
My Overpowered Chaotic Hero System

now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your reading pleasure. now on Royalread for your viewing pleasure. " I wonder how it feels to be strong", Miles a weak 18 years old boy from the village of liegae in the kingdom of brinshelm have always had the dream of being an adventurer and exploring the world but all that is a pipe dream because he is so weak even to the standards of those younger then him he is even given the name wick bones because he was so wick . But all that changes when in a forest he is suddenly confronted by a boar who almost killed him,But before he dies all movement seems to slow down even the leafs of the tree moving to the rhythm of the wind comes to a complete halt,He suddenly hears a voice who gives him the mysterious and overpowered abilities of a hero. All of a sudden miles suddenly possess unimaginable powers,He then takes a step to venture out of his village into the unknown.

Afro_Grooves · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 19 Back from the quest

Lilly woke up staring at the ceiling three hours after the healer treated her , She was confused because she did not know what happened to her or how she got here , then she remembered waiting for Miles to come back and then the hobgoblin who found her and she began to panic.

'Ohh no am in the goblin settlement what are they going to do with me , are they going to rape me , are they going to defile me.' Lilly couldn't help but think as she tried to stand up.

" You are finally awake , for a moment there I was worried" , she heard a familiar voice coming from the door.

She turned around to see the familiar face staring back at her .

"Miles what happened", Lilly asked.

"You got captured by a hobgoblin in armour but don't worry I made sure nothing happened to you , and then i carried you here", Miles replied.

Lilly couldn't help but blush picturing Miles carrying her all the way from the settlement to the village

"The goblin settlement what happened to it".

"I killed every goblin inside ", Miles replied.

Yerail barged in with a smile on his face , within three hours and he is already a changed man he was wearing a ceremonial yellow long robe which covered his body from his shoulder to his foot and all the way to his wrist , and was smiling so much it felt as if he was glowing .

"Adventurers my people and I thank you for saving us from the treat of the goblins , we can't thank you enough and there is nothing which our village can give you except our heart , if you are ever in need of any help we will be happy to provide help for you , from now on you are important guests of our village" , the village chief said before leaving the inn .

When Lilly was able to move properly Miles decided it was time to leave and head back to Merveran , Miles left the village while the villagers showered them with praise and thanks , when Miles was finally out of sight from the village he held Lilly's hand and used void jump appearing outside the guild hall.

Lilly was shocked and amazed at the same time they where in the Dineage a second ago now she found her self in front of the guild hall , it took them at least 7 hours to reach the Dineage but it only took them a second to get back.

Miles noticing the look on her face and decided to ask if something was wrong.

" Are you okay Lilly" , Miles asked .

"yes I was just surprised for a second".

Inside the guild hall Mabel was in her desk as usual , she was taking care of some paper work when Miles met her.

"Good day Mabel am done with my quest" , Miles said.

Mabel was surprised ,it would have taken a team of B ranks adventurers two days to perform the task but it hasn't even been up to a day and he is already done.

" Congratulations on completing your first quest" , Mabel said.

"This is your pay" , Mabel said handing him a pouch which ten pieces of gold coin where in.

"Hand me your adventures batch ", Mabel said.

Miles gave her the batch and she imprinted a series of code on it and added 100 power points to is batch.

"Keep up the good work" , Mabel said and gave Miles back his batch.

Miles left the guild hall and Mabel went to the third floor where the guild leader was busy attending to her paper work.

Immediately Mabel opened the door she was flooded by an oppressive aura but she was already accustomed to it .

" Mam Miles has already returned from his first quest" , Mabel said.

" He sure finished the job quick for a B rank ,Keep me updated on what he does", She said.

Meanwhile Miles was so happy ,he was holding more money than he had seen in his entire live.

"So what do you want to use the money to do" ,Lilly asked.

"I don't know what do you think I can get "? Miles asked.

" Well you really need some armour then you can buy some spell books they are pretty expensive though the better the spell book the more expensive or you can get some potion", Lilly said.

"Okay well I guess I will go for armour first", Miles replied.

Lilly took him to a blacksmith shop , when they walked in they saw different types of equipment and jewelry , the owner of the shop was a big fat man that had the shape of an egg with a bald head and a tan body which was because of him working in the forge for a long time.

" Broth how is your day going" , Lilly asked.

"Well you know the usual stressful, well anyways do you want to buy a jewel or do you want to get something for the gentle man ", Broth asked.

"Yes he would like to get some armour" , Lilly said.

"What do you have your eyes on young man" ? Broth asked.

"Well I would like something sturdy to withstand brute force and also flexible" .

"Well in that case I have something just for you".

Broth showed him a complete armour set it was deep red in colour with a dragon drawn in its chest area it was designed to cover all the part of his body even his fingers and toes and it had a helmet making him look like a knight, Miles Assessed it just to be sure.

Wyvern's armour

Rank = A

Defence = 167%

Agility = 6, 550

Special effect = immune to fire attack B rank downwards.

Nice so how much is it ,Miles asked.

"Well since Lilly brought you here how about 60 gold piece" , Broth said .

"Don't you have any thing cheaper" ,Miles asked .

Broth brought out a full set armour piece but this time it was black it looked like something an assassin would wear with a helmet that covered most of his face except his eyes , wearing the armour Miles looked like he was part of a secret cult.

Shadow armour.

Rank = B

Defence = 35%

Agility = 1000

"for You it is yours for 5 gold coin" , Broth said.

Paying the money Miles felt like a part of him

just left him .


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