
My Overlord Demon System


Ruby_banks02 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The Deal

"Max, I feel that miss Becky is up to something, how can she task us with the mission of helping her catch demons? Worst of it all is that she's fully aware that we both are demons," Zheren turns to take a glance at Max as he spoke, only to discover that he wasn't listening to him. "Yo. . ." He paused, not knowing what to say to him.

It has been close to an hour since miss Becky sent them back to school after having a word with them and unlike Zheren who had been showing his displeasure by talking nonstop, Max was surprisingly calm and unfazed. It was as if none of miss Becky's words was a threat to him.

"What?" Max inquires, seeing the way his friend was staring at him.

"What? How can you be so calm? Didn't you hear what miss Becky said?" Zheren asked with a frown on his face.

"I did hear her but what do you expect me to do? I can't fight her, I'm not even strong enough. Do you think that I like the idea of helping her capture demons? No, I don't but I've got no idea of what to do," Max replies with a sigh. He looked confused and frustrated at the moment, if it were before when he was just a normal kid, he would have agreed without hesitation but now that he was becoming a demon — A soon to be demon lord, he could not bring himself to do what she wanted. 'I can't do what she wants! Killing those demons will make me disqualified from becoming the demon lord. Tsk! with my current strength, I'm more like a mere human and here I am dreaming of becoming a demon lord!'

"Max! Hey!" Zheren called twice drawing Max out of his thoughts. "I think we should do as she said but the only problem is how to identify the demons," Zheren is aware of Max's fears and worries but at the same time, worried about their own lives. According to miss Becky, if they aren't able to capture demons for her, she will have to make their identities known to the public. Whatever happens to them wouldn't be her concern. Zheren glanced at his friend and then sighed inwardly, Max. . . not just Max but him as well, both still have a long way to go. They were nowhere close to becoming powerful yet. To him, the only way to avoid being caught up in a mess was to do as she said.

"I won't do as she says," Max voices out to the surprise of his friend.


"You heard me right, if she's got a problem with demons, she should go face her family and settle with them. She, been here is also dangerous for her because she's also one and I believe she won't do anything stupid because she will also be endangering herself," Max explained to Zheren to the best of his understanding.

He could be dumb but not to the extent of not being able to distinguish between what is right and wrong. Judging from what Lizzy has said about miss Becky, there is every possibility that other demons want her dead too and because of that, she wants an additional hand. . . Which is them — Max and Zheren. She could not ask for help from her sister Lizzy because of the bad relationship she has with her, the only way was for her to approach the two boys who knew nothing about the system.

"So you are saying?"

"We act like we know nothing about what she told us earlier, she won't do anything stupid, not when she is also hiding from other demons who want her dead," Max replied and then stood up from the bench where they have been sitting down for long. He was expecting Zheren to stand as well but instead, he remained seated, Max then turned to look at him only to see the unsettled look on his face. He chuckled lightly and shook his head, who would not be worried about such a thing? He was worried as well but that wasn't enough reason to make him look like the way Zheren is. "Don't worry, as long as I am here, you have nothing to worry about!" He said while patting his chest.

Zheren glanced at Max, how calm and unfazed he was and he could not help but hope for the day when this friend of his will learn to take things seriously. He let out an inaudible sigh and stood up. "I want to sleep," he said to Max and began to walk towards their dorm. Max seeing his behaviour, grinned and followed behind. No one said a word to each other until they reached their dorm. Zheren was the first to reach the door and just as he was about to open it, he found out that the knob had been tampered with, in fact, it was on the verge of falling off.

"Why did you stop?" Max asked as he saw how reluctant Zheren was to go in.

"Someone is inside the room!"

Not wanting to believe what Zheren said, Max shoved him aside and walked to the door only to discover that what Zheren said was true.

"Should we go in?" Zheren asked and Max nodded and went to push open the door. Upon entering inside, they were met with a scattered room.

"What!" Max yelled as his face turned red with anger, he looked around the room and everything was turned upside down. His clothes were scattered across the room and the little things he has been all on the floor.

"Who would have done this?" Zheren asked looking confused, he walked around the room and began to pick some things up. Seeing how the room was, it was obvious that the person was searching for something and unfortunately for him/her, they didn't see what they were looking for. "Hey Max, did you become so rich that I did not know?" He asked and chuckled, not receiving any response from Max, he continued. "When did you become rich that your room got broken into and turned upside down? Well, it's quite unfortunate that they didn't seem to find what they were looking for."

"What could the person be looking for?" Max mumbled to himself with a look of frustration on his face. He was not rich, he couldn't even be classified as a poor student because he was worst than that, if this was the case, why would someone break into his room?!


Max who was lost in thought didn't know that he was being called until when the person called his name again from behind, he came back to his senses and turned around to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?"

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