could not turn off my sensory nerve, anything I think I am close to succeeding, I would feel the tip of his fingers running across my areola. I was ashamed to admit it but they pebbled in response, I was very sure that it was not as a result of the chilly air,

He trailed his hands further down till he got to my belly button, he circled it for a while, I clenched my stomach muscles and tried to draw further away from his hands but that was impossible because I was pinned beneath him, in my mind I started calling out to any deity that could see what was happening to come save me, I made impossible promises to whoever would rescue me, one that I knew that I would never be able to fulfill but anything that would help me get out of this situation. He brought his hands back to my face and gripped my chin, then he leaned forward towards my face, I kept moving my head backwards as further as I could because there was no way that I was going to allow him place his lips on mine, it was one thing to violate my body like he had done already and another to let him kiss me and there was no way I was going to allow him be my first kiss. When he noticed that I was not being receptive and welcoming to his advances, he only smiled in a weird way,

He shifted his goal from my lips and started to run his nose across my cheeks, to my ears and continued to sniff at my hair. From there he went further down to my chest, his behavior now made me remember the first time I met him, this was a repetition of his previous actions but was more disgusting than it was at first. I would never have believed that he was capable of such arts. When he finally tore of the gown, I gave up hope of anyone coming to save me