
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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209 Chs

Chapter 155

Watching Kelly do business with her female employees is so pleasing. I took another bite of cake and watched as a female from her administrator department made a report to her using the monitor.

"Okay, I've seen enough, I need results not recommendations…" Kelly requested in a strict tone of voice.

After the meeting we went to Kelly's office where I took a seat in her chair.

"The bank called today saying 13,000 euros was withdrawn from your account," Kelly reported.

"I know, I went a little overboard with the shopping, sorry." I apologised.

"Overboard? Underboard is more like it," Kelly responded.


I looked at Kelly with confusion.

"You have spent a little over a 100,000k since you got back," Kelly spoke.

"Well, I know, it's not like there is anything I would like to buy. A car, I'm too young to drive, A house it's pointless, a boat is useless since I can swim, a plane is useless since I can fly and besides how much do you spend? " I wondered.

"Madam President spends over a million pounds a month," Diane responded.

I choked

Hell! What the hell Kelly spent that money on? she's already beautiful so I'm sure she doesn't need cosmetic.

"Enough about that, I have something important to discuss,"

I said and then snapped my finger, the curtain closed and the door locked shut.

I held up my hand and a small hole in space appeared and out of that hole a sword slowly came out.

"That sword…I can't be.." Kelly shuddered in astonishment.

"This sword is the one I bestow on Ivy," I explained.

"How did you find it?"

"Pure coincidence, It was in an old antique shop, with this maybe it can lead me to the truth."

I clad the sword in my aura and clench my fist and all the remaining energy inside the sword was compressed into a tiny drop of blood. As everyone watched my work, the blood dripped from the tip of the sword to the tip of my index finger and I smeared the droplet of blood on my lip. Soon I started to see a lot of memories flashing before my eyes. Ivy was separated from Silvia and after she was injured and lost, everything was blank afterwards.

"I know where to look!" I exclaimed.

"Mistress, I would like to go and look, please give me the order," Kelly requested as she genuflected before me. "I want to make up for my failure that day even for a little So please."

Seeing her look of seriousness I guess the guild still lingers within her heart.

"Okay, I'll allow you to go and if any problems arise, I give you full permission to use force," I ordered.

She took my hand and kissed it.

"I hear and obey."

And so Kelly left immediately, Leaving Diane in charge of the company while she's away.


Diane dropped Kelly off at the airport.

"Madam President, are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

"Don't worry Diane, Just take care of my mistress before until I return "

"Don't worry, just leave everything to me," Diane reassured.

Kelly got out of the car.

Black and gold is the signature colour of the Valentine Family so Kelly wore black working outfit with a gold belt, black stockings, gold high heels and a black and gold jacket.

After watching Diane drive away Kelly removed her sunglasses and placed it on her head then walked into the airport. People turned to her and stared at her as she walked past them. That Porcelain white skin, her long white silky hair, her beauty mark beside her soft lips, Her red eyes and that curvaceous body. Kelly is the ideal woman of every man's dream and every wifes' enemy but they are unaware that what walks before them is a living Vampire.


Later that night I watched TV in my room and then the news came on. Leeshanel and her friend were caught by the police, underage partying and drinking will be her charges. I must say I'm surprised. If I had stayed I would have been caught.

I turned off the TV and looked at the twins.

"Why don't you girls go to bed?"

"Understood" They obeyed and left in unison

As Debra was about to leave I grabbed her hand.

"Why don't you stay with me,"

I suggested with a seductive smile. She nodded with a smile and sat down beside me, she turned her back to me and shifted her hair.

"Good girl,"

I embraced her from behind by her waist and bit her neck.

After 1 minutes of drinking I licked my lip and then heal the wound on Debra's neck.

"The blood of a virgin is delicious as always."

I stood up and turned to walk away when Debra grabbed my hand. I turned to her and she looked down and she was shy and very nervous.

"I want to talk to you, it's about me becoming a Vampire," she infomed.

She's still thinking about that.

I sat beside her again. "Why do you want to become a vampire?" I questioned.

Debra was silent for a while before she replied. "...It's nothing."

"Debra, you need to speak up, I can't keep waiting for you."

She fell silent.

"Is it immortality?" I queried.


"Is it for power?"


"Then what is it."

She fell silent again.

" If you don't tell me I can't help you "

Suddenly she threw me down on the sofa and got on top of me. I must say this is unexpected and bold even for her. I can feel her grip on my arms getting tighter and she looked at me with upset eyes.

"I just want to be of use to you. You always help me. You gave me a home, a warm meal, comfy bed, you gave me a new life, I don't know how to repay you, with my body, I'll do anything you want," she sobbed. "I just want to be with you forever."

I must say I'm touched that she finally spoke her mind, I touched her cheek and smiled.

"Foolish Girl, You already belong to me, I'll never let you go, never."

Hearing those words from me, she got even more bolder by kissing me, it even caught me off guard. She suddenly realised what she had done and ran off shyly covering her face.

"I'm sorry!"


She slapped the door on her way out.

I smiled as I touched my lips. "How bold of her Fufufufu," I chuckled seductively.


After booking a first class ticket, Kelly boards the plane.

"Gorgeous, why don't you sit with me, there's a vacant seat here?"

"Sit with me."

"Mines empty.

Guys were in the plane beckoning Kelly to sit with them. A flight attendant approached Kelly.

"Miss Kelly Valentine."


"Please accompany me to the VIP section."

And so Kelly followed the woman to the VIP area of the plane. She took a seat near the window on the left side of the plane and looked at her phone.

"I wonder what the mistress is doing.. I should call her?" Kelly mumbled to herself.

There was a selfie of Roselina set as Kelly's wallpaper. Kelly smiled at the cute photo and looked at the time.

"No she's probably sleeping, knowing her but maybe I should call home to find out.. No, why am I worried so much."

Kelly held her head and then closed her eyes to doze off.

She started to have a dream and it was a happy one were Kelly, Ivy Silvia, Roselina and the others lived in the manor happily.Kelly smiled as she watch Roselina eating a cake and she wipe the cake off Roselina's mouth.

"Mistress your face is covered in frosting" Kelly said with a smile and chuckled happily.

Roselina's expression darkened as she looked down. "Why did you leave her?" she asked in a hostile voice.


Hearing roselina angry tone Kelly open her eyes to see roselina's angry face. The atmosphere changed to a rainy night and Kelly's subordinate was missing. Roselina was holding Silvia's eyepatch her hand and she clenched it with anger.

Roselina glared at her murderously. "If you hadn't left Silvia's side then none of this would have happened, I trusted you to take care of her," she exclaimed in a harried tone of voice.

"Mistress, I'm sorry for my failure."

Kelly shuddered, shrunk back and fall on her knees in despair, she look in roselina's eyes that a deep murderous intent

"They will pay, They will Paaaaaaayyyy."

Roselina got even more angry.

"Please mistress, you need to calm down!" Kelly begged.

Roselina removed her choker and exerted her full strength, A pillar of dark crimson energy spread out and swallowed the entire city of London. The world became a post-apocalyptic world in an instant where the sky was red, the sea was made of blood, humans were extinct and only rosalina's blood wolves roamed the land. Kelly looked out at the destruction in terror and with a pained expression on her face she looked down.

"This is all my fault, if I had protected Silvia by the mistress' order, then none of this would have happened, I couldn't keep the mistress' wrath under control."

>>Your right, it's all your faults<<

Kelly turned around to the echoing voice behind her and there Roselina was sitting upon a throne in her Primordial form. Rosalina's long white hair splayed and wafted in her aura, her crimson eyes were cold and empty. On her hear were two large red horns, red lip, red long fingernail and on her back two dark crimson wings. Her fully grown, voluptuous body, with large bust, thin waist, wide hips, thick legs and round rump was garbed in a red catsuit with golden patterns. Her outfit was so tight her breast looked as of they were about to pop out at any second and you could see outline of her naval and crotch. The throne she sat on were made of human bones, beneath it were a pile of human skulls that poured blood from their eyes like a fountain.On roselina's left was Fenrir the blood Wolf Queen and on her right was the Blood Reaper Scythe Veelzebub.

>>All this destruction is all your fault and because of you master as reverted to her old self<< Said Veelzebub

Kelly look at roselina's emotionless expression and she sat with her legs crossed.

"Mistress, I have failed you, I deserve a fitting punishment," she pleaded as she was on her hands and knees with her head down. She started to cry tears in shame and for her incompetence.

Roselina stood up and hold veelzebub.

>>You death will be swift and painless<< Said Veelzebub.

" One request, Just let me hear your voice, one more time "

Kelly ask.

>> It's to late, the real Roselina is gone and she will never return again <<

Hearing that Kelly fall into even more despair.

At that moment Roselina raised her hand and summoned crimson lightning down from the heaven that struck Kelly.

At that moment Kelly woke up from her nightmare by the sound of a thunder. She looked out the window as the rain was falling. A hand reached out to her and in this hand handkerchief.

"That must have been one helluva nightmare for such a beautiful woman like you to cry."

It was a man standing over her with a smiling face.

Kelly touched her face and felt tears from her eyes. She realised that this was the second time she had cried, the 4rh time she cried in 600 years, first when Roselina vanished, when Silvia and Ivy vanished, When Roselina returned and now.That dream was representation of her greatest fear, the fear of the world coming to an end, the fear of her mistress wrath and the fear of her mistress abandoning her again.

"Here," the guy offered an handkerchief as he smiled at Kelly.

"I refuse."

Kelly got up and went to the bathroom, she splash water on her face.

'Maybe I should call my mistress and check up on her.'

She took out her phone and as she was about dial Roselina's number she stopped at the last digit

'Maybe that's not a good idea.'

Kelly walk out of the bathroom and return to her seat.


The waiter appears with a bottle in his hand and Kelly accept the wine as he pour her a glass of champagne.

"A woman and a man must never drink alone."

The pilot walked up to Kelly with a smile. He had blond hair and a well build body.

"Jack Robinson, I'm the Pilot of this Airline." he introduced himself and hold out his hand.

'My God, this woman has the perfect body, I can't let her slip by me, I must get her at any cost,'/Jack thought to himself as he secretly glared at her body

"Kelly, Kelly Valentine," she responded.

"Kelly, what a lovely name? May I sit with you?" Jack asked politely but Kelly kindly refused him.

She shift the hair from her right ear and continue to drink her wine.

'This woman, is playing hard to get, no matter, I have a solution to deal with her,'

Jack started to talk to Kelly for 10 minutes and during that time Kelly hasn't replied to him even once.

"Do me a favour and please leave, You're not my type," Kelly demanded nonchalantly.

Jack got angry.

"What? I should have you know there are many women who're interested in me," he exclaimed.

"And you think I'll be one of those girls, You're sorely mistaken," Kelly shrugged.

Jack got angry at kelly when he receive a punch to the face by the same guy who offered Kelly his handkerchief earlier.

"Didn't she ask you to leave earlier."

"Bastard, Do you have any idea of who I am?"

" Filthy scum, that's what you are."

"You asshole."

Jack pulled out a gun and pointed it at the man.


Jack fired a bullet.